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Pas de pub non magique pour les membres du Cercle VM. Clique ici pour en savoir plus !
munky a dit :
Bravo! :)

Et celle de Berglas, tu nous la montres quand?!

It was fascinating to read your long and detailed manuscript of your ACAAN. I can see how much work and effort you have put into this and admire the amount of time you must have spent in working on it.

It is really difficult for me to critique your method and presentation of this routine, as it is removed from the kind of work I have been
presenting for nearly 60 years.  In a way, I don't feel qualified to
comment, as using more than one pack to achieve the end result could never be justified in any of my effects.

Nevertheless, I am sure that there are many card enthusiasts who will
absolutely love your extensive thinking and follow every step of the way
very carefully.

With best wishes,

David Berglas

Modifié par friboudi
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Dorian's ACAAN is a fun fast paced mentalism routine that is sure to blow your participant's mind. It stays very close to the original guidelines and is practical. Absorb, practice and destroy! Great ! [Peter Tuner]

It was fascinating to read your long and detailed manuscript of your ACAAN. I can see how much work and effort you have put into this and admire the amount of time you must have spent in working on it. Many people will absolutely love your extensive thinking and follow everything very carefully.

With best wishes,

David Berglas


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Dorian's ACAAN is a fun fast paced mentalism routine that is sure to blow your participant's mind. It stays very close to the original guidelines and is practical. Absorb, practice and destroy! Great ! [Peter Tuner]

It was fascinating to read your long and detailed manuscript of your ACAAN. I can see how much work and effort you have put into this and admire the amount of time you must have spent in working on it. Many people will absolutely love your extensive thinking and follow everything very carefully.

With best wishes,

David Berglas

Maintenant, tu peux clamser mdr !

(Evidemment non, tu me dois une bière. Ah, tu t'en souvenais pas mdr;) ?)

Modifié par Woody
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