Merci Friboudi !
Comme tu dis, il a l'air tellement clean qu'on se demande où est l'embrouille.
A priori je dirais qu'il est obligé de s'approcher de la prédiction à un moment donné et que la video n'est pas en conditions réelles. Mais la description détaillée dit que non et que ça peut même se faire à distance, assis dans le public (ce qui serait assez reposant!) (source) :
From the mind of Shin Lim comes an extremely clean and deceptive piece of mentalism.
Present both a deck of cards and a prediction. You never touch either during the performance. As a matter of fact, you can be sitting in the audience while the spectator is on stage. Ask the spectator to think of a number between 1 and 52. Once a number has been chosen, instruct the spectator to pick up the deck, and deal down to that number. You then instruct her to lift up the prediction, which has been on the table in full view the entire time. The card and prediction match! Every time!
Key Points:
The magician does not touch the deck at any time.
The magician does not touch the prediction at any time.
No gimmicks.
No Rough and Smooth.
No sticky cards (this includes, glues, wax, roughing, anything)
No equivoque
No stooges
No switching
No electronics
No gimmicks
Instant Reset
Shot in HD, Shin teaches 3 variations of this effect.
Enfin de la vraie magie ? ou de l'arnaque ?