Effectivement, c'est une histoire de gamme j'imagine. C'est pareil dans d'autres domaines, où pour garder le prestige, on ne propose pas de produits déclassés ou d'entrée de gamme.
Card-shark par exemple vient de sortir des jeux Phoenix édition Covid19, qui bien que non imprimés par USPC, sont plus chers que leurs classiques !!!
"For the first time in the 12-year history of our Phoenix Deck, we were surprised by an extremely high demand for our standard decks and were completely sold out by the end of 2020. As our preferred playing card manufacturer USPC was also affected by Covid19, severe restrictions and delays have occurred. Therefore, we contacted our alternative playing card manufactury in Taiwan, as they were able to produce our Phoenix Standard decks quickly and reliably in the meantime.
However, we have decided to severely limit the Taiwanese run and produce it as a Covid19 edition. This limited edition of 300 sets contains 2 red and 2 blue Phoenix Decks with standard index. Unlike our other Phoenix decks, these have been die-cut from the faces, making them perfect for table faros.
At a fair price you get a real "Worker's Deck" with collector's value."