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Matrix de Will TSAI dans America Got Talent 2017

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"For all non magicians and magicians. Until you understand the story of Will Tsai and his company and how they stole other magicians ideas and say it's their, many of you will think negative (which is ALREADY expected) about this comparison video. So please read carefully and understand this.

I never said, "Will stole from me" - Read the title, it says, "Did" Will steal Xeon's homemade concept idea for the 2nd time??

AGAIN, this video is for comparison, I never said, Will stole from me, read the title, I said - "Did he? You decide" - This is a homemade concept idea I posted on my instagram.

I do not used a highly glorified gimmicked table. I used a homemade "gimmick" actually using my hands to make coins vanish and reappear. In Will's performance which does look amazing "visually" mainly by non-magicians but there is ABSOLUTELY no sleight of hand involved what so ever. It was only timing. Homemade compared to a gimmicked table and doing everything by hand is more complicated.

Understandable non-magicians will not understand what it means by concept. This "type of magic" has been around for years, many magicians know it and how to do it. My reference means, the concept of the vanishes and re-appearances, hand gestures etc. And not actually the "Snap" itself, the timing of the "Snap" and when it's done as how I have done to make my coin appear also... Too many similarities....Know the difference....

But TRUST me, there is absolutely NO jealousy what so ever. Hope he does well. But what I can say for sure... Will Tsai and his company did steal one of my ideas called "BASH", made almost an identical copy with very little differences and called it their own.

Will Tsai America's Got Talent 2017 - Did Will steal Xeon's homemade concept idea for the 2nd time??"

Xeon Steel aka Steve Choi

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Pas de pub non magique pour les membres du Cercle VM. Clique ici pour en savoir plus !

Il y a des plagieurs et des voleurs...c'est toute une différence ! Que tu copies quelqu'un parceque tu aimes ce qu'il fait....ça passe, mais  que tu lui piques sa place pour encaisser son fric et prendre sa notoriété, c'est quand même un peu léger...Oui le public ne fait pas la différence, mais le voleur mérite quand même d'être mis à l'index!

Créer est divin, copier est humain .

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Il y a quand même beaucoup de spéculation dans ce que dit Xeon, et personnellement, je n'achète pas son baratin. Aussi, pourquoi à la fin il nous demande notre avis alors qu'il désactive les commentaires YouTube ?

Enfin, ce qu'il dit ici "I do not used a highly glorified gimmicked table. I used a homemade "gimmick" actually using my hands to make coins vanish and reappear." me laisse penser que l'idée de Xeon et Will sont différents, car Xeon a affirmé que son idée n'implique pas une table gimmick. Même s'il s'agit de deux effets similaires, la méthode et le mécanisme sont différents.

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