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Le chat de Schrödinger

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il y a 19 minutes, JMB a dit :

En réalité, et comme magiciens vous devriez le savoir, le chat sera invisible dans une boite avec un miroir !

Mais cela complique évidemment encore plus l'analyse du problème de savoir s'il est vivant ou pas car on ne peut plus l'observer !

Es-ce qu'un mentaliste peut savoir si le chat est vivant ou mort sans ouvrir la boîte. 

Peut-il prévoir si le chat sera mort ou vivant AVANT même qu'on ne le mette dans la boîte. 

Est-ce que l'observation par télépathie peut réduire le paquet d'onde ? 

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il y a 5 minutes, Christian Girard a dit :

Es-ce qu'un mentaliste peut savoir si le chat est vivant ou mort sans ouvrir la boîte. 

Peut-il prévoir si le chat sera mort ou vivant AVANT même qu'on ne le mette dans la boîte. 

Est-ce que l'observation par télépathie peut réduire le paquet d'onde ? 

Pour ce qui est de chats, de boîtes et de avants, il y a peut-être des information a piocher du côté de la litière...

Je me souviens d'une marque de litière dont le slogan prétendait qu'elle absorbait les odeurs avant leur apparition...

Une litière quantique, quoi...

  • Haha 4

Un endroit où la main de l'homme n'a jamais mis le pied... (Alphonse Allais)

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L'artiste Elizabeth Fuller à réalisé deux experiences autour du chat de Schrodinger.

SCHRODINGER (moyennement cool pour le chat) et SCHRODINGER II.



Posted on April 23, 2013

The Parabox

Schrödinger is an exercise in frustration: the closer you approach the piece, the more difficult it is to see the subject. A box of one way mirrors encompasses a lit cat. Yet, as the observer approaches the cat, the lights lower. With lessening light, the material of the box becomes more mirrored and obscures the cat until, upon close inspection, there is nothing to see.


Schrödinger is the continuation of a piece I first created in late 2008, when I started at ITP. The piece is inspired by a 1935 thought experiment, Schrödinger’s Cat. Erwin Schrödinger was dubious of trending interpretations of quantum mechanics where subatomic particles having interacted, only collapse into a definite state of being upon being measured. He sought to demonstrate the absurdity of this concept by extrapolating this theory to encompass a cat hidden in a box were its life or death is determined by the state of subatomic particles. If current quantum mechanics were true, then the cat’s state of existence would only be definite upon observation by some external awareness (the scientist).

While it was intended to dismiss such shaky theory, the paradox has gained a hold in the popular scientific psyche. It is now a model used in demonstrating more recent quantum mechanical theories of superstates. Thus, when assigned to create a piece demonstrating analog input (variable values from sensors) I thought to create my own observational paradox, an interactive box where, the closer an individual came to observe the subject, the less visible it would be. While the first two iterations of the piece did not feature an actual cat, once given the time to create the piece as intended, it was inevitable that I would place a cat as the point of stymied observation.





Schrodinger II

Posted on October 5, 2013

Schrödinger is an exercise in frustrated observation. The closer you inspect the piece, the lower the lights will fall and your reflection will obscure the contents. In sum, there is nothing to see here.

Schrödinger speaks to expectations and observation. The common process of analyzing a piece is through closer inspection. And yet, with Schrödinger, the closer the viewer approaches the piece, the less detailed it becomes. It is designed to counter user paradigms and force the viewer to reassess their interaction with art. Moreover, it casts in contrast the medium of most work to be seen, in order to convey its message. There is nothing to see but, hopefully, plenty to think about.

Schrödinger II is the extended exhibition incarnation of the Schrodinger project. In place of an actual cat, there is a diorama referencing Schrödinger’s original experiment: a cat, a Geiger counter, a hammer, a vial. Along with lights that are triggered by the viewer’s proximity, there is now an MP3 board which plays meowing sounds if no one has come close to the piece in a while. If someone does come close, the piece will purr. You may not be able to see it, but it appreciates the attention.




L'histoire ne dit pas pourquoi elle est passée d'un vrai chat à un faux.

Et qui dit qu'il ne s'agit pas du même chat? Qu'est devenu le chat de la première expérience?

Le mystère reste entier.

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