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Cold Reading Rapide et Efficace de Richard WEBSTER

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Plus facile que de parler d'ésotérisme hein ?

Don't get it !

Perhpas the most rubbish dvd I've ever seen !

Gerard's presentations are amateurish (meaning weak

presentations) and I really disliked it when he discussed

the "Palindrome Principle" which is used in a few of the

effects presented here. Gerard, if you're reading this,

it's called the "Gilbreath Principle" after it's creator,

Norman Gilbreath. Not only is that not credited properly,

but there are no credits at all. The main language on this

disc is French, but you can choose the English option and

hear an English translation. By the way, just because

English is not his first language and because he lives in

Europe, I don't think it an excuse for a lack of proper

crediting (as certain other mentalists have done). Despite

this, there are some interesting ideas in here. They are

good but not groundbreaking or exciting, and I'd certainly

advise that you develop better presentations for them.

Ce qui expliquerait une certaine rancœur ?

Modifié par GRANDOZZIO

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