An exceptional lecture on one of the most secretive areas of mentalism, used by psychics!
No props, no pens, no technology, no prior research, no stooges.
Just people, words, and thoughts.
A lecture EXCLUSIVELY in English, revealing one of the greatest performance secrets from @Taha MANSOUR the creator of infLUNCHal, Pur Mentalisme, Cold Reading, Stasis & APAAP.
⚠ Please note: this lecture is ONLY in English.
It will be filmed, and you will later be able to buy it online.
⏰ Sunday, February 23 – From 2:02 PM – In Boulogne-Billancourt (92)
Have you ever wondered how mentalists and psychics managed to seemingly read people’s thoughts and reveal elements about their personal life that they’ve never shared with anyone else?
In this lecture, Taha Mansour explains a method that he’s been using in his stage shows and refining for more than 5 years.
For the first time in English, you will learn some of the deepest secrets of a one of the most underground mentalism mind and expert in Europe.
Merci @Teddy REX. Quand je lis le pdf suivant :
Je me dis que cela ne correspond pas à ce que je recherche. En fait, je cherche plutôt à apprendre les pré-requis listé en annexe 1 (je suis trèèèèès loin de tous les maîtriser !). Mais un jour, pourquoi pas. Ca a l'air assez intéressant.
Tiens, j'ai fait ma première séance à l'Eventail de Lomme et je vais adhérer. Encore merci pour le tuyau. Possible que rejoindre ce club rende caduque l'idée de m'inscrire en formation au DF.
Au plaisir
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