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Pas de pub non magique pour les membres du Cercle VM. Clique ici pour en savoir plus !

Et pour revenir à l'anneau Memento Mori, cette information sur Wikipedia (la controverse sur Shakespeare): Shakespeare autorship question...

Shakespeare's will, executed 25 March 1616, bequeaths "to my fellows John Hemynge Richard Burbage and Henry Condell 26 shilling 8 pence apiece to buy them [mourning] rings." Numerous public records, including the royal patent of 19 May 1603 that chartered the King's Men, establishes that Phillips, Heminges, Burbage, and Condell were fellow actors in the King's Men with William Shakespeare; two of them later edited his collected plays. Anti-Stratfordians have cast suspicion on these bequests, which were interlined, and claim that they were added later as part of a conspiracy. However, the will was proved in the Prerogative Court of the Archbishop of Canterbury (George Abbot) in London on 22 June 1616, and the original will was copied into the court register with the bequests intact.

Hélas pauvre Yorick. Je l'ai connu. Horatio...

De la à en faire un Hauntique, il n'y a qu'un pas à franchir allègrement.

Un lien vers une collection de "Mourning Rings".

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