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Je n'ai pas le DVd et ne connais pas le gimmick en question, mais pour ceux que ca gene de faire des routines classiques avec le gimmick dans le jeu, il est toujours possible de le rajouter au jeu entre deux tours, par exemple en rangeant l'étui en poche et ressortant le gimmick en cop, non ?

"Pourquoi jouer tant de notes, alors qu'il suffit de jouer les plus belles ?" (Miles DAVIS).

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Je n'ai pas le DVd et ne connais pas le gimmick en question, mais pour ceux que ca gene de faire des routines classiques avec le gimmick dans le jeu, il est toujours possible de le rajouter au jeu entre deux tours, par exemple en rangeant l'étui en poche et ressortant le gimmick en cop, non ?

Je verrais bien l'avoir en bas de la veste ou chemise maintenu par un trombonne géant et hop !

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" Le gimmick , je ne sais pas vous mais je connais ce gimmick depuis des années"

Ah oui ? J'aimerais connaître vos sources...

"l utilisation qu'il en fait est peut être légèrement différente."

Légèrement ??? Mais c'est justement ce que vous qualifiez de "légèrement différente" qui rend la chose géniale et utilisable !


Grace a un ami (merci Marc) on a trouvé l'origine du gimmick ,rien que pr toi Nikola! et tu verras qu'avant de juger renseigne toi AVANT! tu ne connais pas mon niveau , mais je commence a connaitre le tien mon cher Nikola!

On l'a donc trouvé ds le Tarbell volume 2, page 229, lesson 27 sur le nom de "CARDINI'S RISING CARDS"

Petit passage :

This effect was shown to me by Cardini. It is worked on the elaboration of an old

principle in Card Magic which has been sold in crude form in circuses, carnivals,

dime museums. street corners, and where not. It has commonly been called the

'Jumping Card.' In the crude method a rubber band was fastened to two cards in a

deck and another card was placed between them, forcing down the rubber band. The

card was held in place with the fingers. When it was released, the rubber band

contracted and forced the card out of the deck, causing it to jump up into the


This method of Cardini is worked out to a nicety and is excellent for presentation

in Club, Parlor or Stage work.


Five cards are selected by spectators, remembered, and returned

to the deck. Magician holds deck in left hand. He commands and

the selected cards rise one at a time up out of the deck, until

at the end the last two cards rise together. This gives the

performer an opportunity to get in some comedy patter. After

the cards have risen, the deck may be given to spectators for



1 -- A deck of cards.

2 -- Two specially prepared cards.


To Prepare:

Take an elastic band, about Size 18 as manufactured by Eberhard

Faber and sold at any book or stationery store. Cut off one end

of the rubber band. Be sure to use fresh rubbers and test them

to see that they do not break easily.

Take the King of Clubs and the Queen of Diamonds from an extra

deck. Cut a small hole in the upper part of each card. Through

the hole in the King push one end of the rubber band. Pull it

through until about an inch and a half of band from hole to

curve in band is left on face side of card. Figure 1.

Figure 2 shows arrangement of rubber band on face of King. Now

with a wire clamping machine, such as is used in offices to

fasten papers together, clamp a staple across the rubber so

that it fastens it securely on both sides of card.

Now take the Queen and push the other end of rubber band

through hole in this card from the back through to the front.

King and Queen should face in same direction and should not

face each other. Treat the rubber band similarly as you did

with the King.

Figure 3 shows how the two cards look with rubber band hanging

down between them and ends clamped to the cards.

Experimentation will teach you how tight and how long you will

want the rubber band to get the proper rising of the cards. I

have found the most satisfactory length of the band to be about

two and a quarter inches when it is held straight out between

the cards. Figure 4.


To complete the band arrangement, cut the extra length

of the bands from the two ends, allowing about a

quarter of an inch to hang down beyond staples. You

cut these ends from the back of the King and the face

of the Queen.

If a wire stapling machine is not handy for your use,

push the band through the King in the same manner as

described above and sew it to the King with needle and

thread. Then spread glue over the back of the card and

on the rubber band and place another card over it. The

two cards should be carefully glued together as one.

Now take any indifferent card and push the rubber

through it as you did with the Queen in arrangement

above. Sew band to this card. Spread glue well over

the face of it and over end of rubber band. Place the

Queen on this card, facing outward. Press cards

together well to look like one card with band securely


The resulting arrangement looks just like that

described above and shown in Figure 3.

Have prepared cards in center of deck, stapled ends

nearest you. On 'Top' of deck place a duplicate King

of Clubs and Queen of Diamonds.

Si vous voulez les dessins, je peux vous les envoyer! ca ressemble fortement au gimmick recu!

Alors qd on parle d'un gimmick REVOLUTIONNAIRE, j'ai le droit d'être décus ,non? c'est limite arnaque!


Modifié par simonet
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Tu peux être déçu en effet.

Ce que j'ai du mal c'est ton coté vindicatif jusqu'à dire "c'est limite arnaque!"

Révolutionnaire .... bah oui, il faut bien vendre :)

Ils ne vont certainement pas dire :

" Gimmick ayant pour base un autre gimmick mais on a juste amélioré un détail " :D

Beaucoup commercialisent des tours et/ou gimmick de cette manière.

N'écouter que ce qui savent et non ceux qui pensent

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Certes la description ci- dessus présente un gimmick similaire, mais est loin de présenter la multiplicité des applications proposées par Nestor Hato.

D'autre part, la méthode de fabrication proposée par Nestor est bien plus facile à réaliser et rend le gimmick viable...

Pour le reste, réponse en MP.

En espérant que tous ceux qui n'ont pas lu l'intégralité de la littérature magique profitent de ce DVD, et que l'équipe de JLB ne sera pas touchée par ce genre de critique pouvant, on le sait être décourageante.


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