Je ne pense pas que ça soit un avantage… voilà ce qu’en dit S. Aronson dans « MEMORIES ARE MADE OF THIS » :
The key element is the phrase “committed to memory.” If you’ve really memorized the positions of all 52 cards, and if a deck is stacked in that particular memorized order, you’ll be able to do two things:
A. if someone names any number, from 1 to 52, then you will know instantly what card lies at that numbered position, and
B. if someone names any playing card, then you’ll know instantly at what numbered position that particular card lies in the deck.
“Instantly” means, in this case, without needing any formulas, calculations, or time to get from a position to a card or vice versa. If someone calls out, say #38, you instinctively know it’s the Ten of Hearts (or whatever particular card lies at position #38 in the particular deck order you’ve memorized), or if someone calls out, say, the Ace of Spades, then position #6 (or whatever) will immediately come to your conscious mind. It happens instantly, without mediation, or thought, or rules, or formulas, of any kind, because the 52 correlations of each specific card and its respective numerical position have previously been established in your memory.