Bonjour Oscar,
Ci-dessous, la liste de Roberto Giobbi.
Je crois que c'est une bonne base de départ.
Aces & Kings Transposition
Aces to Order (Spectator names the suits in a specific order, and the aces are cut to in that same order)
Acrobatic Jacks (Elevator Trick)
All Backs
Ambitious Card
Backfire Assembly (After assembling to fourth ace, 3 aces travel back to their original packets)
Between Your Palms
Call to the Colors
Calculating Deck
Card at Number (often called "Any Card at Any Number")
Card in Anything
Card Through Handkerchief
Card on Ceiling or Wall
Card to portefeuille
Cards and Cases (routines involving the card case as part of the effect)
Cards and Coins
Cards and Dice
Card(s) Through Table
Cards Across
Cards to Pocket or Up The Sleeve
Clock Trick
Coincidencia Total (Multiple coincidences)
Color Change (face of card)
Color Changing Card (back of card)
Color Changing Deck (backs)
Color Divination
Cutting the Aces
Diminishing Cards
Do As I Do
Dr. Daley's Last Trick (Two red aces switch places with two black aces)
Dunbury Delusion (Magician finds selected card, even though he apparently passed it)
Elongated Lady
Esoteric (also known as "Haunted Pack")
Everywhere and Nowhere
Fingerprint Card Trick
Folded Card to Box or other place
Follow the Leader
Four Ace Assemblies
Four Ace Productions
Gags With Cards
Gambling Demonstrations
Gambling Exposés
General Card/Universal Card
Haunted Deck
Homing Card, to pocket (A card repeatedly and magically travels to the performer's pocket)
Homing Card, Braue/Kaps (A card is repeatedly removed from a packet, yet keeps returning)
Hotel Trick
Invisible Deck
Lie Detector
Lifting/Cutting Any Number of Cards
Linking Cards
Magnetized Cards
Matching the Cards/Magician Makes Good (Three cards are cut to by the magician but do not match a prediction card. The three cards are then changed to match the prediction.)
Memory with Cards
Mental Poker Divination
Multiple Card Discoveries
Mutus Nomen Dedit Cocis (mentally selected pairs of cards are divined by the performer)
Mystery Card (card set aside at the beginning of the routine turns out to be the selected & signed card)
Naming the Cards from Pocket
Nap Hand Deal (From the audience, the performer divines 3 poker hands held by spectators on the stage. He also makes the performer with the worst hand win.)
Nudist Deck (A deck that is blank on both sides magically prints faces and backs)
Oil and Water/Color Separation
Open Prediction
Orders, Miraculous (Mixed cards order themselves)
Out of This World (Spectator sorts cards by color without looking at their faces)
Princess Card Trick (One of a group of cards is thought of, and divined by the performer)
Protean Deck (3 cards are selected, and the rest of the packet or deck changes into copies of each of those cards one at a time)
Rapid Transit/Two Card Transposition
Reading the Cards of Any Deck
Remember and Forget (3 spectator each choose a pair of cards, remembering one and forgetting the other. Performer locates the 3 remembered cards, then transforms them into the forgotten cards)
Reverse Location (reversed card found in deck)
Reverse Card Routine (packets of cards are repeatedly mixed face-up into face down, straightening themselves out each time)
Rising Cards
Roll-Over Aces (Cards shuffled face-up into face-down. First aces are located, then a Royal Flush)
Sandwich Tricks
Six Card Repeat
Soldier's Prayer Book (story tricks with an apparently shuffled deck)
Solid Deck
Spectator Does Magic
Spectator Cuts to the Aces
Card Stabbing
Stop Trick (selected card is found in deck at the point spectator says "Stop")
Sympathetic Cards (Four cards assemble under one cover)
Sympathetic Cards, Milton (Two packets of cards, each consisting of a single suit, are used. When one packet is shuffled, the other packet magically winds up shuffled)
Tearing the Deck
Telephone Card Magic
Ten Card Poker Deal
The 21 Card Trick
The Trick That Cannot Be Explained
Think of a Card
Three-Card Monte
Topological Card Magic
Torn and Restored Card
Travelers (Four selected cards to four different pockets)
Triumph (Deck is shuffled face-up into face-down after selected card is returned. Deck magically rights itself, except for the selected card)
Twisting the Aces
Unshuffled (Name of selected card appears on the side of the deck, as the performer shuffles)
Vanishing Card
Vanishing Deck
Visitor (Signed card travels from between 2 black kings to between 2 red kings)
Weighing the Cards (Spectator cuts off a packet of cards, performer weighs them with his hand, and announces how many are in the cut-off packet)
Wild Card (Multiple duplicates of a card change into duplicates of another card)