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Tout ce qui a été publié par Dorian CAUDAL
Mark Elsdon parle depuis ce début d'année sur son blog d'effets de storytelling intéressants, dans un but commercial évidemment, mais néanmoins attirant. C'est assez rare pour le souligner, mais peu de magiciens pro utilisent du matériel tel qu'il a l'air de le proposer, ou du moins peu en parlent (à part Christian Chelman, Antoine Salembier et son coffret "Fantastique", Ludo, CG, etc.) Ici il nous parle d'un effet utilisant des vieilles cartes postales, avec une histoire bien rodée apparemment. Ici il s'agit d'un effet basé sur le thème des Enfants Particuliers... Et enfin ici, on en avait déjà parlé dans un sujet précédent, Elsdon nous convie à un voyage à l'aide d'un myriorama dont la destinée est prévue depuis le départ sur une page de livre (voir ce sujet). Certains d'entre vous possèdent-ils ces effets et pourraient nous donner leur avis sur la qualité des "props" et des routines proposées ?
Univers ?.... basé sur Le passé, le présent, l'avenir de Simon ARONSON
Dorian CAUDAL a répondu à un sujet de Olivier SSK (If....) dans Forum Général
J'ai beaucoup apprécié regardé ta vidéo, Olivier Au moins il y a de la recherche et un vrai travail de présentation ! Avec un message, donc c'est top. Ma femme a aussi bien aimé, pourtant les vidéos de magie ne sont pas son fort habituellement ! Merci pour ce bon moment. -
Je ne comprends pas le but de montrer ces images... Je n'ai même pas réussi à regarder la vidéo, tellement j'avais mal au cœur dès le début. Je pense qu'il ne faut pas être normalement constitué pour pouvoir regarder tout ça sans broncher. Il doit y avoir d'autres moyens de dénoncer cela, plutôt que de participer à ce voyeurisme malsain en le diffusant partout...
Nouveau Forum : changements & vos retours
Dorian CAUDAL a répondu à un sujet de Thomas dans VM : parlons-en !
Alors ça tombe bien que tu abordes le sujet, parce que justement on se disait qu'il faudrait que tu penses à te calmer un peu... Dis toi que ce n'est que le début je vais passer la seconde maintenant Mieux vaut privilégier la qualité (en termes d'information, de réflexion, de partage...) des messages postés que la quantité -
[Cinéma] Miss Peregrine's Home For Peculiar Children
Dorian CAUDAL a répondu à un sujet de Dorian CAUDAL dans Chemins de Traverse
Je suis en train de travailler sur une routine avec ce thème... Christian Chelman, Antoine Salembier, Alain etc... sont les bienvenus pour en discuter -
[Cinéma] Miss Peregrine's Home For Peculiar Children
un sujet publié par Dorian CAUDAL dans Chemins de Traverse
Je vous conseille ce film à tous, un chef d'oeuvre de créativité de Tim Burton... Une source inépuisable pour des effets (boucles temporelles, photos anciennes, lieux cachés...) Et ici un article sur ce qui a inspiré l'auteur du livre dont est tiré le film : CLIC [video:youtube] -
Jeu Invisible (invisible deck) | références
Dorian CAUDAL a répondu à un sujet de Theo VALFRE dans Les Étagères Magiques
Jerx. In search of lost time. Dans sa publication d'aujourd'hui, un joli cadeau pour la dernière version Vous ne présenterez plus jamais le jeu invisible de la même manière. -
[Matos] Hannah Höch book test
Dorian CAUDAL a répondu à un sujet de Dorian CAUDAL dans Forum Général
Merci énormément pour ce lien -
Que j'aimerais faire un book test avec ce support Le carnet d'adresses d'Hannah Höch, artiste plasticienne Dada et féministe
Odyssey de Calen MORELLI
Dorian CAUDAL a répondu à un sujet de Aurélien D'IGNAZIO dans Les Étagères Magiques
Il n'y a pas un moyen de prendre soin du gimmick et de le nettoyer, afin qu'il attire moins la poussière ? -
[Matos] Influence de Mickael CHATELAIN
Dorian CAUDAL a répondu à un sujet de Mikael PETIOT dans Les Étagères Magiques
Reçu aussi. Un grand bravo Mickael, une petite bombe à retardement entre les mains -
[Vidéo] Sylvain Juzan - démontration de cartes
Dorian CAUDAL a répondu à un sujet de Jean JAECKLÉ dans Forum Général
Une autre démo de Sylvain ! [video:youtube] -
100€ fdpi Article rare car épuisé. System Alpha est un système diabolique permettant de deviner des informations uniquement pensées. Vous pourrez deviner des mots, des dessins et des pensées précises qui n’auront jamais été écrits ni lus nulle part. Vous serez même en mesure de prédire un mot ou une image pensés par un spectateur. Le système est conçu pour vous permettre de jouer avec les pensées de plusieurs spectateurs à la fois. Vous recevrez un livre (en français) de 104 pages avec couverture rigide, dédié entièrement aux principes de System Alpha. Cet ouvrage vous guidera pas à pas au coeur de ce système et des subtilités qui le composent. L’utilisation du principe en close-up, sur scène et de manière totalement impromptue sont étudiés.
ACAAN (Any Card at Any Number) | références
Dorian CAUDAL a répondu à un sujet de Dorian CAUDAL dans Les Étagères Magiques
[video:youtube] -
An Endless Journey of Absolutely Predictable Outcome de Mark ELSDON
Dorian CAUDAL a répondu à un sujet de Dorian CAUDAL dans Les Étagères Magiques
Une info du créateur sur la révélation... It is a type of printed prediction, which makes sense in the context of the readings (which are quite specific) and the content of the cards. The prediction is printed in a certain format which hides the content until you point it out to the participant who can then immediately see that it fits exactly. -
An Endless Journey of Absolutely Predictable Outcome de Mark ELSDON
Dorian CAUDAL a répondu à un sujet de Dorian CAUDAL dans Les Étagères Magiques
Merci pour le lien, parisien 12 Sinon, j'ai discuté avec Michael Murray, qui connait bien cet effet. En fait, la révélation est la page "sommaire" d'un livre, et chaque chapitre correspond aux images choisies par le spectateur, dans le bon ordre. -
An Endless Journey of Absolutely Predictable Outcome de Mark ELSDON
Dorian CAUDAL a répondu à un sujet de Dorian CAUDAL dans Les Étagères Magiques
Un grand merci pour ta réponse, plein de choses intéressantes sur ce sujet ! Et un super site donné par Christian ("grand illusions") avec des plein de choses pour lesquelles je craque ! Du coup, je crois reconnaître dans la routine commercialisée de Elsdon un polyorama visible dans une vidéo youtube sur le sujet des polyorama, indépendant de la magie. Quelqu'un sait ce qu'apporte l'effet d'Elsdon ? Je veux dire quel est le type de prédiction finale ? -
An Endless Journey of Absolutely Predictable Outcome de Mark ELSDON
un sujet publié par Dorian CAUDAL dans Les Étagères Magiques
Une petite création qui m'a l'air bien sympa. This incredible piece of storytelling mentalism features a myriorama by Tom Gauld inspired by the works of Laurence Sterne. Twelve picture cards which can be arranged to form 479,001,600 different landscapes. The twelve beautiful picture cards are examined and mixed and then a participant chooses the exact order in which he wants to place the cards to create a random landscape and totally unique (479,001,600 different possibilities!) story. The performer gives the participant a personal reading based upon his choices before directing the participant’s attention to a sheet of paper which is inside the envelope that the box of cards was in. This sheet is obviously torn from a book, and impossibly it describes the exact landscape the participant has randomly created! He is given this paper as a souvenir of both the reading and the experience. This powerful new routine is available in very limited quantity. It comes complete with the beautiful packet of picture cards (please see the photo below), the prediction paper (plus templates to print your own predictions if you want to give them away, which you should!), and very detailed instructions on the full routine and accompanying reading. http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-OHr3bkT1lJM/VqYzRhSptEI/AAAAAAAAAJM/Lr47UEvgzhY/s320/Endless_journey_img__62120.1453388233.520.480.png http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-umb-wbi1SPg/VqY05tCHJPI/AAAAAAAAAJU/jeGHOtYgfHM/s320/EJ%2B2a.jpg -
[Humour] Sujet humoristique et sarcastique du café vert...
un sujet publié par Dorian CAUDAL dans Forum Général
Un sujet posté par Martin Pulman sur le café vert ICI. Je ne résiste pas à l'envie de vous le partager tellement j'ai ri et reconnu des choses réalistes dans le "mentalisme" d'aujourd'hui ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ SERPENS OLEUM I have been privileged and honoured to recently be blessed with a Skype call from a close friend of mine in the mentalism industry-those who know the real underground stuff will know who I'm talking about. He graciously shared with me an extraordinary new propless technique that will blow your mind, while quite possibly blowing all former techniques out of the water. I begged him not to release it, but he insisted that it was his duty to share his wisdom with a select few within the community, lest that wisdom be lost. I then begged him to put 'S.O.' (Serpens Oleum)at a price point that would place it far out of the hands of the merely curious. He graciously agreed to this request. "S.O." will be a strictly limited edition hardcover of 200 copies, selling for $200 each (which, for workers, is a steal). He has, however, in a fit of crazy generosity, allowed me to share with Café members one effect from this soon to be released masterpiece of our art. It is a Billetless-Name-Guess. The technique is called "Serpens Oleum". The effect is called 'Praenomen'. But I warn you, if you choose to proceed you will be performing something so real, it's unreal. The following is an extract from the upcoming limited edition book "Serpens Oleum" by ****** ******. All TV, radio, internet and other media performance rights are the copyright of the creator. "Yesterday upon the stair, I met a man who wasn't there, he wasn't there again today, I wish that man would go away" - Ancient Gypsy poem. "It was a cold, blustery day. It was raining. The sort of thin, persistent rain that initially makes you think -I don't need an umbrella for that!- but then creeps up on you and soaks you to the skin, leaving you looking like that girl from The Ring getting out of a bathtub. I darted into my favourite local coffee boutique and began blowing the minds of Vera and Brenda, the lovely ladies responsible for vending the frothy bean-derived goodness. In the middle of performing one of my signature pieces ("Shifty Paradigms", "Between Two Cheeks"" or "My Complication of a Classic" - I can't remember which - but they are all included in an unpublished ebook shared among a special, chosen few -you know who you are!!!) I suddenly realised that if I combined all of the techniques I had read that week, I would have a piece of completely prop free mentalism that would re-write the rule book. I asked the younger barista-ress, Brenda, to think of a name of someone she knew. Any name. No restrictions. As long as it wasn't some weird foreign name -a male name common in schools in the North and Midlands of England in the 1990s was what we were after. A few minutes later I had nailed it. She and her co-worker looked at me with what can only be called confused disbelief. And I thought to myself, I have done it; I have performed the REAL THING!!!. I skipped from the coffee emporium, certain that I had crossed the Rubicon without getting my feet wet. I immediately Skyped with one of the "Wrecked Crew" -our merry band of prop-less mental mafia (you know who you are!!! Note: We used to be big fans of Luke Jermay and Peter Turner, but we don't like them now they've gone all mainstream and traditional. Traitors!!!). Anyway, I performed "Praenomen" for ****** ******. He was dumbfounded and looked aghast. "You can't seriously be thinking of releasing that!" he cried. I know, I thought. It's too powerful. It will end up on youtube being performed badly by the merely curious or else it will be all over Chinese websites like a bad mind rash.. I promised to keep it close to my chest and not to mention even a word of its existence outside our tiny clique. Indeed, after the first coffee shop performance, I have never performed it again. But, days have passed since that fateful Skype call -I have held onto the secret for long enough. I feel it is now time to pass on the wisdom to you in the hope that you will care and protect it as much as I have. PRAENOMEN: Effect: Ask your participant to think of a name. Any name. No restrictions (although a male. English name from the 90s is preferable don't worry, you will be able to adapt to your own bizarre languages and countries). With a few verbal sleights and innocuous questions, you immediately name the name they have named only in their mind. No rough and smooth, no marked jeux_de_cartes, no thread, no faffing about with business cards (eurgh!) -Good God man, it's 2016, what are you-an accountant from a 1970s sit-com!!!. It can be performed on-stage, in a parlour (or even a cloakroom), close-up, by Skype (preferred medium), on the telephone, by registered post or via morse code. There are no restrictions.This is the real work. For workers. Method: It is easiest to explain this revolutionary technique by taking you through a real world example. I will use the initial encounter in the coffee shop. Obviously I would begin with 30-45 minutes of pre-chat in which I told the participant anecdotes from my childhood. But, as those are very specific to me, I won't include them here. Please, please, please use your own childhood anecdotes! There is nothing worse than hearing an amateur mentalist repeating someone else's childhood anecdotes verbatim!!! Be yourself for goodness sake! Ok. Onwards. MENTALIST: Can you think of a name of a boy you liked at school. BRENDA: (giggling)Yes, I've got one. MENTALIST: Okay, I want you to think of the year you were born. BRENDA: What's that got to do with the nam-- MENTALIST: --Please! Focus!!! This will only work if we work together on this. OK!!! BRENDA: Sorry. MENTALIST: Forget about it. **** happens. Ok. Focus on the year you were born. Focus on the four digits. BRENDA: I'm doing it. MENTALIST. Now mix those digits up in your mind. Good. Now think of two of those digits. In fact, to make it harder, think of the highest and the lowest digit? BRENDA: Ok-- MENTALIST: Now multiply them, and think of the total. BRENDA: Right. MENTALIST: That is your life number in ancient Xanaduan numerology (I call this their 'Xanadu number'). Do not forget it!!! (I tap in the air above their head every time I say 'Xanadu". This cements the number into their mind. I call this "The Cementadu Principle" You see what we have done. By asking them to focus on the highest and lowest digits we appear to have made it harder for ourselves but in fact we have restricted them to the digits 'one' and 'nine'! Anyone older than seventeen (at time of printing) will have a 'one' and a 'nine' in their birth year: 1982, 1997, 1936. etc. We now know the number they are merely thinking of is 1 X 9= NINE! We are not just one ahead. We are miles ahead!!! NOTE:if they look as if they were born after 1999 (lucky them!), merely ask them to think of the name of someone older than them and ask for THAT person's birth year) MENTALIST: Now, think of how many letters are in the name you are thinking of (if she counts on her fingers you can nail this immediately and go home) Now, is this number higher or lower than your Xanadu number. (tap. Cementadu) BRENDA: Lower. MENTALIST: By how many? BRENDA: Two. (You now know that the name has SEVEN LETTERS!!! but, cunningly, you don't use that information immediately. Instead, you now give them a character reading based on that number. I like to relate the reading to the person they are thinking of. It adds an extra layer of believability.) MENTALIST: That means you are not particularly close to this person. BRENDA: Er…actually,I'm married to them! MENTALIST:No, I mean they are not close to you at the moment. They are not in the coffee shop. BRENDA: No, he's at work. MENTALIST: I thought so. (Do you see how the verbal ambiguity has allowed me to slip seamlessly out of that tricky situation and get a direct hit! Thank you Kenton.) MENTALIST (cont'd): Now, think of the first letter of the name you are thinking of, and think of which number that letter is at in the alphabet. For example, 'A' would be the number 'one'. (If she smiles at this point you have a direct hit. Claim the glory! If not, continue and watch for how long she takes to count to the number in the alphabet. If she takes ages to count to the number it will be a letter later in the alphabet, but don't worry if this misses, it is an advanced technique, and you're going to get her to tell you via the higher/lower subtlety, anyway.) MENTALIST: Is that number higher or lower than your Xanadu number? (Tap. Cementadu.) BRENDA: Higher. MENTALIST:By how many? BRENDA: Nine. MENTALIST: Nine of a difference means that this person doesn't always tidy up after themselves. (Don't worry. I'll explain what I did here. I used the knowledge she leaked about the name being the husband to give a more personalised reading, but this is just cover for the gold. You can give any reading at this point-or maybe perform a drawing duplication based on the number. In any event, you now know the letter is "R". It is the 18th letter of the alphabet and 18 is 9 higher than the number 9!!! Note, you can do this for all letters of the alphabet bar 'I' which is the same number as the Xanadu number. If they say the numbers are the same, you can claim an incredible coincidence and end the effect there, if you choose! Personally, I would keep going-greater wonders are to come. (You know the name has seven letters and starts with R. You are home free) MENTALIST (cont'd): Okay, focus on the name. See it as if he is the star of a film at your local multi-plex… (She focuses) MENTALIST: I see an 'E'! BRENDA: No. (Always do a miss-call at this point. It makes the effect seem real and silences any doubts they may have had about the previous questions. It also builds up a big finale). MENTALIST No. It looks like a capital E gone wrong with an added loop, a drooping middle and the bottom bit fallen off. It's an 'R'. BRENDA: (excited): yes!!! MENTALIST: Tell 'Richard' to pick up his smelly socks!!! Back of the net!!! As long as you know the first letter and the number of letters you should be able to name any name. But if you are stuck you could always use a billet to get the second letter, or ask for the name of an animal starting with the letter before, or get them to place down some playing cards or something. If that all fails, just tell them that it doesn't work on unimaginative people and segue into a sure-fire effect like Scotch and Soda.. *** Since writing this I have realised an even stronger "out". I would ask the participant to walk with me into the corner as if we are about to have an argument, and would then use the "Dunninger Ploy" to get the name. (See 'Psychological Subtleties' by Banachek. If you don't know this Ploy, give up the game. It kills!!!) Now, all that remains is to just Re-frame the whole thing. Please do not skip this part. It could scupper all of your previous good work. Believe me, Re-framing covers your tracks and means that the effect will grow exponentially in the re-telling. MENTALIST: I asked you to think of a name; I didn't ask a single question and yet I named your thought. BRENDA: Er, actually-- Quickly leave. A miracle. That is PRAENOMEN. Use it wisely." Stunning, right!!! I actually feel slightly embarrassed for anyone still using a ****** or a **********. There are six other incredible effects using the SO principle, including a billet-less Hippity Hoppity Rabbits, a revolutionary Mindreader As Spectator effect in which you tell the participant to read your mind then heckle them when they can't, and a stunning effect in which you turn night into day (this one only works at certain times of the day but when it hits it's a killer!). The material is suitable for both close-up and stage, but really, who does stage these days with all that scriptwriting and rehearsal and entertaining the public hoo-hah. No, coffee shops and bedroom Skype sessions are where the real work is being done these days!!! As I said, this will be a strictly limited release in hardback (the unlimited download will come in six months time if all the books are sold by then.) The quotes are already in: "This is the best effect in the history of mentalism." BEST FRIEND OF CREATOR "I've already added it to my act" FRIEND OF CREATOR WHO HAS NEVER LEFT HIS BEDROOM, FAR LESS PERFORMED AN ACT. "This book is well worth your attention" WELL-KNOWN MENTALIST WHO HAS HIS OWN £200 BOOK COMING OUT AND WANTS HIS BACK SCRATCHED WHEN THE TIME COMES "I got a critique copy and this kills!!!I would have paid ten times the price" Café MEMBER WHO GETS EVERYTHING FOR FREE AND GIVES EVERYTHING A GREAT critique IN THE HOPE HE'LL GET MORE FREE STUFF. "If you understand mentalism, you will see how brilliant this is. If you don't see how brilliant this is, you don't understand Mentalism" SOME YOUNG GUY WHO DOES HIS OWN YOUTUBE critique SHOW FILMED ON HIS I-PHONE AND IS NOW THE WORLD"S LEADING EXPERT ON MENTALISM. Price:$200 Special pre-order price:$250. -
Une nette amélioration de l'utilisation des anagrammes progressifs par notre ami du Jerx http://www.thejerx.com/blog/2016/10/5/transgressive-anagrams
Odyssey de Calen MORELLI
Dorian CAUDAL a répondu à un sujet de Aurélien D'IGNAZIO dans Les Étagères Magiques
"Odyssey" apporte des améliorations et un gimmick travaillé, mais prend en effet une partie de sa source mécanique dans l'effet "Transit". -
Jean ROUVEN | 20 ans de prison
Dorian CAUDAL a répondu à un sujet de Gérard MERCIER dans Forum Général
Ah, la fameuse théorie du complot... -
Je crois que Gilbus a tout bien résumé en ce qui concerne ce sujet...
- Pas de pub non magique pour les membres du Cercle VM. Clique ici pour en savoir plus !
Qui est en ligne (en orange les membres du Cercle VM) - 13 membres, 0 anonyme, 80 invités Afficher la liste