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[Vidéo] Mnemonica Miracles de Juan TAMARIZ

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Juan Tamariz parle de ce set ici

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After watching all the DVDs all the way through, I thought I'd post some of my (very) humble thoughts/findings in the hopes that it helps others determine what value they might get out of them. PLEASE NOTE this critique is intended for those like me: people that have used the stack for years, so aren't interested in an assessment/critique of each effect (as they're already intimately familiar with each effect) but, rather, those that want to know if there's any effects/variations that aren't in the book. It's a given that simply seeing Tamariz perform these and discuss his approach and psychology behind them is amazing. This is a definite! I'd enjoy these DVDs if that was all there was to it. But, the question still remains: any new effects/variations?

I'll admit, I would have really appreciated seeing new materials made within the last 10 years added. As these were filmed right around the time of the English release of Mnemonica, there's not really any "evolution" of any of the effects. In Mnemonica, Tamariz notes that he has other effects he would have liked to add, but didn't have time. Unfortunately, there's nothing pertaining to those on the DVDs. The materials is, for the most part, exactly as described in the books (with many of his additional thoughts matching to the "notes" supplied after effects in the book.)

Below is a list of each DVDs and a break-down of items/differences I noticed. Here's hoping at least one person finds it helpful!


Prediction (p91)

- Hofzinser Method performed and explained as per the book.

Telescopic Coincidence (p228)

- Performed and explained as per the book.

All of a Kind (p94)

- Includes Tamariz's "one more note" regarding his handling post-effect for putting the deck back into proper stack.

Answering Computer (p220)

- Presentation of one of the infinite possibilities with this. During the explanation, Tamariz shows a slightly different take on the maze (not that I've ever used it) than is described in the book to illustrate that you can tailor any questions/directions/whatever to the upcoming cards.

Everything in Order (p35)

For me, this was the winner on DVD 1.

- Very cool to see this performed. I've never used the antifaro-4 table deal, but he actually made it seem… not completely ridiculous. Also, in the explanation, his little nuance of ending with a Charlier cut to apparently toss the remainder into the middle… I like that very much.

- Cool point you might miss: his explanation showed a slightly different way to get into staystack that never dawned on me! (He didn't do it in the presentation--there, he did it as is in the book). This one almost flew right past me, until I realized he skipped a step I expected--and I had to rewind to figure out why. I will definitely be using this.

- Also, in the presentation, he demonstrates interesting motivations/effects for two of the processes normally used to get back into staystack (which are the two processes he explains in the book, but I don't recall reading these motivations/effects.)

- Tamariz ends the explanation of Everything in Order with a presentation-to-the-camera and explanation of "A Grand Bridge Deal" (p35).


Any Cards Called For (p211)

- Great performance. It reinvigorated my desire to perform this one again.

- Far better to see his perform the reveal and included psychological convincers, rather than read it in the book.

- Lots of additional thoughts at the tail end of the explanation, all of which are good and that I'll put into use. From displaying post-effect to resetting the stack, they're valuable tips.

Any Card at Any Number (p82)

Cards Called for to Pocket (p129) and A Star is Born (p135)

- The explanations for this one is voice-over with a replay of the presentation. These are performed and explained as per the book.

Come and Go (p214)

- The explanation of this matches the book, but the performance being in a significantly different manner. Tamariz performs the setup of a half stack from a fully shuffled deck. Once finished (far into the performance) only then does he go into the Come and Go effect. For the technicals behind some of the things he's doing during the performance to reset the half stack, the same DVD (#2) has a section on "Resetting the First Half Stack" later.

Jumbled Divination (p240)

Tamariz has described this as one of his most-performed tricks from Mnemonica. Given the seemingly impossible nature of it and how far ahead you are on the amount of information you have available to reveal however you'd like, I would tend to agree. Good stuff.

- Many small, good nuances in the performance that are noted and detailed in the explanation.

Resetting the First Half Stack

- This is the explanation for the first half of the performance in "Come and Go" on the same DVD, pertaining to setting up the half stack. This section is very nice, and provides techniques you can use with any deck, anytime, to get into half stack via entertaining effects.

Rising Cards (p125)

- Explained as per the book. A few additional thoughts regarding motivation, but not much.


Carbuquillo (p119)

- Performed and explained as per the book.

Flying Through Thin Air (p102)

- A few extra thoughts in the explanation that expand a bit upon the notes for this effect in the book. It's nice to see the notes applied in the full presentation.

- Much like in All of a Kind on DVD 1, Tamariz describes his post-effect way to get back into proper stack.

Sympathy (p133)

- This performance actually begins with Divining One Card Out of Thirteen (p293) to set up the lower half of the stack. So, bonus. Very nice to see. Tamariz explains this in a "part 2" of the explanation.

- This presentation is more simplistic than "Sympathy" as detailed in the book. It's the age-old version where the spec names a card, and Tamariz names a number. Not really missing seeing some of the writing-driven versions from the book where both the card and the number come from the spectator, as the ACAAN stacked deck effect is so ubiquitous and straight-forward.

Divination of Card (actually Deal of a Complete suit, Hearts p39)

- This is not a simple memdeck divination (from p79) but, rather, the excellent full deal of the hearts suit.

Any Poker hand Called For (p48)

- Four of a kind (kings), reset of the stack, then the excellent straight flush routine

- The explanation portion is nice, with Tamariz expanding a hair his explanations in the book, and showing how he resets after a deal (same as in the book.)

- I'd really hoped to see him respond to the "straight flush" request with one of my favorites in all of Mnemonica: the optional altering for three (actual) straight flushes, and continuation into the complete deal of all the suits. Alas, nothing on that.

- At the end of the explanation, the camera shows a hand-written chart of some various setups for poker deals, which matches what is described in the book. Various charts/effects from the book pertaining to the effect are shown.

Historie with the Cards (actually Second Story p190)

- Tamariz performs (no explanation is really needed) the Second Story lower-half stack version from the Two Stories effect section. The verbiage isn't as nuanced as what is in the book, but it's the same story. Fun to watch.


The Liar (p218)

- Performed and explained as per the book, with a few extra notes and optional presentation points at the end of the explanation.

The Good Fortune Routine (p71)

- A performance of only Phase 1 of this routine (but with a nice quad-card ending). The explanation goes into Phase 2. All as per the book.

Undo a Real Shuffle (Appendix 1)

- Performance of a basic undoing of an overhand shuffle. This (under the guise of a card selection) is followed up with a very (very, very) short Mnemonicosis.

- The explanation covers the simple divination of a card selected from an overhand-shuffled deck, and a note on what to do when said divination fails.

- After the shuffle undoing explanation, Tamariz goes into some of his thoughts on Mnumonicosis, and various slights, methods, and approach to how he jazzes. This portion, however, is unfortunately far too brief.

- Tamariz follows up all this by noting there are ways to reset other types of shuffles, but no explanation is given--just direction to refer to the book.

Cards Called For to Pocket (p129)

- Like the other Cards Called For to Pocket (on DVD 2) the explanation is given over a repeat video of the performance. This seems very close to what he says/does in DVD 2's. There are a some good thoughts on the psychology/timing of palming, of course.

Super Poker (p31)

- This performance begins with the deck in Mnemonica stack, so you get to see Tamariz take it to staystack in the performance before he makes the necessary corrections to the staystack order for Super Poker (note: he uses the method shown in the Everything In Order explanation to get to staystack.)

- The explanation, funnily enough, has yet another method/patter for taking Mnemonica stack to staystack. Nice.

Weighting the Cards (p197)

- Performed and explained as per the book.

Total Memory (p201)

- Performance of the half-stack version as per the book. Specifically, the Version With Deals (Antifaros) from p203.


I thought this DVD would be a wash, as it seemed to be mostly dedicated to learning Mnemonica and explaining the structure of Mnemonica. But, there was value to be had.

- Tamariz has a nice section on how to remember key cards (glad to know I'm not the only one that's been half-way through a stack effect and thought "Crud… what card was I keeping in mind?") Some good techniques/thoughts there.

- Tamariz covers his style of estimation/checking/correction

- The bulk of the Counting Cards Secretly selection was very basic, but it did end with a nice nuance to spread counting (which I'll undoubtedly start using.)

- There's a section of false shuffles, a section on false cuts, and one on glimpse methods. So if you don't already have a host of those, hey… there you go.

- He goes over the TPC (Tamariz Perpendicular Control) in great detail.

- There's a lengthy portion on deck switch methods which, of course, has some good ideas.

- There's a section on approaching mental calculations better (and be able to do them while interacting with spectators). As one would expect, some good ideas there.

- Ticks That Don't Alter The Stack is basically the same as what's in the book.

So, that's it. I feel it was well worth getting. I'm very happy Tamariz put out these videos. I learned a lot this first run-through of them, and I'm sure I will when I watch them all the way through again… which is right now!

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y a t-il une sortie française de prévu ?

Hannibal, je pense que je vais te mp pour le classement à vue :)

Ayait, répondu :)

Merci Friboudi, je suis curieux de ces DVD, mais étant donné la critique, je pense que je ne vais pas les acheter (vu le prix... et le fait que même si j'ai lu le bouquin de A à Z, et pas qu'une fois, il me reste de la matière à assimiler) !

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