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Tout ce qui a été publié par Dorian CAUDAL

  1. Va voir James à Covent Garden, et demande lui sa routine d'anneau, un vrai régal pour les yeux
  2. Merci Clément pour la correction, je viens de me rendre compte de mon erreur
  3. Merci CED pour ces vidéos. Comme baskerville, j'aime aussi particulièrement la deuxième, Option Girls, un vrai bonheur!
  4. Je pense qu'il y a 8 électeurs Je m'explique: soit D le nombre de votants à droite et G le nombre de votants à gauche. On a alors le système suivant: D-1 = G + 1 D + 1 = 2G soit D = G + 2 G + 3 = 2G soit D = 5 G = 3 soit 8 habitants!
  5. Oui! Bravo à toi, je t'envoie le DVD dès que tu m'auras communiqué ton adresse
  6. Alors on enlève déjà les chiffres "parasites", c'est-à-dire ceux venant des dates de naissance (soit 3+4+4+4 = 15) et du tableau de dates (4 x (1500-1305+1) = 784). Il reste donc 2808 chiffres pour les numéros de pages. On enlève 9 chiffres (pages 1 à 9), puis 2 x 90 = 180 chiffres (pages de 10 à 99), ce qui fait 2619 chiffres pour les pages à partir de 100. Soit X le numéro de la dernière page, on a alors (X-100+1)x3 = 2619, ce qui fait X = 972
  7. Kristo vient de gagner (réponse donnée en mp à 20h26): la bonne réponse était 972 pages.
  8. Oui Non, car là fonction "recherche" est là pour toi, tu y trouveras ton bonheur!
  9. Allez, je suis généreux, et j'offre (fdpi) au premier qui trouve la bonne réponse à cette énigme le DVD "International Magic - Juan Tamariz First Lecture". Juan Tamariz, a world famous expert in the field of Card Magic, presents this 75 minute lecture where he imparts a part of his vast knowledge, to an appreciative audience of top magicians. As you watch the dedicated audience applaud every routine and take in every word, you'll begin to feel like you are in the room with them. Don't miss this chance to learn from the very best! The first part of this recording is an entertaining performance in pure Tamariz style (as a bonus, this first part can be shown to your friends as a magical treat, without divulging any secrets). Juan takes us through routine after routine of excellent magic followed by some in depth explanation with invaluable knowledge for any card worker. He starts with a shuffled/un-shuffled routine, whereby a completely shuffled deck is bit-by-bit un-shuffled to an audience members requests. Spectator Locator:- In this, a freely selected card is amazingly revealed by a spectator who has his back turned throughout the routine. Three card Surprise:- An entertaining routine where Three 3's change into three 7's and then melt into just one totally different card. As you would expect with Tamariz, there's an excellent memory routine. A brilliant Follow The Leader (Tamariz style). Four Card Prediction:- Four predictions match four cards (Predictions written before the cards are chosen). Cards Across:- One by one three cards travel from one spectator to another, a superb method that defies explanation (until revealed later in the lecture). All this, plus a not to be missed demonstration of Colour Change Knives. This performance is followed by some in depth explanation, invaluable to any student of Card Magic. The explained routines are Spectator Locator, Three Card Surprise, & Cards Across, but this is more than just an explanation of these three routines, this is a detailed explanation containing many tips and advice suitable to the performance of all card magic.
  10. Le nombre total de chiffres écrits dans ce livre est de 3607. Sachant: - qu'il y est mentionné les dates de naissance et de mort d'Odile de Provence et de Louis XI. - qu'il contient un tableau répertoriant une donnée (non chiffrée, quelconque) pour toutes les années entre 1305 et 1500. - que la numérotation des pages commence à 1, dès la première page... ...Combien ce livre a t'il de pages?
  11. Allez chez Magic Dream, où l'accueil est extrêmement sympathique. On s'y sent comme chez soi, les vendeurs nous serrent la main en arrivant, se rappellent de nos prénoms, et sont de très bon conseil.
  12. Connaissez-vous des applications magiques pour les Windows Phone, qui se démocratisent de plus en plus?
  13. Vous en pensez quoi? [video:youtube] Extrait du site: Spiral Principle The Spiral Principle is a new concept in magic that allows you to perform miracles with a borrowed deck of cards. Imagine having a spectator shuffle, freely select a card then lose it back into the deck. Without doing anything you instantly know what their card is and it's location in the deck. Included on the DVD are 5 killer effects that would not be possible without the spiral principle including N.A.C, a hands off ACAAN with a twist that you have to see to believe. Once you learn The Spiral Principle your card magic will NEVER be the same again. Beyond Beyond is the most stunning 'Out Of This World' you will ever see. Imagine showing a mixed up deck of cards and then having two audience members separate the red's from the black's without ever looking at the faces. The performer NEVER touches the cards and the whole routine is self working. No packet switches No Rough and Smooth Uses a regular deck - No gimmicks The magician genuinely never touches the deck Very easy to do
  14. Message de Petty et Penn sur facebook: Hi Guys, It is 14:45 in the UK and I have just got off the phone with Wayne Dobson. Wayne has been keeping us fully and constantly updated with regards to the ongoing ‘Rights’ issue between himself and Jeff McBride. Wayne has explained to us that after three days of on and off discussions he has given Jeff permission to perform the routine in magic lectures and magic conventions with full credit to Wayne in a ‘tribute’ style. Out of respect for the performers that have purchased the rights, Jeff has agreed that he will edit his routine accordingly when performing outside this arena. Jeff has also agreed to re-edit his DVD in light of the situation. At this point Wayne has still requested that Jeff speaks to Russ Merlin and confirms that everything is acceptable to him also, out of respect for his past purchase of the ‘Rights’. We believe that as of today the issue of the ‘Rights’ between Wayne and Jeff is now resolved and Wayne is happy with the outcome. Wayne’s feelings on this matter are the only thing that has concerned us from the start. Both myself and Craig agree that this is the moment today, after speaking to Wayne, that any future views of that particular episode of The Wizard Product critique would give viewers the wrong idea. At the time Wayne and Jeff came to an understanding, the critique becomes inaccurate. For that reason we have now taken the show down. As we say on the show ‘That’s fair!’ On the Wizard Product critique we are always honest, we stand up for what we believe in, but it’s only our opinion. We always say it doesn’t make it right but our actions this week, until it was resolved this afternoon, is something we will defend until the end. All the best David Penn & Craig Petty
  15. Et c'est notre ami Anaël le représentant de la marque!
  16. Personne? J'en ai trouvé quelques uns, mais ce sont des tableaux soporifiques à imprimer... Le spectateur risque de s'y perdre!
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