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ACAAN (Any Card at Any Number) | références

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Rien de nouveau dans cette vidéo ...

Pour moi elle présente un cas plutôt favorable, il faudrait voir les autres.

En tous cas les dernières secondes ne laissent aucun doute sur la technique employée :)

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Pas de pub non magique pour les membres du Cercle VM. Clique ici pour en savoir plus !

Critique trouvée sur le café vert... pas joli joli!

From the ad copy: "Without any...manipulation of the deck...nothing; the performer honestly and directly deals the cards down to the position of the number called out. The card at that specified location is handed to a spectator"

I consider this terribly misleading. While the wording may be technically correct in terms of the exact stage it is describing, there is nevertheless a very major 'move' as part of the process, and at the exact moment that a spectator might expect one to occur. On the plus side, there is a video explaining how to do it, but that does not, in my opinion, make up for the dissonance between description and effect.

And this may just be me, but the cover of the ebook seems to confirm the terrible sleazy image image of magic that does us no favours with the wider public.

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