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[CR] Conférence de Hayashi


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Suite à la conférence de Hayashi, Carl VALENTIN avait exprimé son ressenti sur cette rencontre (voir son article dans la partie CR/Conférences).

Je vous publie ici les 2 précisions du magicien japonais vivant en Allemagne.

C'est en anglais (et un peu en français) mais facile à comprendre et fort instructif sur les sources et les idées !

Si d'ailleurs vous pouvez l'aider pour le nom de la routine de claude RIX et l'année de publication du livre, vous êtes les bienvenus ! :)

> 1er Email de Hayashi :


I was very surprised when I read the critique you wrote about my Mephisto lecture.

I am very disappointed that you did not speak to me personally before releasing this critique, because I did not have the opportunity to explain myself, which I will do here now.


Your critique makes my lecture sound very negative in that you make it sound as if

1. I was unwilling to explain any of my routines and

2. that I did not give correct credit and

3. that I stole one routine from Claude Rix.

1. I did not explain everything because the time was limited. I offered to explain any of the routines I performed, but I also clearly said to the lecture participants that it would take too long to explain all five of the card routines from my DVD.

That is why I asked them to tell me which ones they wanted me to explain. They said they liked trick no.3 (you numbered them in your critique), Trumped Triumph. Afterwards, there was not enough time to explain the other four. There is a reason why the DVD is three hours long and has only five routines on it.

2. I completely agree with you that it is important to give correct credits when using other people's work and I always try my best to do so.

There are five routines on my DVD and the credits and sources are all given. When I lecture, I normally talk about the credits during the explanations of the routines and not during the performance.

For my lecture at Mephisto I performed all five of the routines from my DVD but I could explain only one. That is why I gave the credits only for "Trumped Triumph". The explanations on the DVD of course contain the credits for the other four routines. In addition, I learned after the Mephisto lecture that my credits for "No Comment" were wrong.

The credits for the five routines from my DVD are as follows:

- "Assembly Line" by Hayashi.

- "Everywhere" by David Regal, used by permission by David Regal.

- "Trumped Triumph" by Joshua Jay, used by permission by Joshua Jay. Joshua credits this routine as being based on John Bannon's "Play It Straight", published in John Bannon's IMPOSSIBILIA.

- "Ambitious Card To Pocket" - my ambitious card, based on Daryl's version, combined with Francis Carlyle's "Card To Pocket".

- "Gambler and Magician" by Dr. Jacob Daley. David Regal helped me to research this one and the oldest source we could find for this classic plot was Dr. Daley. My routine is based on Harry Lorayne's version, with my ending.

3. As for the routine I call "NO COMMENT", in the instructions I credited the routine as being by the magic dealer Astor from Hungary because Astor gave me permission to use it but he did not make reference to any sources so I assumed that it was his original routine.

I therefore believed at the time that "NO COMMENT" was the original name of the routine and that I was using it with permission from the inventor of the routine.

I have since been corrected by both Tonny Van Rhee and Paul Thys.

Both of them have been performing this same routine for many years and we discussed the origin. It is clearly not an Astor routine, although he sells it as one of his items without credit.

Paul Thys says that he used to sell this same routine 25 years ago and that he bought it from Nick Trost, so he (Magic Victoria) assumed that it was a Nick Trost creation. Tonny says that he believes that this routine is definitely not from Claude Rix because Pavel also used to sell this same routine over 25 years ago and Pavel claimed that it was his original creation.

I will contact Pavel and ask him about this but for now he seems to be the oldest source. In your critique you mention this routine as being from a book by Claude Rix. How old is this book?

I would be very interested to know what year Claude Rix published his book.

So here is my comment on this situation:

If you don´t like my lecture, that´s ok. You can write that. However, you cannot say that I do not credit other magicians´ work and you can definitely not say that I steal other magicians´ routines. These comments are untrue and they are damaging to my reputation as a magician.

> 2eme Email de Hayashi :

Monsieur Valentin,

Merci pour votre réponse. Je voudrais vous écrire en francais mais malheurusement mon compréhension en francais est plus fort que mon capacité

me m'exprimer. Alors je vais écrire la reste en anglais, mais j'ai compris ce que vous m'avez écrit et j'espère que vous pouvez me comprendre aussi.

Thank you for transmitting my letter to Web Master Thomas THIEBAUT for publication.

Sachez que je vous respecte aussi. Je m'excuse qu'il manquait quelques explications dans cette conférence. I am sorry that my lecture at Mephisto was too much show and too little explanation. Normally I explain everything if there is no time limit, in which case my lecture is 2.5 to 3 hours long.

In this case, I knew I had to give a shorter lecture that day but I did too much performance, which left too little time for explanations.

Normalement, toutes les sources sont cités quand je donne les explications.

In the future, if I have to do a short lecture I will perform one routine and explain it, then perform the next routine and explain it. This way I will hopefully not have problems again with missing sources and


If you are interested, perhaps you could come to one of my lectures in France. I will be in Lille on April 27. If you come I can give you a better lecture and after that I can buy you a beer so we can have a friendly talk.

Can you help me with this? Maintenant que j'ai appris que je n'avais pas le vrai source, je voudrais trouver le propre créateur. I am getting different sources from different magicians for the trick Astor calls "NO COMMENT".

What name does Claude Rix have for this routine and what year did he publish it ?

I would be happy if you or any other magicians could give me information about the correct sources.

If Claude Rix is the creator, of course I will ask for his permission. At the moment I do not know who is the original source because Nick Trost and Pavel also seem to be the creator of this routine. (?)

Thank you again and please stay in contact. I am sure we will meet again soon. Please be so kind and give me the link to the website so I can see my letter. Talk to you again.

Cordialement / Best Regards


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Pas de pub non magique pour les membres du Cercle VM. Clique ici pour en savoir plus !

Comme j'ai précisé à Hayashi par mail suite à sa lettre, je ne voulais en aucun cas lui faire une mauvaise publicité, mais je respecte mes confrères magiciens et je trouve indispensable de citer les sources lors d'une conférence.

Cela justifie certainement un peu le ton dur de certain propos. Mais je devais rester objectif.

Je suis très content de voir que Hayashi veut se remettre en questions et rectifier cela.

Il reste un artiste d'exeption et ca vaut la peine de le voir en action, j'insiste encore sur le fait que ses routines de Matrix sont d'une grande Beauté et totalement "Killer". des matrix hors de la "Matrix"

(ci-dessus les 2 lettres que Hayashi m'a envoyé par mail.)


Carl Valentin

Magicien : mon rêve, ma passion, mon métier.

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Pour plus de détail, Claude Rix rappelle l'historique de son tour de dé qui remonte à ....1943...chez mayette, dans la revue de l'afap octobre 2004.

Claude à crée plusieurs variantes, dont une mise au point avec son ami Pavel... et d'autres qui n'ont pas encore été publiées pour le moment mais qui le seront dans un prochain livre.


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Donc Claude semble bien avoir l'antériorité de l'effet ! ;)

Pour répondre à Gounico, c'est son "tourneur" Pascal MARC qui l'en a informé !

Il est membre du forum, il pourra donc s'exprimer s'il le souhaite !

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Pour plus de détail, Claude Rix rappelle l'historique de son tour de dé qui remonte à ....1943...chez mayette, dans la revue de l'afap octobre 2004.

Suite à la démonstration de MAYETE de cette routine avec un jeu de 32 cartes, Claude RIX l'a repris en utilisant 52 cartes et en y ajoutant une petite subtilité.

Par ailleurs on évoque plus souvent KAPS que RIX pour cette routine qui se nomme le dé de F KAPS

Question paternité ce serait plutôt Mayette qui le créa lui même ou le tenait-il lui même d'un autre magicien?

Modifié par Dom
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