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[Lecture] Art Decko de Simon ARONSON

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Message de Simon Aronson ;) Hâte !

The book is titled Art Decko (Ginny and I like the “Art Deco” style, so I’ve incorporated some of that style into the format, fonts and layout of the book). Art Decko is a hardcover 8 ½ x 11 book with dustjacket, matching the size, format and binding of my four previous large books. It’s an extremely eclectic mix, encompassing over 300 pages of my kind of card magic.

I’m in the process of receiving the last edits from my editors and proofreaders, and putting the finishing touches on things like the Preface, the Table of Contents, etc. I hope to send it to the printer soon. Once it’s at the printer, they’ll give me a time schedule, and that’s when I plan to send out more detailed descriptions of its contents, and how to order it.

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C'est la meilleure nouvelle de l'année voire de la décennie ! Il t'a répondu directement Friboudi ? C'est une exclu, (bravo !) car les détails n'ont pas encore à priori été donné sur le magic cafe...

... Sans compter la sortie prochaine aussi (en anglais) du second livre de Woody Aragon ;-)

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  • 1 month plus tard...

ça y est ! Livraison pour Novembre :)

The book is full of devastating card material packed into his largest book ever...325 pages spread over 8 sections. You'll learn a slew of effects that can be done with little or no set up, a section on his "Birthdays" concept, a section called "Totals," which introduces a new plot and method for card effects, as well as tricks with memorized stacks, gaffs, and more. Equally important, there are two groundbreaking essays in this collection, where Simon theorizes about the uses of predictions, and how they can strengthen (or weaken) an effect. Act now to preorder your copy today. Free shipping in the US. Projected ship date: Nov. 1st.

Art Decko is Simon’s largest book ever, with eight sections of new material that run the gamut of card magic:

On the Spot – impromptu effects with an ordinary, shuffled deck

Two-Faced – some of Simon’s most deceptive magic, with just one or two gaffs

Totals – an in-depth study of a great new plot

Birthdays – a new exploration of the birthday datebook theme

Techniques – new and subtle techniques that are highly deceptive, but easy to do

Memorized jeux_de_cartes – effects both stack independent and tailored to the Aronson stack

Eccentrics – a grab bag of effects

Predictions – the most detailed, theoretical study of predictions you’ve ever read; includes Two by Two (the ultimate ACAAN – two freely chosen playing cards are discovered at two freely chosen numbers).

And SO MUCH MORE...theory essays covering everything from surprise to disillusionment; comment sections that deeply explore variations, alternative routines, and tradeoffs for the professional to weigh. If you want to see how Simon thinks, this book will offer many hours of thought-provoking ideas—all written in Simon’s lucid, detailed, and thorough style.

Josh considers Simon a major influence, role model, and friend, and in recent years Andi has also had the pleasure of getting to know Simon. Both of us have had a chance to read an advance copy of Art Decko, and the book is a revelation! Simon's books are so much fun to read because he is so excited about his material, and the material itself is so intelligent.

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