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[Matos] Clearly Impossible Box de Magic Wagon

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Connaissez-vous ce produit de chez magic wagon? Cela me tente bien!


Is it mind control or coincidence?

An elegant box containing a folded card inside is displayed. The card is clearly visible through the glass panels on all four sides. The performer then asks the spectator to name ANY card in the deck. The choice is completely free and there is no force of any kind. The performer then removes the card in full view of the spectator. Obviously, the folded card in the box is the named card! It is that direct.

• The card is in full view the entire time and it is not covered in any way.

• There are absolutely NO restrictions; the spectator can name any of the 52 cards, including the Joker.

• The effect can be immediately repeated with another free selection!

The photos do not do this justice; the box is meticulously handcrafted from the finest Croco embossed animal-friendly synthetic leather and the interior is lined with velvet materials. Each piece perfectly demonstrates the care, attention to detail, and impeccable craftsmanship.

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Pas de pub non magique pour les membres du Cercle VM. Clique ici pour en savoir plus !

Hello Friboudi

Je ne connais pas la boîte de magic wagon mais de prime à bord je vois plusieurs solutions pour réaliser exactement le même effet.

Solution du pauvre : Cull de la carte, mercury fold, apparition dans une boîte à bijoux à la Kaps/Tommy Wonder

Solution du un peu moins pauvre : Idem mais avec 2 jeux Mene Tekel

Solution du riche : + carte à la boîte Kaps

Solution du très riche : idem riche + lighting box


Je sais que je ne réponds pas exactement à ta question mais voilà quelques solutions alternatives viables ;)

Modifié par Thomas
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