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Blank Night de John ARCHER

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Oui, on ne dévoile aucun secret , on ne va pas manger dans l'assiette d'un autre non plus en faisant ça.

Merci à @goochelen d'avoir fait ce boulot, de me l'avoir envoyé et de m'avoir permis de la partager.

Chacun pourra se l'approprier, je le trouve tellement bon ce John Archer, plein d'humour et d'auto-dérision dans ses textes


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0:06 Hi Good evening, hi, it's good to see you all. It's good to be here. My name as you know is John Archer, I am a comedy magician. I tell you that all nice and early because all of you at the moment are thinking he looks more like a builder. .... a few bricks at the moment.
0:20 People ask me, can magicians use their skills to their own advantage? And of course the answer is yes.  I am going to try to demonstrate that with this little simple little trick. This simple little trick ladies and gentlemen using 5 enveloppes. Now I am going to tell you a little bit about the enveloppes before we start.
0:32 Four of the enveloppes are worthless, they contain nothing apart from a John Archer conmemorative zero dollar bill printed on my own computer when it was low on ink, they are not very nice.
0:42 However one of the enveloppes contains one hundred pounds. (Public says "whooo"). Now there a lot of people do more impressive tricks than this. This is just the one in five. People are doing amazing tricks here tonight, this is just the one in five, but I am the only act who is wagering his live savings.
1:00 We are going to start with this gentleman here, I am going to tell you a little about the enveloppes sir. What is your name?  Tarek. Tarek, wonderful Tarek, I am going to tell you a little about the enveloppes, now they all have something written on them that helps me play the little game. That helps me messing with your head.
1:11 You see the first enveloppe has got "SOMETHING" written on it. Now this is the only enveloppe that has SOMETHING written on it even though all the other enveloppes do have written something on them, but it is not something it is something else even though it is not something else.
1:21 Dont try to work it out. The question you have got the ask yourself Tarek, would I have put the money in the enveloppe that say's there is something in it? While we know for a fact that all enveloppes have something in them even the ones that don't have the something you want. You are thinking too much.
1:32 If you don't go for enveloppe number one Tarek, you might go for enveloppe number 2. Enveloppe number 2 says "NOTHING" even though it says something but as I promise you, it is not something else.  
The question you have got to ask yourself is would I have put the money in the enveloppe that says it has nothing in it that seems a little bit too obvious, it might be a double double bluff. (Tarek says "No"). These aren't really questions that I am looking for answers for, but thank you anyway. When I wrote the script, I can't remember seeing your name so often. 
2:01 Tarek, if you don't go for enveloppe number 2, that has NOTHING on it, you might go for enveloppe number 3 which says "YOURS". Now everybody rightfully likes (?) it is theirs, but it is not theirs, it is yours. The question is would I have put the money in the enveloppe that says it is yours, but of course you really think it is mine but it is not mine, it is yours as it says on the front.  
2:16 Now if you don't go for enveloppe number 3 that says YOURS you might go for enveloppe number 4 which says "MINE" and you will notice MINE is much bigger than YOURS.
You know it is genetics. The question is would I've put my money in the enveloppe that says it's MINE but obviously that would have been the obvious place to put it because you might read it and think it is yours, but is not yours because this is the one that is yours, this must be mine maybe that is where the money is
2:38 Tarek if you don't go for enveloppe number 4 you might go for the last enveloppe,  enveloppe number 5. Enveloppe number 5 says SEX. The question is would I have put the money in the enveloppe that says SEX. Who knows.  
2:46 Maybe I am gambling but you are not the type of man who would ask for sex in an open public forum. 
2:52 Tarek do me a favor, stand up. Wonderful Tarek, here's what is going to happen. 
I am going to count to three and I am going to ask you to just name one of the enveloppes. Whatever enveloppe you name that is the enveloppe you get. One Two Three.
3:01: SEX
You want sex?  
Such a shame, so many girls, you have to chose an enveloppe. 
Tarek take "SEX". Tarek open up the enveloppe. Inside you'll find a John Archer commemorative zero dollar bill. Is that correct? Hold it over and let them have a look. Give him a big round of applause ladies and gentleman. Thank you Tarek you can have a seat.  
3:22 This gentleman here, what is your name sir?
Hanny, wonderful, I have the same thing for you,  I don't have to explain the enveloppes - we have got SOMETHING, we have got NOTHING, we have got YOURS and MINE. I'll count to three and you chose one of the enveloppes. One Two Three.
You want NOTHING? You're sure? Sure! In which case you get nothting, take NOTHING. Open it up. Hanny inside you will find a John Archer commemorative zero dollar bill. Is that correct? Hold it over and let them have a look.
Please have seat. Thank you very much.
3:50 This lady here what is your name.
Zarah, wonderful Zarah, unfortunately SEX is gone. Not necessarily for you but for me. But there are 3 enveloppes left. We have got SOMETHING, YOURS or MINE. I'll count to three. ... Shame sex is gone. One two three. 
You want YOURS. Take YOURS. Wonderful. Open it up have alook inside. Inside you will find a John Archer commemorative zero dollar bill. Is that correct? There it is. Give her a big round of applause ladies and gentleman. Thank you. Have a seat.
4:23 Leaves me with 2 enveloppes. Let me see. This gentleman here. You look keen. Stand up sir. You've got a choice now between SOMETHING and MINE. Again I am going to count and I'll ask you your name but would you be surprised if I already know the choice you are going to make? Have you made your mind up ? Yes. 
Would I be correct if I say you were going to chose SOMETHING. Yeah. You see how easy this is? 
.... I am ... telling which one you are going to choose but I am going to give you the chance to do somthing that nobody else could do. I give you the chance to chance your mind ? Do you want to do that?  
You don't. It is a shame it would have helped.
Take the enveloppe. Open it up. Inside you will find a John Archer commemorative zero dollar bill. Is that correct? Sure. Nothing else in the enveloppe? Hold it out to everybody. Give him a big round of applause.
5:09 Which leaves me Ladies and gentlemen with MINE. You see it could all have had what was MINE. But oh no. You wanted SOMETHING or SEX, but if you were just brave enough to ask for what was mine you would have got it ladies and gentlemen.  The one enveloppe containing 100 pounds. Thank you very much.
5:36 They don't believe me but inside the enveloppe ladies and gentlemen there is indeed 20 40 60 80 100 pounds.


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Pas de pub non magique pour les membres du Cercle VM. Clique ici pour en savoir plus !
il y a 6 minutes, Thierry (Malko) a dit :

Oui, on ne dévoile aucun secret , on ne va pas manger dans l'assiette d'un autre non plus en faisant ça.

Merci à @goochelen d'avoir fait ce boulot, de me l'avoir envoyé et de m'avoir permis de la partager.

Chacun pourra se l'approprier, je le trouve tellement bon ce John Archer, plein d'humour et d'auto-dérision dans ses textes

Merci beaucoup @Thierry (Malko) ! 😃

Effectivement, le partage de ce texte ne devrait nuire à personne 🙂

J'adore aussi son approche, finalement John Archer offre bien plus un sketch et un divertissement qu'un numéro de magie, et c'est ça qui est très fort !

Encore merci 🤩

il y a 4 minutes, Bruno R. a dit :

et dire qu'il existe un "hack" permettant de récupérer tout le texte en 30 s et en plus en français.
Mais je sais pas si je dois donner le poisson ou apprendre à pêcher 🙂

Après les services de Google Trad ne font qu'un travail de dégrossissement, il reste une bonne partie à traduire et adapté "à la main". Et en ce sens, il faut toujours garder le texte original en anglais sous le coude pour mieux traduire l'ensemble 🙂

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il y a 22 minutes, Mickaël a dit :

A priori, je dirais même que ça pourrait être posté au moins en anglais ici ? J'étais parti pour mettre la version anglais sur ce fil, je pense que c'est une information "publique" vu que c'est le texte "télé".

Je n'en suis pas si sûr. Ce n'est pas parce que c'est accessible facilement que c'est libre de droits et que tout un chacun peut le copier et l'afficher où il le souhaite sur d'autres sites.

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il y a 8 minutes, Mickaël a dit :

Après les services de Google Trad ne font qu'un travail de dégrossissement, il reste une bonne partie à traduire et adapté "à la main". Et en ce sens, il faut toujours garder le texte original en anglais sous le coude pour mieux traduire l'ensemble 🙂

on peux aussi le récuperer en anglais, ou en finnois, ou en russe 

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il y a une heure, David (Chakkan) a dit :

Je n'en suis pas si sûr. Ce n'est pas parce que c'est accessible facilement que c'est libre de droits et que tout un chacun peut le copier et l'afficher où il le souhaite sur d'autres sites.

Pas de certitude de mon côté non plus mais ceci-dit, écrire la restitution écrite d'un propos tenu à la télé ne doit pas porter à conséquence. Je ne pense pas que ça rentre dans les considérations de "libre de droits" par exemple.

Ce n'est pas la même chose que si j'avais l'intention de refaire le même texte à la télé pour gagner de l'argent avec.

Là où je te rejoins c'est sur la conséquence de faciliter l'accès à ce texte. Car du coup, certains pourront le reprendre et le refaire tel quel. Mais la faute à YouTube avant tout du coup 🙂

  • On voit de plus en plus souvent : "Faites une demande à l'auteur pour négocier les droits de passage à la télé." ou une phrase qui revient au même.

J'ose espérer que ça implique que le fait d'acheter le tour nous permet au moins de le faire auprès d'un public non filmé qui ne passe pas à la télé. ^^

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Pour ceux qui ont Netflix, on trouve l'épisode de Fool Us avec John Archer...

...sous titré dans un français correct par des pro. (on oublie google trad)




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Les bras croisés sur le cœur qui bat de tout son sang
Les yeux tournés vers l'horizon d'où sortent les rêves
Demain tu hurleras tes mensonges dans le vent

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