Je ne resiste pas au plaisir de vous faire partager ma joie.
Jheff, le redoutable et redouté critique américain, a nominé le Green Neck System meilleur produit de l’année 2017!
let's get right into the product which I've crowned the best recommended product of 2017...
GREEN NECK SYSTEM - Gabriel Werlen
I am just as excited about this now as I was when it came out this past summer. It has everything that a mentalist could want. It's an easy streamlined version of the Hummer principle (basically, two steps or rules) that can be applied to a whole variety of effects. Every level of performer can do this. And this can be applied to effects to be used in any type of venue. It's easy to learn, is very deceptive, requires no special props, can definitely be done impromptu, and can be done over the phone or Internet.
I'm not sure why this hasn't been talked about more than it has. This technique deserves to be a classic and, in my mind, already is.