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Touched de Sansminds

N@sri KSM

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Ce boulet s'est mis à ouvrir un sujet réponse qui plus tard s'est fait supprimé à cause des débordements :

Banachek obviously you have a problem with me over my current release Touched. My ideas were good enough for FREE to include in your upcoming PK touches book, which is yet to even be seen. I don't give ideas away for free, and for this I apologize to you.

This plot and it is a plot, was coined as yours. Like other material of yours including your bends are not original to you. They are from working "Psychics" and you rehash their work in the magic world and claim it as your own.

The touches plot is not original to you. It was mentioned in one of Milbourne Chistophers books. Their were also several psychics that were doing the plot as well way before then. This was all well before your so called "original" PK touches livret, One of the psychics doing this plot was named D'Angelo if I'm not mistaken.

My PK touches are original to me, and very far from your infant method. I just used a plot like everyone else does in Magic and Mentalism. I could understand if I was selling your handling, but I'm not. They are far more advaned.

I have no problem with you, but I will tell you this I won't be pushed around by you. I stand by my work, and am very proud of it.

I also gave you among others credit on the DVD.


Et sur le sujet initial Banachek à répondu :


.. straight lines from my lecture..seems someone was listening but now using those words out of context. The context is the fact that PK touches is not a routine, never was, it is a method of time and space. Time when people think the person is feeling the taps and space where you put space between you and the person feeling psychic taps.

I give full credit where due to Christopher and to Archille at each lecture and this is how people use that credit to justify bad behavior... Sometimes I just want to pack it all in, like Duschek and other people who thought, created, shared and were shat upon and no longer share.. actually walked away from magic and this sort of disrespect.

And I now I hear the ludicrous justification for bad behavior by another who says my bends are from other psychics too Smile so it was okay to steal them, and in a sujet that had nothing to do with PK touches no less ... by ... well we know who. The method for the rub bend, the twist, the tine were mine and not done prior. Even Randi had never saw the tine bend and was shocked by it when he first saw it. And yes there are well known "psychics" who are now using mine and Osterlind's and Guy Bavli bends.

Pigs love dirty mud/attention and all so I will not comment further.

Le plus drôle si j'ai bien compris c'est qu'un des amis de Morgan à ouvert un sujet pour le livre ice cold (sujet encore une fois supprimé); cette personne gérait apparemment l'impression du livre et se serait trompée sur les annexes et aurait envoyé à la place le mauvais fichier ce qui expliquerait le plagiat.

Il y aura alors un second tirage avec ces problèmes de corrigés + les crédits.

C'est vraiment pitoyable de voir tout ça. mdr

#Ma_grand_mere_s_appelle_suzanne #Trex_Vaincra


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