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Defiance de Mariano GONI

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Un retour en anglais :

"PROS: the "hook-up" method is really killer... very innovative -- and best of all, looks like REAL FRIGGIN' MAGIC! The DVD instructions are very thorough, though sometimes "painful" to sit through (see why below)... but VERY COMPLETE.

CONS: I have just a couple of comments here:

1) Though, I appreciate Mariano doing his best to speak English on the explanations... I feel it would have been best to have him speak his native language and have it either a) interpreted and spelled on the screen or b) just have an interpreter.

I frequently found myself getting impatient and frustrated with the "broken English" instructions -- they took at LEAST 3 times as long for him to explain than it would if he were speaking his native language. And much of the time, though I got the "gist" of what he was saying, I flat-out couldn't understand what he was saying. This isn't a personal attack on Mariano -- merely a suggestion to the producers of the product.

Having said that... the instructions were VERY thorough and complete... covering everything from angles, lighting, clothing, hook-up (of course), fixing and maintaining the ITR, etc. Very thorough indeed.

2) I found the lack of CREDITING and HISTORY to be incredibly disturbing... especially considering that Murphy's Magic put this product out. They should know better than to NOT credit people where credit is due. Case in point:

a) Mariano's set-up uses a "modified" ITR, which was invented by James George -- a fact not even mentioned on the DVD. And did they get permission to "modify" James' revolutionary invention -- let alone to modify it and manufacture it? Just because you CAN... doesn't mean you should. Hopefully they DID get his permission... but if so, why didn't they credit him? Defiance wouldn't even be possible without James' invention.

b) Mariano's hook-up is (in part) a "modified" "LeClair Hook-up" by Jon LeClair. Jon's name was not brought up or mentioned at all. Again, Defiance wouldn't even be possible without the innovative breakthrough provided by the "LeClair Hook-up".

Again... the IT and floating innovations that Mariano has brought to the table are, indeed, GENIUS! And the magic is absolutely stunning. So 5 stars out of 5 for him. Any thread worker will love it!

I just feel the producers made some pretty bad oversights when it comes to a) the delivery of the instructions b) providing proper crediting and history. "

Et TNT qui décortique Défiance :)


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En gros, de bonnes idées mais TRES TRES TRES impraticable ! Trop de set-up, pas de crédits dans le DVD, gestion du spectateur au delà du raisonnable..

Pas super dans l'ensemble.

Heuuuuu Alex, ce n'est pas du tout ce qui est dit lol

Le point noir serait effectivement le manque de crédit sur l'ITR dont il se sert et sur le hook-up qu'il utilise ... Par contre le reste c'est du top .. Il lui donne 5/5 et le recommande franchement !

"Veritas vos liberabit"

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En gros c'est un ITR amélioré si je comprends bien.

Je ne suis pas en flip, je le reçois cette semaine et je suis enthousiaste. Ok il y a des restrictions d'angle, de lumière, de gestion du spectateur ... mais c'est un peu le cas sur tous les tours, à des degrés divers.

Donc au mieux c'est utilisable en close-up et je suis heureux, au pire c'est plus pour des vidéos, de la scène ou des cas très particuliers, et ça sera sympa quand même.

Et puis c'est pas comme si ça m'avait coûté 250€, faut rester cool. :)

Il paraît qu'Alex Elmsley avait quatre fils, mais lui n'en a toujours vu que trois.

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En gros, de bonnes idées mais TRES TRES TRES impraticable ! Trop de set-up, pas de crédits dans le DVD, gestion du spectateur au delà du raisonnable..

Pas super dans l'ensemble.

Heuuuuu Alex, ce n'est pas du tout ce qui est dit lol

Le point noir serait effectivement le manque de crédit sur l'ITR dont il se sert et sur le hook-up qu'il utilise ... Par contre le reste c'est du top .. Il lui donne 5/5 et le recommande franchement !

Je parlais de la vidéo youtube ;)

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