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[Lecture] Seeking the Bridge de John B. BORN

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John Born’s Meant To Be was one of the best-selling books in the last decade, almost (but not quite) better selling than the BIBLE….. Don’t quote me on that. So its no surprise that I, like many others, were chomping at the bit when I heard of an upcoming sequel.

Seeking the Bridge is all cards. The first half of the book is dedicated to techniques and routines with a memorized deck. All of the mem deck material is universal, so any memorized deck can be applied. My only disappointment here is that I did not get to see the pieces in action before reading the book, because this is some really fun stuff.

The second half is more general ranging from impromptu, to stack work (such as stay stack), to prepared deck material. It is clear that many of these pieces have been used to slap around magicians, while others come straight from his professional performing repertoire.

There are a wide variety of plots tackled in this project. Off of the top of my head, Mr. Born has offered some game-changing tools for the memorized deck, as well as great work for impossible locations, ACAAN, deck switches, the classic stop trick, signed card in spectators pocket, sign card under spectators shoe, the Hummer principle, the Penelope principle, Stay Stack, secret multi-deck preparations, and many others.

But what really brings this together are the insights into his way of thinking. John is a master at constructing routines for the maximum amount of impact, and the tips he offered were spot on – too bad I’ll probably never been as smooth or sexy as he is (insert sad face). Most of the routines and presentations are designed to be more psychological, so you won’t find any move-monkey non-sense (false counting tricks or crazy sleight-of-hand). If doing hands-off miracles with a deck of cards is your jam, then what the hell are you waiting for?!?!

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