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[Lecture] Real Secrets

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Ca ressemble à du :

IMAGINE !!! A connerie never seen before !!!

A monthly sheet in your mail box !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

With Gaueieton Blohm !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Everything piqué on E-mule !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Like some truc qu'on a eu en mentalisme en France !!!!!!!!!

Paypal !!! Paypal !!! Paypal !!! Paypal !!! Paypal !!! Paypal !!!!!!!!!

Enfin je dis ça, je dis rien....

Antoine de Saint-Exupéry : "Fais de ta vie un rêve, et d'un rêve, une réalité, et surtout pense à refaire le plein de l'avion"

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On t'envoie apparemment une (ou des ?) routine originale à chaque fois (avec le matos ?).

Si tu t'abonnes ça commence à la suivante, les précédentes n'étant plus disponibles.

ça fait un peu penser à la pochette surprise de quand on était gamin.

Modifié par Melvin


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  • 2 weeks plus tard...

Pour info, pour les membres du club qui prévoient d'aller à la convention "Genii's 75th Anniversary Birthday Bash" en octobre à Orlando, Richard Kaufman annonce sur le forum de Genii:

"Very pleased to announce the following bit of fun for members of Real Secrets who are also coming to the Genii Convention in October, as related to me in an email from the Real Secrets Team:

"Real Secrets is having a party for members only at the Genii 75th Birthday Bash. Prior to October, Real Secrets members will receive something special that they will be instructed to bring with them to the convention to gain entry. This item is for members only and they will need to show this item to enter the party.

"Members will not be permitted to bring guests. There will be food (pizza), beverages, and the ability to openly meet fellow Real Secret members and to share ideas and more.

"As with all associated with Real Secrets, there will be additional surprises. Time and date to be announced but it will happen during a free period so no convention events are missed.

"If you will be attending the convention and would like to come to the Real Secrets party, watch the Real Secrets website for instructions regarding what to bring to gain entry.

"Please RSVP to [email protected] prior to the convention to ensure appropriate planning.""





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