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Sybil de Phedon BILEK

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Il y a 3 heures, Shiva (Patrick) a dit :

Ok... Ok...

Mais tout ça est-il bien éthique et dénué d'ambiguïté ?

Ne sommes-nous pas là face à un mélange des genres mortifère ?

Je le dis tout de go : Sommes nous encore dans le divertissement (et uniquement le divertissement !) ?


Euh Éthique....Oui y’a aucun doute.

Pour connaître Phedon personnellement, tout ce qu’il fait, il le fait avec bienveillance.

Et ça reste du divertissement tant que tu veux que ça le reste. 

  • J'aime 2

"C'est dans sa forme pure qu'un art frappe fort." [Robert Bresson]

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Pas de pub non magique pour les membres du Cercle VM. Clique ici pour en savoir plus !

J'en profite Phledon que tu sois là. Est ce que le dvd est sous-titré ?

Car comme il s'agit apparemment de subtilités psychologiques, pas sûr de bien saisir en VO.

Les bras croisés sur le cœur qui bat de tout son sang
Les yeux tournés vers l'horizon d'où sortent les rêves
Demain tu hurleras tes mensonges dans le vent

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 Bonjour Jean-Philippe, 

non, pas de sous-titres malheureusement. Je ne connais pas votre niveau d’anglais, mais s’il est passable ça devrait aller. Les subtilités ne sont pas dans la langue mais plutôt dans la tournure et l’attitude... 

j’espère avoir été assez clair 

Merci de votre intérêt 



  • Merci 1
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Nico Heinrich a publié une critique de sybil sur le café:


Phedon starts out with an oracle, using a blank sheet of paper and a pen. He gives her some simple instructions, that he would analyse in order to give her a very strong, detailed personal reading. He is dead-on with everything he says. 

Halfway through the first performance, I am hooked. Now, what impressed me here? A lot of things. First of all, the production quality is perfect and the video is easy to watch (not a given these days!). Secondly, I liked Phedon’s casual, warm and charismatic way of performing. Last but not least, the setting is right up my alley: Two people at a table, nothing more than a pen and paper. No gimmicks, no preparation. 

Next, he gives her a more telepathic (or empathic?) reading on something, she is only thinking of. Phedon takes her hand, closes his eyes and talks for a minute or two. No questions asked, no fishing. Her reaction is very emotional. Finally, he reveals private details about a person, the participant is focusing on, including the very name she is thinking of. What a performance! 

In the next clip, Phedon does the personality test on another woman. Again, his reading is very accurate, which you can easily tell by her reaction. I like it so far. What follows though is so strong, that it makes the participant cry. Phedon has her focus on a break up situation she had gone through and reveals the way the relationship ended. The reading is so emotional, I tear up watching it. Wow! 

The third performance starts with a personal reading – without any oracles though. Phedon shakes the man’s hand and tells him his first impressions. An approach I have seen before but Phedon does it very well. Then, again, he reveals details about a person the participant is thinking of. By now, I can see that a lot of things Phedon says are stock lines because they repeat throughout the performance – I like good stock lines, and some of his I haven’t heard before, so it’s a good thing. Finally, Phedon performs the name reveal one more time but with a twist. He also reveals what concern the thought of person has in life. Again, very touching moments in this performance. 

What can I say? I love this kind of mentalism! I love this project! I hate that it’s given away for so little money though. Maybe I am selfish here because I don’t want too many people to have access to this – it is just too precious. Let’s see what you get … With the DVD comes a PDF document, containing almost everything that’s on the video as well. These are the things you will learn: 

CAFFEINE-FREE READING. As I had already worked with oracles, such as numerology, Tarot cards, star signs and palm reading, I had no problem getting the knack of this one. I actually performed it one day after seeing the explanation with amazing results. As this is very intuitive, it is way easier to learn and perform than most oracles. Within a few days, you will be able to give an accurate and affecting personal reading to a complete stranger, using nothing but a sheet of paper and a pen. 

PRISM. This is a clever way to frame readings, so you cannot fail. It’s ridiculously simple yet so powerful. It truly makes giving readings a walk in the park – as long as you can talk, you can do this! 

JOURNEYS. Imagine an easy way to give sure-fire and emotionally affecting readings. Though this concept was not entirely new to me, I liked the way Phedon handles it. 
PHEDON’S LINES: To me, these stock lines are pure gold. They are well conceived and Phedon tells you exactly what to say and when to say it, so you cannot fail with these statements. 

DELPHI STRUCTURES. This is definitely the best person/name reveal I have ever seen. Period. The structure is so well thought out, so deceptive, fool-proof – I cannot think of a way to make this better. You know, I don’t like to copy other people’s material but this I had to copy one-to-one. 

THERE IS MORE … Phedon also explains a technique for gaining secret information (like a category/ area of life), which isn’t entirely his own – he just made it better – and a few priceless subtleties on the Acidus Novus Peek. For example, imagine a practical way to make your spectators forget about the fact that you even touched the billet – that is on the DVD as well. Also, there are a few amazing ideas on how to get extra hits during your reading for free. I actually struggle to remember everything he taught because there are so many brilliant ideas on here. It’s like a huge toolbox you get, and you can pick and choose what you need in order to give a successful, hard hitting, emotional reading to you participant. 

Here is my advice: Purchase SIBYL if you … 
… want to learn how to give readings! 
… already give readings and want to improve them! 
… want to touch your participant emotionally! 
… are a minimalist! 
… are a mentalist! 
… are clever! 

Don’t purchase SIBYL if you … 
… are stupid! 

Much love, 


Modifié par shrek (Stéphane)
  • J'aime 1

"C'est dans sa forme pure qu'un art frappe fort." [Robert Bresson]

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Il y a 1 heure, shrek (Stéphane) a dit :

Nico Heinrich a publié une critique de sybil sur le café:


Phedon starts out with an oracle, using a blank sheet of paper and a pen. He gives her some simple instructions, that he would analyse in order to give her a very strong, detailed personal reading. He is dead-on with everything he says. 

Halfway through the first performance, I am hooked. Now, what impressed me here? A lot of things. First of all, the production quality is perfect and the video is easy to watch (not a given these days!). Secondly, I liked Phedon’s casual, warm and charismatic way of performing. Last but not least, the setting is right up my alley: Two people at a table, nothing more than a pen and paper. No gimmicks, no preparation. 

Next, he gives her a more telepathic (or empathic?) reading on something, she is only thinking of. Phedon takes her hand, closes his eyes and talks for a minute or two. No questions asked, no fishing. Her reaction is very emotional. Finally, he reveals private details about a person, the participant is focusing on, including the very name she is thinking of. What a performance! 

In the next clip, Phedon does the personality test on another woman. Again, his reading is very accurate, which you can easily tell by her reaction. I like it so far. What follows though is so strong, that it makes the participant cry. Phedon has her focus on a break up situation she had gone through and reveals the way the relationship ended. The reading is so emotional, I tear up watching it. Wow! 

The third performance starts with a personal reading – without any oracles though. Phedon shakes the man’s hand and tells him his first impressions. An approach I have seen before but Phedon does it very well. Then, again, he reveals details about a person the participant is thinking of. By now, I can see that a lot of things Phedon says are stock lines because they repeat throughout the performance – I like good stock lines, and some of his I haven’t heard before, so it’s a good thing. Finally, Phedon performs the name reveal one more time but with a twist. He also reveals what concern the thought of person has in life. Again, very touching moments in this performance. 

What can I say? I love this kind of mentalism! I love this project! I hate that it’s given away for so little money though. Maybe I am selfish here because I don’t want too many people to have access to this – it is just too precious. Let’s see what you get … With the DVD comes a PDF document, containing almost everything that’s on the video as well. These are the things you will learn: 

CAFFEINE-FREE READING. As I had already worked with oracles, such as numerology, Tarot cards, star signs and palm reading, I had no problem getting the knack of this one. I actually performed it one day after seeing the explanation with amazing results. As this is very intuitive, it is way easier to learn and perform than most oracles. Within a few days, you will be able to give an accurate and affecting personal reading to a complete stranger, using nothing but a sheet of paper and a pen. 

PRISM. This is a clever way to frame readings, so you cannot fail. It’s ridiculously simple yet so powerful. It truly makes giving readings a walk in the park – as long as you can talk, you can do this! 

JOURNEYS. Imagine an easy way to give sure-fire and emotionally affecting readings. Though this concept was not entirely new to me, I liked the way Phedon handles it. 
PHEDON’S LINES: To me, these stock lines are pure gold. They are well conceived and Phedon tells you exactly what to say and when to say it, so you cannot fail with these statements. 

DELPHI STRUCTURES. This is definitely the best person/name reveal I have ever seen. Period. The structure is so well thought out, so deceptive, fool-proof – I cannot think of a way to make this better. You know, I don’t like to copy other people’s material but this I had to copy one-to-one. 

THERE IS MORE … Phedon also explains a technique for gaining secret information (like a category/ area of life), which isn’t entirely his own – he just made it better – and a few priceless subtleties on the Acidus Novus Peek. For example, imagine a practical way to make your spectators forget about the fact that you even touched the billet – that is on the DVD as well. Also, there are a few amazing ideas on how to get extra hits during your reading for free. I actually struggle to remember everything he taught because there are so many brilliant ideas on here. It’s like a huge toolbox you get, and you can pick and choose what you need in order to give a successful, hard hitting, emotional reading to you participant. 

Here is my advice: Purchase SIBYL if you … 
… want to learn how to give readings! 
… already give readings and want to improve them! 
… want to touch your participant emotionally! 
… are a minimalist! 
… are a mentalist! 
… are clever! 

Don’t purchase SIBYL if you … 
… are stupid! 

Much love, 



Il y a 1 heure, shrek (Stéphane) a dit :

Et sache également @Jean-Philippe KRAUSENER qu’au besoin, je suis là, et j’ai déjà fait la traduction de beaucoup de choses.

Et bien au boulot ! 😁

  • Haha 4

Si Dieu existe j'espère qu'il a une bonne excuse.

Woody Allen

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Il y a 7 heures, shrek (Stéphane) a dit :

Et sache également @Jean-Philippe KRAUSENER qu’au besoin, je suis là, et j’ai déjà fait la traduction de beaucoup de choses.

Merci beaucoup@shrek, je prends note

Les bras croisés sur le cœur qui bat de tout son sang
Les yeux tournés vers l'horizon d'où sortent les rêves
Demain tu hurleras tes mensonges dans le vent

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