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Gaëtan BLOOM

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Pas de pub non magique pour les membres du Cercle VM. Clique ici pour en savoir plus !
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I saw your show four times, eatch time I went in Las Vegas. I spend hours and hours in the cancellation line.

Today, it's my turn to give you something in return of the love you offered to the audience and the magic world: My hopes, my love and my wishes for you.

Your magic god bless you.

Get well, Roy.

(Thanks Gaetan)

[ 21. Octobre 2003, 09:18: Message édité par : Jean-Philippe Loupi ]

La Magie est Emotion.

Jean-Philippe Loupi

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Here is copy of letter I sent to Roy through

S & R Productions just after his accident...

Dear Roy,

My name is Valerie and I had the honor to be the first female magician to win the 2001, Sarmoti award in Las Vegas. It was a fantastic experience and a very special souvenir.

Unfortunately Siegfried was very sick, and we didn't have an opportunity to meet. I'm planning to be in Las Vegas in January of 2004, and hope, by that time, you will be well enough, so you, Siegfried, Lynette Chappell and I can finally get together.

I was devastated about your accident, but I feel the strongest medicine to make you better is the "World of Magic". Over the years you've given so much of yourself that, without you performing again, Magic will lose one it's

greatest pioneers.

I pray daily for your speedy recovery, and hope with all my heart, to see you in January, I look forward to that beautiful day.

All my respect and love,


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At the early beginning of this new one you both have to remain strong enough to path this.

I have been twice in LV to see your show which I will never forget. I advertise on you everyday stating that "if you have not seen Siegfried and Roy, you are missing one of your best emotion in your life where you will understand that dreams can come true"

So Roy keep fighting, keep going and get well soon. All the world is missing you on stage where you are made for.

I wish you a prompt recovery.

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