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Pas de pub non magique pour les membres du Cercle VM. Clique ici pour en savoir plus !
  • 2 weeks plus tard...

Mon nouveau coup de cœur.

Un guitariste formidable, une présence inspirée, de l'énergie, un univers... Estas Tonne !

Estas Tonne is a charismatic modern day Troubadour spreading an inspirational message of the new consciousness and paradigm whilst playing all over the world, delighting audiences from the Americas to India, from the Middle East to Europe.

Born and raised in the former Soviet Union, Estas Tonne studied classical music at the local music school. For more than ten years though, he put his guitar aside. His passion and love for music was finally reactivated by the jazz-guitarist, Django Reinhardt. The inspiration he experienced, re-kindled a passion for music and a completely new and different path:

The path of the Heart.

Over a period of some years, the artist focused on specifying his guitar style. He has been travelling across the world playing on countless streets and in hundreds of cities, at Festivals, in concerts and at different events. Many parts of the world, amongst others, the artist’s quarter of Montmartre (Paris) had a formative effect on his musical development.

The artist is known for his unique and remarkable guitar style by touching listeners deeply, especially those who witness the intensity of his music live in concert.

Apart from his solo performance he is collaborating with dancers, musicians, clowns, poets, filmmakers and other artists.

Estas Tonne has been involved in various film projects as an actor, co-writer and co-producer as well as in countless theatrical experiments where he has performed and improvised live.

The Song of the Golden Dragon :


Cuban Dance :


Le site de l'artiste :


Voir aussi :

TIME OF THE SIXTH SUN, a film about the shift in global perception and the expansion of our collective consciousness as we move beyond

There seems to be more than one way to view our 3D world and more than one way of measuring what is true within it for each of us.

A world in change is revealing itself in the way we perceive it and in the way we relate to it.

It's time to dream a new future.

"There will be no shift of the ages outside of ourselves" (Carl Callerman)




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Merci SHEEK, je partage ton goût pour ces deux guitaristes, j'ai d'ailleurs édité une formidable vidéo de Stanley Jordan jouant simultanément sur deux guitares ici :


Pourt ce qui est de Steve Vai, voici une scène culte, le fameux duel de guitares entre Steve Vai (Jack Butler, "l'allié du diable") et Ralph Macchio (le "jeune Eugene" mdr Martone dans le film).

Eugene, somewhat skeptical of the whole exchange and situation, steps into the conversation to help Willie. The Devil offers a challenge: If Eugene can come to a special concert and win a head-cutting guitar duel against his ringer guitarist (Steve Vai in the role of "Jack Butler"), then Willie gets his soul back. If Eugene loses, then Eugene's soul is now forfeit as well. Despite Willie's protests, Eugene agrees to the deal. Willie and Eugene are transported to a music hall, where metal-blues guitar master Jack Butler, who also sold his soul for musical ability, is wowing the crowd with his prowess.

Source :



J'avais ceci sous le coude deuis un moment, SHEEK me donne l'occasion d'en parler ici. Je pense que beaucoup de magiciens devraient écouter ce que dit Steve Vai dans cette interview avec Justin Sandercoe :


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  • 3 weeks plus tard...
  • 4 weeks plus tard...

J'apprends avec tristesse la disparition de Bob Brozman. J'avais croisé cet homme il y a une bonne vingtaine d'années, j'en avais gardé le souvenir d'un musicien d’exception.

Bob jouait avec un bottleneck qu’il s’était fabriqué à l’âge de 15 ans « never lost it, never broken it »…

Hier Bob a cassé son bottleneck pour de vrai… et ce sont nos guitares qui pleurent en de lents glissandos sur un open de Sol mineur

Source :


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