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[Presse] Jonathan PENDRAGON en prison

Boris WILD

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Pas de pub non magique pour les membres du Cercle VM. Clique ici pour en savoir plus !
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Il ne s'agit pas de tout leur matériel, mais juste d'un petit container. Apparemment, il ne contient rien de transcendant d'après Jonathan.

Voici ce qu'il en dit :

(following is the content of the email from Jonathan Pendragon to

Jack Browne dated January 5, 2011:)

"The storage area in question, as of last May, contained several

empty cases, some in good condition but one or two that are

damaged. There are two illusions; one of them is the box I used

for the illusion I called Time & Space (Million Dollar Mystery),

however the critical and most valuable component is missing (sold

to Lance Burton years ago). The other is a version of LeRoy's

Flying Visit that I presented on the World Magic Awards in 1999;

this is a large and impractical illusion (due to a method

uniquely suited to me). There is a Kevin James snowstorm chair

with the mechanism removed; I'm not sure if it's still in the

storage area. There are two source-four lights and a few other

odds and ends, including some display swords.

I have listed the contents of the storage area from memory. I am

in the process of filing for a divorce from Charlotte; it is her

storage area and I have no idea if she has been there since the

last time I was there. I have no real interest in the contents,

since I am developing a new presentational style. My concern here

is that magicians do not bid on the storage area without knowing

its content. The cases are of value. The illusion requires a more

exacting method than that employed in "Things that Go Bump in the

Night"-caveat emptor. (signed Jonathan Pendragon)

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