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Tout ce qui a été publié par Dorian CAUDAL

  1. C'est un logiciel qui a tout fait pour moi, pendant que mes protéines phosphorylées (cerveau de rat) sont en train de migrer dans un gel d'acrylamide
  2. Voici les anagrammes faites avec son nom... Peut-être une piste? a check chit word a check chord wit a check chow dirt a check cord whit a check cord with a check cow third a check crowd hit a check dirt chow a check ditch row a check hit crowd a check itch word a check rod witch a check row ditch a check third cow a check whit cord a check wit chord a check witch rod a check with cord a check word chit a check word itch a chert chick dow a chert chow dick a chert dick chow a chert dow chick a chew chick trod a chew chock dirt a chew chord tick a chew cock third a chew cord thick a chew cork ditch a chew crotch kid a chew dick torch a chew dirt chock a chew ditch cork a chew ditch rock a chew kid crotch a chew rock ditch a chew thick cord a chew third cock a chew tick chord a chew torch dick a chew trod chick a chi crowd ketch a chi dock wretch a chi ketch crowd a chi wretch dock a chic deck throw a chic deck worth a chic dock threw a chic ketch word a chic threw dock a chic throw deck a chic word ketch a chic worth deck a chick chert dow a chick chew trod a chick chord wet a chick cod threw a chick cord whet a chick crowd the a chick dec throw a chick dec worth a chick dew torch a chick do wretch a chick dow chert a chick dow retch a chick etch word a chick retch dow a chick tech word a chick the crowd a chick threw cod a chick throw dec a chick torch dew a chick torch wed a chick trod chew a chick wed torch a chick wet chord a chick whet cord a chick word etch a chick word tech a chick worth dec a chick wretch do a chit check word a chit chock drew a chit crowd heck a chit drew chock a chit heck crowd a chit word check a chock chew dirt a chock chit drew a chock dirt chew a chock drew chit a chock drew itch a chock itch drew a chock red witch a chock witch red a chord check wit a chord chew tick a chord chick wet a chord etch wick a chord tech wick a chord tick chew a chord wet chick a chord wick etch a chord wick tech a chord wit check a chow check dirt a chow chert dick a chow dick chert a chow dick retch a chow dirt check a chow ditch reck a chow reck ditch a chow retch dick a cock chew third a cock ditch wehr a cock drew hitch a cock herd witch a cock hid wretch a cock hitch drew a cock third chew a cock wehr ditch a cock witch herd a cock wretch hid a cod chick threw a cod hick wretch a cod hitch wreck a cod threw chick a cod wreck hitch a cod wretch hick a cord check whit a cord check with a cord chew thick a cord chick whet a cord heck witch a cord thick chew a cord whet chick a cord whit check a cord witch heck a cord with check a cork chew ditch a cork ditch chew a cow check third a cow third check a crew ditch hock a crew ditch koch a crew dock hitch a crew hitch dock a crew hock ditch a crew koch ditch a crock dew hitch a crock ditch hew a crock hew ditch a crock hitch dew a crock hitch wed a crock ted which a crock wed hitch a crock which ted a crotch chew kid a crotch dew hick a crotch dick hew a crotch hew dick a crotch hick dew a crotch hick wed a crotch kid chew a crotch wed hick a crow deck hitch a crow ditch heck a crow heck ditch a crow hitch deck a crowd check hit a crowd chi ketch a crowd chick the a crowd chit heck a crowd etch hick a crowd heck chit a crowd heck itch a crowd hick etch a crowd hick tech a crowd hit check a crowd itch heck a crowd ketch chi a crowd tech hick a crowd the chick a dec chick throw a dec chick worth a dec throw chick a dec worth chick a deck chic throw a deck chic worth a deck crow hitch a deck hitch crow a deck throw chic a deck worth chic a dew chick torch a dew crock hitch a dew crotch hick a dew hick crotch a dew hitch crock a dew torch chick a dick chert chow a dick chew torch a dick chow chert a dick chow retch a dick crotch hew a dick hew crotch a dick hoc wretch a dick retch chow a dick torch chew a dick wretch hoc a dirt check chow a dirt chew chock a dirt chock chew a dirt chow check a ditch check row a ditch chew cork a ditch chew rock a ditch chow reck a ditch cock wehr a ditch cork chew a ditch crew hock a ditch crew koch a ditch crock hew a ditch crow heck a ditch heck crow a ditch hew crock a ditch hoc wreck a ditch hock crew a ditch koch crew a ditch reck chow a ditch rock chew a ditch row check a ditch wehr cock a ditch wreck hoc a do chick wretch a do wretch chick a dock chi wretch a dock chic threw a dock crew hitch a dock hitch crew a dock threw chic a dock wretch chi a dow chert chick a dow chick chert a dow chick retch a dow retch chick a drew chit chock a drew chock chit a drew chock itch a drew cock hitch a drew hitch cock a drew hitchcock a drew itch chock a etch chick word a etch chord wick a etch crowd hick a etch hick crowd a etch wick chord a etch word chick a heck chit crowd a heck cord witch a heck crow ditch a heck crowd chit a heck crowd itch a heck ditch crow a heck itch crowd a heck witch cord a herd cock witch a herd witch cock a hew crock ditch a hew crotch dick a hew dick crotch a hew ditch crock a hick cod wretch a hick crotch dew a hick crotch wed a hick crowd etch a hick crowd tech a hick dew crotch a hick etch crowd a hick tech crowd a hick wed crotch a hick wretch cod a hid cock wretch a hid wretch cock a hit check crowd a hit crowd check a hitch cock drew a hitch cod wreck a hitch crew dock a hitch crock dew a hitch crock wed a hitch crow deck a hitch deck crow a hitch dew crock a hitch dock crew a hitch drew cock a hitch wed crock a hitch wreck cod a hitchcock drew a hoc dick wretch a hoc ditch wreck a hoc wreck ditch a hoc wretch dick a hock crew ditch a hock ditch crew a itch check word a itch chock drew a itch crowd heck a itch drew chock a itch heck crowd a itch word check a ketch chi crowd a ketch chic word a ketch crowd chi a ketch word chic a kid chew crotch a kid crotch chew a koch crew ditch a koch ditch crew a reck chow ditch a reck ditch chow a red chock witch a red witch chock a retch chick dow a retch chow dick a retch dick chow a retch dow chick a rock chew ditch a rock ditch chew a rod check witch a rod witch check a row check ditch a row ditch check a tech chick word a tech chord wick a tech crowd hick a tech hick crowd a tech wick chord a tech word chick a ted crock which a ted which crock a the chick crowd a the crowd chick a thick chew cord a thick cord chew a third check cow a third chew cock a third cock chew a third cow check a threw chic dock a threw chick cod a threw cod chick a threw dock chic a throw chic deck a throw chick dec a throw dec chick a throw deck chic a tick chew chord a tick chord chew a torch chew dick a torch chick dew a torch chick wed a torch dew chick a torch dick chew a torch wed chick a trod chew chick a trod chick chew a wed chick torch a wed crock hitch a wed crotch hick a wed hick crotch a wed hitch crock a wed torch chick a wehr cock ditch a wehr ditch cock a wet chick chord a wet chord chick a whet chick cord a whet cord chick a which crock ted a which ted crock a whit check cord a whit cord check a wick chord etch a wick chord tech a wick etch chord a wick tech chord a wit check chord a wit chord check a witch check rod a witch chock red a witch cock herd a witch cord heck a witch heck cord a witch herd cock a witch red chock a witch rod check a with check cord a with cord check
  3. Mais qui est Hector Chadwick? Pourquoi ne le voit-on jamais? Pourquoi veut-il rester anonyme? Est-ce Derren Brown ou un autre mentaliste britannique? Voici son twitter Mais peu de choses sur Wikipedia ou ailleurs... Très très underground. J'ai appris par un membre de VM que Jean Merlin, par exemple, s'était aussi créé un personnage, appelé Antonio Vargas. Une légende est ainsi née autour de cet artiste inconnu en France. Ce n'est que quelques années plus tard que la vérité a été découverte... Je sais que ce qui compte le plus, c'est la qualité de l’œuvre de Chadwick... Mais plus globalement, pourquoi se cache-t-il le bougre?
  4. Je ne vois pas en quoi l'utilisation d'un jeu à forcer ou d'un compère ne fonctionne pas avec un public normal... Néanmoins je comprends ce que tu veux dire par cela: plus c'est "gros" et évident, plus c'est incompréhensible pour un magicien.
  5. Le chair test du livre "The Mental Mysteries of Hector Chadwick" est plus qu'excellent (2 phases).
  6. Tu lui demandes, oui, mais d'une manière particulière
  7. Vous trouverez ici des podcasts d'émissions enregistrées avec Dominique Duvivier, des interviews. Même si, comme moi, vous n'êtes pas spécialement fan de Duvivier, ni de sa personnalité, cela s'écoute... notamment l'émission 6 qui est pas mal.
  8. Je vais faire ça oui, l'envoyer à Chakkan! Et sinon, ça va plutôt bien ici, malgré le froid et l'obscurité totale dès 15h30
  9. Personne d'autre ne peut donner son avis sur le livre, personne ne l'a lu? Vais-je devoir faire un compte-rendu alors?
  10. J'ai plutôt bien aimé l'émission, mais je nuance mon point de vue. Je me demande ce qui justifie le fait que Derren Brown s’autorise tout cela. Pour quelles raisons ? Pourquoi est-ce lui le principal « héros » de l’émission, et pas de véritables scientifiques et cliniciens ? Il s’accorde tout le mérite et pense que tout cela a réussi grâce à lui, que cherche-t-il à prouver ? Attention, je ne critique pas Brown, qui est un performer extraordinaire et un artiste de génie, je pointe simplement du doigt un mélange des genres qui pourrait être dangereux pour certaines personnes.
  11. Combien ont été commandés? En restera t'il à la fin de l'année? C'est étonnant comme question, c'est difficile de savoir à l'avance combien de livres vont être vendus et si on va tout vendre dans les 2 mois. Si on le savait, cela résoudrait bien des problèmes d'éditeurs. Simplement car je veux le commander, via un proche qui me l'offrirait à Noël, à la fin de l'année donc.
  12. Combien ont été commandés? En restera t'il à la fin de l'année?
  13. Personne n'a regardé l'émission? Vous en pensez quoi? Je me demande comment les gens réagiraient si ce genre d'émission passait en France
  14. Mp pour les codes, comme d'hab, si vous voulez voir l'émission.
  15. « Bluffer » les autres ?, est-il le seul apanage d’être d’un magicien ? Fichtre … mille choses me bluff et pourtant … elles n’ont rien d’un trucage à découvrir ! Dans l'anecdote que je raconte, c'est l'impression qui en ressort. Houdini ne supportait pas d'être bluffé, il a considéré le tour proposé par Dai Vernon comme un défi... C'est bien plus que cela la magie, on est d'accord.
  16. Non, même pas! Elle vient du café vert Eux aussi ont eu du mal à la comprendre...
  17. C'est ce que Mister Plock veut bien te faire croire car, secrètement, il a hypnotisé Derren Brown pour le persuader de garder tout le pactole alors que le vrai trésor, on le sait, ce sont les chameaux au Kenya et non les kiwis au Danemark (d'ailleurs, il n'y en a pas).
  18. Façon Lu Chen (à la fin de la vidéo)... [video:youtube]
  19. J'explique: Derren Brown a utilisé ses talents de mentalisme / hypnotiseur pour convaincre mister Plock de partir bosser en Afrique, et ainsi récupérer tout le pactole pour lui seul!
  20. Seul Dai Vernon a réussi à bluffer Houdini... In 1922, Harry Houdini was the most famous magician in the world. The forty-eight year old Houdini was so confident in his knowledge of magic that he had an open challenge to all fellow magicians - 'show me any trick three times in a row and I'll be able to tell you how you did it.' At the Great Northern Hotel in Chicago, Dai Vernon took the great Houdini up on his challenge. But Vernon would not repeat his trick three times in a row - Dai Vernon repeated it SEVEN TIMES and Houdini could not get it! The trick Dai Vernon chose to fool Houdini with was his own version of the classic ambitious card routine, so named because the spectator's chosen card always wants to get to the top of the deck. Vernon had Houdini choose a card and then sign the chosen card with his initials 'HH'. Houdini returned his card to middle of the deck and, with a snap of Vernon's fingers, it magically appeared on the top. Houdini was astounded and Vernon repeated the trick. And then again, for the third time. 'You must have a dupilcate card!' Houdini guesses, Vernon calmly points outs: 'With your initials, Harry?' Houdini then suggests that Vernon must have used a well-known mentalist's device. But Vernon points out that Houdini's initials are written in ink. 'They make them in ink now!' Houdini splutters but no magician in the room has ever heard of these devices using ink. 'Harry you are fooled!' cries Sam Margules, a Magic Show producer and former assistant of the Whirlwind Illusionist , Horace Goldin. Outraged and indignant, Houdini demands Vernon does the trick again even though he had already performed it three times, Houdini's challenge limit. Dai Vernon, in front of some of the best magicians in Chicago, repeats the trick four more times. Seven times in a row, Harry Houdini's signed card appears on the top of the deck over and over again. Houdini even tried pushing his card slowly and deliberately under the top card of the deck and it made no difference. Dai Vernon's card trick soon found fame in the magic world as The Trick That Fooled Houdini. Houdini never admitted that he had been fooled by Dai Vernon. However his wife, Bess Houdini (who was to became godmother to Vernon's son Ted), later told Vernon that Houdini had stayed up half the night trying to fathom out the trick, without success. Harry Houdini was a proud man and jealously guarded his reputation as the World's Greatest Magician. This he may have been but Houdini certainly wasn't the world's greatest cardsman. A few years after being fooled by Dai Vernon, he found himself performing some card effects over dinner for fellow magician - and then being offered what was meant to be friendly advice. Houdini was once again the President of the Society of American Magicians , and after a meeting, a bunch of magicians were eating out in Riggs Restaurant, New York. Dai Vernon was there, as were Sam Horowitz, Sam Margules, Al Baker and some other magicians and their wives. Houdini performed a few effects, and in one executed a very clumsy palm. Later, Margules innocently suggested that Houdini should ask Vernon to teach him, his now-famous, palming technique know as Topping the Deck . Harry Houdini went mad! The suggestion that another magician could teach the great Houdini some magic enraged him. Perhaps, the fact the the magician in question was Dai Vernon, creator of 'The Trick That Fooled Houdini' made it all the more harder to bear.
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