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La meilleure chose à faire possible est, je pense, de te conseiller de lire le texte "Introduction to mentalism" de Craig Browning.

Il s'agit d'une contribution gratuite (tu trouveras le texte en format .pdf sur le net), réalisée par Craig Browning, et dressant un "parfait parcours du mentaliste".

Il explique ainsi avec précision par quels ouvrages commencer, puis quoi aborder, au bout de combien de temps etc.

Il donne les noms des différentes bibles (13 steps to mentalism, Practical Mental Effects etc), mais aussi les maîtres de chaque branche du mentalisme, avec leurs oeuvres majeurs.

Que cela soit pour le cold reading (Il fait beaucoup référence à Richard Webster pour ceux qui le critiquaient sur VM), les lectures musculaires, les travaux sur les billets, les codes secrets entre 2 personnes, l'hypnose, les tours de mémoire, etc.

Je me permets de faire ici un copier-coller d'une partie de Introduction to mentalism Mais il n'y a pas tout, et je vous invite vivement à le lire en entier !

Cette contribution de Craig Browning a été largement plébiscité sur TheMagicCafe et plus généralement par la communauté magique sur le web.

Voici l'extrait :

BOOK LIST – Your Reading Assignment!

The Basics – First 12-24 Months of Study

1. Thirteen Steps to Mentalism by Tony Corinda

2. Practical Mental Magic by Annemann

3. Fundamentals by Bob Cassidy

4. The Mentalism of Bob Cassidy CD

5. Theories & Methods for the Practical Psychic by Bob Cassidy

6. The Black Book of Mentalism by Bob Cassidy

7. Easy to Master Mental Magic by Richard Osterlind – DVD Series

8. Alchemical Tools by Paul Brook

9. Building Blocks by Luke Jermay

10. Real Mental Magic by Ormond Mc Gill



1. Switchcraft by E. Bresler

2. The Master Billet Course by A. Zingg (DVD set)

3. Peek Performances by Richard Busch

4. Faster than a Speeding Billet by Docc Hilford (VHS Tape)


1. Psychophysiological Thought Reading by Banachek

a. Disc 3 of the PSI Series DVD Set by Banachek

2. Mind Reading & Telepathy by Erik Jan Hanussen

a. ERIK VAN HANUSSEN: Hitler’s Jewish Clairvoyant by Mel Gordon (biographical)

3. Practical Contact Mind Reading by Edward Schatz

4. HELLSTROMISM by Robert Nelson

5. Pendulum Power for the Psychic Entertainer by Richard Webster

6. The Art of Dowsing by Richard Webster


1. Learning Cold Reading – FREE eBook by P. Craig Browning

2. The Real Work of Cold Reading by Bob Cassidy

3. Cold Reading for Magicians by Richard Webster

4. Psychometry from A-Z by Richard Webster

5. You Are a Rainbow by Richard Webster

6. The Gentle Art of Cold Reading by Lee Earle

7. Tarot Reader’s Notebook by Ron Martin

8. Palm Readers Notebook by Ron Martin

9. Dynamite Mentalism by George Anderson

10. Advanced Enigmatics by C.J.Wagner

11. The Answer Series by Robert Nelson & Geo De Lawrence

a. Answers to Questions by Geo. DeLawrence

b. Effective Answers to Questions by Robert Nelson

c. More Effective Answers to Questions by Robert Nelson

d. Projected Answers by Robert Nelson

e. Sensational Answers by Robert Nelson

Code & Two Person Studies

1. Man & Wife Mind Reading Act by Robert Nelson

2. Duet by Jack Kent Tiller

3. The Master Code by Robert Nelson

4. How to Develop Mental Magic by Paul Hadley

Blindfolds & Sightless Vision

1. Eyeless in Gaza by Stephan Minch

2. Master Book of Blindfolds by Burling Hull

3. How to Read Sealed Messages by Robert Nelson


1. Reality is Plastic by Anthony Joaquin

2. Telepathy in Action by Orville Meyer

3. Encyclopedia of Stage Hypnosis by Ormond McGill

4. Secrets of Suggestion by Kenton Knepper

5. Secret of Indirection by Kenton Knepper

6. Mystery by Association by Kenton Knepper

7. Wonder Words by Kenton Knepper & J. Tank


1. The Memory Book by Harry Loraine &Jerry Lucas

2. Super Mentality by Robert Nelson


3. Annemann’s 202 Forces

4. Psychological Subtleties Series by Banachek


1. Wisdom of the Mystic Masters by Joseph Weed

2. Talisman Magic by Richard Webster

3. The Kybalion by the Three Initiates

4. Jonathan Livingston Seagull by Richard Bach

5. ILLUSIONS by Richard Back

6. The Celestine Prophecy by James Redfield

7. Additional Sources to Consider

a. Real Magic by P.I. Bonewits

b. Modern Magick by Donald Michael Kraig

c. Kabbalah for the Modern World by Migene Gonzalez-Wippler

d. Green Magic by Aoumiel/Ann Mora

e. Dancing Shadows by Aoumiel/Ann Mora


1. Plan for Success by Richard Webster

2. Entertaining Mentalism by Richard Webster

3. Home Psychic Parties for Fun & Profit by Richard Webster

4. King of the Small Towns by Richard Webster

5. How to Make Money Giving FREE Talks by Richard Webster

6. Pitch Books with “Your Lucky Stars” by Richard Webster

7. Psychic Technologies by P. Craig Browning

8. Back Of The Room Pitch Books by Kenton Knepper


1. It Must be Mind Reading by O. McGill

2. The Amazing World of Mentalism by Burling Hull

3. Dynamite Mentalism by George Anderson

4. Larsen on Magic & Mentalism by William Larsen, Sr.

5. Mind, Myth & Magic by T.A. Waters

6. Nelson’s Comedy Mentalism Series 3 volume set

7. Nelson’s Dictionary of Mentalism – 3 volume set

8. Psycho-Gizmo Series by Teral Gerret (4 volume set)

Après, il cite bien d'autres livres et donne de nombreux conseils dans son texte, que vous trouverez ici :

magic (n.) - / maedzik/ The art that purports to control or forecast natural events, effects, or forces by invoking the supernatural.

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Pas de pub non magique pour les membres du Cercle VM. Clique ici pour en savoir plus !

Merci Steeve de nous dévoiler les livres qui t'ont influencé.

Bonjour Mr Chelman, je me doute qu'Equivox m'apporterait bcp de choses mais malheureusement je n'ai pas Légendes Urbaines tout du moins pas encore car suite à votre conférence cela donne envie de découvrir votre univers à travers vos livres.

Et encore merci d'avoir autant dévelopé vos explications en particulier les misdirections etc.

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