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Pas de pub non magique pour les membres du Cercle VM. Clique ici pour en savoir plus !

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The Cannon's Great Escapes 4th Annual Escape Artists Convention is coming, September 29, 30 and October 1, 2006! We're looking forward to seeing everyone again, as well as meeting many new friends!

This year we have a special guest: Television Superstar CRISS ANGEL will be stopping by to say hello and talk about some of his recent exploits! Criss has performed some very outrageous escapes on his hit series "MindFreak", including two, soon-to-be-aired escapes: "Strait Jacket Keel Haul", and "Shark Crate Escape". I had the honor of working with Criss on these dare-devil stunts in the Mexican/Caribbean Riviera, and I can personally tell you that both of these escapes were extremely dangerous. Here is your chance to ask Criss questions about his escapes and what it takes to produce a weekly TV series!

This year's line-up is outstanding: Friday Night Reception will feature the "Escaped Artist", JOE FOX! You all know what a crazy guy Joe is, and he will show us his act that is presently playing the Los Angeles Nite Club scene. Then we will all get to watch KRISTEN JOHNSON attempt to escape from her famous FULL VIEW Water Torture Cell! This escape is fast becoming one of the most talked-about stunts in the world of escapology! Afterwards, you are invited to watch "The Escapist", starring BILL SHIRK! Bill is of course legendary for his insanely-dangerous escapes that he has performed over the years.

On Saturday, the dealer tables will open, and, our "Handcuff Picking, and Lock Picking" contests will take place! All winners will receive CASH PRIZES! Lectures will be presented by KEVIN RIDGEWAY and BILL SHIRK! That evening, we will once again present the coveted "Silver Cuffs Award" to this year's recipient. This is always a special part of the convention. Then, our BIG EVENING GALA ESCAPE SHOW begins! This year's line-up is outstanding: Our Emcee is back this year by popular demand. I'm talking about ROBERT BAXT! Last year he was a tremendous hit, and everyone commented on re-securing him for this year! Then, the Escapist himself, BILL SHIRK has a very radical escape planned that will turn you upside-down! This will be very exciting. Next, straight from the Hollywood Magic Castle, comes MATT MARCY! His take on a handcuff escape is NUTS! This guy will have you holding your side in laughter. MARK & SHEILA CANNON have a unique escape planned just for this show (as long as Mark doesn't get too claustrophobic!). And then, we are extremely honored to present as this year's Featured Finale', Mr. THOMAS SOLOMON! Thomas starred in his own television escape special in the UK, and met with very positive critical acclaim in the press! He is also the recipient of the PAX TV "Escape Artist of the Year" award, and has even received positive critiques form the President of the United States! This should be a perfect way to cap the show!

On Sunday the dealer tables will re-open, and the "Harry Cooke/American Wizard" Multi-Media docu/lecture will be presented. Finally, we will challenge you all for a BIG CASH PRIZE, with the special Surprise Escape Contest!

This year, 50% of all proceeds from the Saturday evening's Gala Show and Silver Cuffs Awards Ceremony will be donated to the Ronald McDonald House in Loma Linda, California. The Ronald McDonald House provides a home for families of seriously ill children who live too far away to travel each day. We are very honored to be helping in some small way. We will have a larger room this year, and it's a good thing, because registrations are going fast! Already conventioneers from Europe, as well as North America are confirmed. You don't want to miss out! Just click on the link below to register, and obtain hotel information, etc. Our convention is convenient, in that you only have to fly in to the Ontario International airport (ONT) in Ontario, California, and a free airport shuttle will transport you to the convention at the beautiful Ontario Airport DoubleTree Hotel! CANNON'S GREAT ESCAPES 4TH ANNUAL ESCAPE ARTIST CONVENTION! dates are September 29 - October 1, 2006 in Ontario, California, USA

Note: DEALERS, Register NOW to secure a table, as these are very limited.

SPECIAL REQUEST: We are asking everyone to please bring your strait jacket! We are hoping to take a photograph of as many performers in a strait jacket as possible all at once! This should be lots of fun, and we intend to send the photo into various magic magazines, newspapers, etc. We hope you will join in on the fun! Of course, if you don't already own a strait jacket, there will be plenty available at various dealer's tables.

If you haven't registered for the convention yet, don't delay, as there will be something there for each one of you; contests, shows, lectures, cinema night, and much more. You don't want to miss out! And, be sure to bring plenty of spending money, because there will be dealers there to please everyone with antique cuffs, Houdiniana, books, escapes, general magic, subscriptions, etc. The dealer's tables are going fast!

See you in September!

Mark & Sheila

Cannon's Great Escapes

P.O. Box 703

Yucaipa, CA 92399


[email protected]

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Je connais aussi c'est la que je fait tous mes achats :)

Par contre j'ai pas la possibilité d'aller a la convention.

(aller si je me met a économiser maintenant je pourrais peut etre aller a celle de l'année prochaine)

Ya chriss angel qui vas venir faire un petit speech, surement sur les comparses hystériques et les nouveaux logiciels de trucage vidéo

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  • 2 weeks plus tard...

Et cette paire de marmottes,

vous en dites quoi, les SM de VM ?


Plus qu'un PS, la clé : en fait, je crois qu'elles se sont faites piéger par le tour que Dani Lary fait faire au public :

vous savez, les doigts et les mains qui s'entrecroisent

et qu'au final on ne parvient plus à redresser ni à séparer !

La magie partout la magie !

PS : la police française s'intéresse fortement

à ce système.

Modifié par petitbonhomme

Jean-Yves Loes (Petitbonhomme)

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  • Pas de pub non magique pour les membres du Cercle VM. Clique ici pour en savoir plus !
  • Messages

    • J'y ai repensé apres coup mais dans la vidéo qui sert de promo pour les marchands, la présentation faite à Marc Paul et Peter Turner en visio oublie totalement de parler du téléphone. On voit pourtant bien la recherche avec une main hors champ vers 1m50. Avec les commentaires après du genre "tu as craqué l'effet Berglas" cela me semble...malhonnête.  
    • Oui l'idee est excellente meme. Mais effectivement pas aboutie. Au bout de 24 a 48 heure on se rend compte que ca marche réellement et bien credible 60% du temps, et qu'il y a des problèmes de durée dans le temps. Si nous on s'en rend compte en 24h comment craig petty ne s'en serai pas rendu compte ? Pour moi meme les revendeurs ce qont fait "avoir" au moment de l'acheter et du coup essaient de le revendre et disant que c'est extraordinaire...  Mais il manque un peu de taff ce tour. Il y aura peut etre une version 2.0 qui elle sera abouti esperons le car il y a vraiment du potentiel.
    • Oui l'idee est excellente meme. Mais effectivement pas aboutie. Au bout de 24 a 48 heure on se rend compte que ca marche réellement et bien credible 60% du temps, et qu'il y a des problèmes de durée dans le temps. Si nous on s'en rend compte en 24h comment craig petty ne s'en serai pas rendu compte ? Pour moi meme les revendeurs ce qont fait "avoir" au moment de l'acheter et du coup essaient de le revendre et disant que c'est extraordinaire...  Mais il manque un peu de taff ce tour. Il y aura peut etre une version 2.0 qui elle sera abouti esperons le car il y a vraiment du potentiel
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