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Sick 2 de Ponta The Smith


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Il ne me semble pas l'avoir vu passé, alors je partage.

Ponta The Smith a enfin décidé de faire une suite à son mythique Sick, avec donc Sick 2.


C'est disponible en streaming ou téléchargement sur le site The Impossible Co.


Et voici trois routines issues de Sick 2:


3 Fly


Homing Coin


PPP - Une variation du Charming Chinese Challenge sans pièces en plus ni gimmicks


Et pour le reste des routines...


In 2009, Ponta the Smith’s Sick changed the face of coin magic, opening up new technical and visual possibilities.

Here in the long-awaited sequel, Ponta shows not just how, but also why. Along with a fresh selection of new effects and sleights, Ponta will also guide you step-by-step through his thought process. This will allow you to take the important lessons on structure, timing and movement contained in Sick 2 and apply them to your own creations.

After purchase Sick 2 will be available in your Impossible Co. library to stream or download.



3 fly – In this new handling, palms are show after each phase, and there is an elegant solution to the final coin.

3 Coins Across – The cleanest coins across you’ll ever see, with pure sleight-of-hand and clever structure.

Winged Silver – An update on this classic, with no wasted movement whatsoever.

Homing Coin – Fred Kaps’ classic card effect gets the Ponta treatment.

PPP – A variation of Charming Chinese Challenge with no extras or gimmicks

Vanish – A surefire method of getting into and out of the so-called ‘perfect’ vanish

Spellbound – Prepare to be spellbound by this virtuoso display of technique!


Running Time: 68 minutes

Modifié par SébastienO
  • J'aime 1
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  • Thomas changed the title to Sick 2 de Ponta The Smith
Pas de pub non magique pour les membres du Cercle VM. Clique ici pour en savoir plus !

Top ! 🙂

Si vous l'aviez raté, voici une routine que Ponta m'avait présenté au congrès The Session en 2018 :



  • J'aime 2

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