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Sébastien M@R!3Y

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Je vend le super lot de tours neuf suivant :

Water From Above Bowls

Like invisible water from the air!
What a great effect! 
And there are SO MANY ways to present it! 
Perfect for theatrical productions!

How about this:
Start with two bowls full of water. 
Pour the water out of both bowls, emptying them.
Then, pour water from one bowl into another.
WHAT? Where did that water come from??
Go ahead and pour MORE water from that bowl into the other one.
And again! And again!
Then, empty out both bowls.
Pick up the second bowl- and pour water from that one into the first one!
And on and on!

These wonderful bowls hold a great deal of water, letting you do a long routine of pouring water from seemingly empty bowls!

VERY VERY EASY! No skill needed!


The Linking Rings 

Perform one of the most popular and baffling tricks in magic. The Linking Rings are a classic. Highly Recommended!!!


DVD Vibe par Bob solari

The Jersey Devil Bob Solari is at it again. With his latest project VIBE, Solari gives YOU a chance to offer a set of real miracles to your audience. Utilizing a very under used technique, you will be able to perform a huge array of modern miracles, without using ANY sleight of hand!

Out of this galaxy
A deck can be fairly shuffled and turned face up and spread on the table. The magician says he is able to memorize the entire deck in SECONDS! to prove it he turns the cards face down and deals them into two piles. When he turns the piles face up, he has dealt all the red cards in one pile and all the black in another!

Got The vibe
A card is freely selected and lost in the deck. The spectator can shuffle and cut the deck, proving the card is legitimately lost. The magicians asks the spectator to concentrate on their card as the magician deals through the cards. When the magician feels a vibe from the spectator, he stops dealing and turns the card he stopped on over.....and its THE RIGHT CARD!

4 Of Any Kind
Imagine removing the four kings (or any other 4 of a kind), having the spectator lose the four kings into the deck and shuffle. The magician is able to deal through the cards and find all four Kings with NO SLEIGHT OF HAND!!!!! It can't be more fair!

Covert Vibrations
Slydini student and magician Bill Wisch joins in on the fun with this minor miracle. Using his fingertips, Bill is able to separate the deck red from black. Without looking, not only is he able to separate the colors, he can separate the cards into ODDS and EVENS!

Remember, all the tricks are:



The idea of a little hand, or 'little assistant' has been around for decades with numerous variations.

With the exception of Michael Ammar's version. Dave Bonsall's version is one of the only ones specifically designed for the purpose. The original was hand carved by Dave Bonsall and took many attempts to achieve the perfect size and shape. This original was then used to mould further copies.

The hand was designed with four specific goals in mind, the first was to make it look as realistic as possible (this version is an exact miniature duplicate of Dave Bonsall's hand!)

The second goal was to ensure this could 'claw' a borrowed ring or coin. Other versions have a magnet in to pick up a magnetic coin, but this is no good for a ring or borrowed coin. This version will perfectly claw and drag any ring or coin into the hand, so there's no need for a magnet.

The third goal was to design this so that it could be easily thumb palmed after the gag so to make it look like 'he's' now vanished.

The forth goal was the hardest, to make it in such a way that it would fit all finger shapes and sizes. Earlier version would only fit a certain size. After 2 years of research and hundreds of prototypes, Dave Bonsall finally came up with a 'one size fits all' design. The solution? Make a gap in the part that goes over your finger and use a heat mouldable plastic. So if it doesn't fit you right away, you simply have to pour some boiling water over the part that goes over your finger (not with your finger in it!), wait a second, so it cools just enough to go over your finger. Then squeeze it tightly around your finger and then set it's shape by running it under cold water for 30 seconds. It will then retain it's shape. You can also tweak the fingertips of the hand in the same way.

The little hand is designed to be used on your middle finger, so it can easily be removed in thumb palm


Sew-On by Roddy McGhie (DVD + Gimmicks)

Pro magicians were raving about ONE trick at the world's largest magic convention. And it's FINALLY HERE:

"Even if you THINK you might know how it might work, you're almost certainly wrong. It's insanely clever." -Maxwell Murphy

“Roddy’s ‘Sew-On’ is as good as it gets; fantastic premise, ultra-visual effect and a wonderfully deceptive method. A ‘must buy’!” -Mark Elsdon

"I’m devastated that Roddy is releasing this. I’ve wanted it to do it on TV for years! Truly, a wonderful trick!” -James Went

“It completely fooled me! So visual and so organic. I can’t wait to get my hands on this.” -Chris Webb

Display a small bag with a spare button and some cotton sujet inside, just like the kind you would get with a new shirt or jacket. You hold the bag to the front of your shirt/coat/jacket/hoodie (whatever you’re wearing) and give a little rub. Incredibly, the button and sujet penetrate through the bag and magically sew themselves right on to the fabric! But, you don't really want a button sewn in such an odd looks weird! So, you very visually (and quite casually) 'pop' the button over to a more discreet location on the inside of the garment! They actually SEE it move to a different place and everything is completely examinable!

For the past three years Roddy has been working and honing this stunning magical moment into the direct and succinct mini-illusion it is today. There is so much mystery in such a short space of time - from the penetration through the bag, to the magical stitching, to the visual relocation of the button - all of this done cleanly and effortlessly with no extraneous props or set-up. It's for all of these reasons that magician’s everywhere have marveled at this most stunning and elegant moment of pure, offbeat, close up magic...and then, once informed, been utterly delighted by the method!

Along with the comprehensive DVD teaching the entire routine in full detail, 'Sew-On' contains absolutely EVERYTHING you need to get going, right out of the box.


Packet Wallet by TCC

Have you performed a packet trick by first removing the cards from a torn, plastic carrier? It's time to give your presentation "CLASS" by using a professional, leather Packet Wallet by TCC. First impressions say a lot about you, and when you show this Packet Wallet, you're telling your audience you are a MAGICIAN.

The design is simple, yet elegant. You'll be proud to display this Packet Wallet, as it is of the finest PU leather. We were very particular in making this so you'd be thrilled with it. We selected eight leather industries from 60 before finally choosing the one with the best craftsman's spirit and sense of quality detail. We spent three months making a conscientious selection in materials, colors, and wallet design. In short, detailed craftsmanship at an affordable price!

Enjoy performing your packet effects with the new Packet Wallet.


Chinese Coin (Blue - Half Dollar Size) by Royal Magic (BLUE)

High quality imitation Chinese coins, perfect for all of your routines. Highly-polished finish with raised Chinese characters on one side and an exotic dragon on the other. These are NOT cheaply stamped and painted washers - they're custom-made coins, crafted with the magician in mind.

The same size as a US half dollar, these coins work well for manipulation, matrix routines, Charming Chinese Challenge, Spellbound and Three Fly - nearly any coin effect.


Printing 2.0 with New Ending (DVD and Gimmicks) by Dominique Duvivier - DVD

Un des tours de petit paquet le plus célèbre au monde !

Vous montrez à votre public 4 dix à dos bleus que vous posez en une rangée sur la table ainsi que 4 cartes blanches que vous posez également sur la table, sous les dix.

Vous expliquez alors que toutes ces cartes sont très spéciales car en mettant en contact une carte blanche avec un dix, celle-ci s’imprime en un dix parfaitement identique à son modèle !

A partir de ce moment, une succession d’effets va alors s’enchaîner : une carte prendra la couleur de votre tapis, une autre perdra son dos bleu, une troisième aura un dix imprimé des deux cotés, etc.

En tout, vous allez imprimer 8 cartes d’une façon totalement fantaisiste, et surtout très magique, allant même jusqu’à reproduire la photo de toutes vos cartes sur la table. Un must !

Cette routine est une véritable grande illusion de près et, cerise sur le gâteau, tout peut être donné à examiner à la fin.

8 cartes spéciales ainsi que l’étui de cartes.

Dans la notice, deux méthodes pour réaliser ce tour vous seront détaillées : l’une très simple à réaliser et l’autre un peu plus technique, mais dans les deux cas, le succès est garanti !

If "Printing" became one of the biggest magic best-sellers of all time, it's because it revolutionized the approach of small packages' tricks. When you perform this trick, you will want to perform a big illusion show... in close up conditions.

You display the four blue backed Tens (Clubs, Hearts, Spades and Diamonds) and four blue backed blank cards. You put in contact a blank card with one of the 10s and it prints on the blank card a 10 identical to the model! From that moment, a succession of effects will be coming: one card will take the color of your close up mat, another one will lose its blue back, a third one will have a 10 printed on both sides, etc. You are going to magically print all the cards in a totally surrealistic way!

- Very easy to perform
- Special cards printed by USPC in Bicycle Rider back
- Everything is handed out for examination at the end
- Effect on the audience guaranteed
- An amazing trick with twists and spectacular visual effects
- Two versions explained in detail (very easy or advanced)


Buddha Paper Mystery by Uday

The magician opens a set of folded papers and places a small object inside. The papers are then re-folded.

Upon opening the package of papers again, everyone is astonished to find the small object has changed into a 0 bill, or even vanished!

The possibilites are endless.


Isolation de Kreis Magic

La valeur du dollar n’a changé changée aussi vite !

Une boite transparente est présentée, elle contient un quart de dollars.

Le couvercle de la boite est dévissé puis la pièce est retirée.

La boite est bien vide. Vous replacez le quart de dollars à l’intérieur, revissez le couvercle de nouveau et invitez les spectateurs à se concentrer….

Une simple secousse suffit à faire changer, à vue, la valeur de la pièce dans la boite !

Plus de trace du quart de dollars, vous avez désormais une pièce de 10 yens à l’intérieur !!

Le couvercle est dévissé puis la pièce est laissée à l’examen, tout comme le couvercle et la boite !

Tout est laissé à l’examen

Livré complet : Quart de Dollars, Pièce de 10 Yens, Boite transparente et Gimmick

Instructions en Anglais


Tenyo Smart guillotine

Le Magicien invite un spectateur à introduire son doigt dans un trou qui traverse un cadre transparent. Puis il glisse une lame solide dans la fente qui est au-dessus... et il l'abat vers le bas. Incroyable ! La lame passe au travers du doigt du spectateur ! On a vraiment l'impression que le doigt a été transpercé, mais lorsque le magicien enlève la lame, le doigt du spectateur est complètement intact !

Depuis des dizaines d'années, les magiciens ont créé plein d'effets qui donnent l'illusion de traverser un objet. Smart Guillotine est d'une conception unique qui vous permet de montrer clairement la pénétration de la lame. C'est réellement magique ! Bien entendu, le tour est complètement sans danger.

Facile à faire.

NEUF emballage non ouvert. 


Feel A Color Royal


Vous montrez quatre cartes colorées et les déposez un à une sur la table. Un spectateur vous bande les yeux à l'aide d'un foulard ou d'une serviette empruntée. Et pour éviter tout soupçon vous tournez le dos au spectateur tout en lui demandant de choisir l'une des quatre cartes et de la retourner...

Ceci étant fait, vous récupérez les quatre cartes, toujours les yeux bandés, et déposez une seule carte sur la table, celle choisie par le spectateur !


Un tour 100% automatique qui va rendre complètement fou vos spectateurs ! Le choix est totalement libre, et il n'y a absolument rien à voir... Les cartons colorés peuvent être examinés dans tous les sens, il n'y aucune tâche, aucun pli, ni marquage. Vos spectateurs pourront tout essayer sans déceler le moindre trucage. De plus il n'y a aucune préparation. Le tour peut être refait immédiatement !


Pin and Wand by Royal Magic

An oversized safety pin and a small wooden wand are displayed. The pin runs through the wand. 

Visibly, the pin penetrates through the wand. This happens as often as the magician likes. The penetration is visible. One second the pin is on one side of the wand and the next, it is on the other. All the props are examineable at any point during, before or after the trick. 

No sleight of hand required.

Tout peux est examiné!


DVD Gary Kurtz creating magic

Si Gary Kurtz vous a impressionné avec son premier dvd « Let’s Get Flurious », préparez vous a en prendre plein les yeux avec « Creating Magic » son second volume.

Vous aurez du mal à y croire !

Au Programme :

Misty Like a dream :  Un numéro basé uniquement sur des pièces de monnaie !!

Nouveaux mouvements, nouvelles idées avec disparition, production, change et transformation au programme !

Gary in your Pocket : Une routine de carte toujours prête où deux jeux de cartes voyagent dans votre poche !

Silk Coin Vanish : 4 dei-dollar disparaissent en un instant !

Hypothetical Possibilities :Une routine de carte, en plusieurs étapes,  où les spectateurs remontent le temps !

The Empty Hand : Une méthode qui vous permettra de montrer vos mains vides avant de produire une carte signée de votre poche !

Durée : 85 minutes

DVD en Anglais


DVD Amazing Card Secrets of Ammar

Just released on DVD - one of Ammar's best for beginners: Amazing Secrets of Card Magic - Your complete introduction to card magic! Even if you've never held a deck of cards before, you'll be amazing people in minutes with these 15 amazing tricks! 

Introduction, The Magical Reversal, The Finger Flinger, How to Play Piano, Definitions, Mind Power, Slop Shuffle, Fundamentals, The Fabulous Four 3s, Two Hearts That Beat as One, Top Ten List, You Do As I Do, My Lucky Nickel, The Magic Words, How to Control Cards, Tossing the Aces, Advice on Forcing, Good Advice, The Aces, Triumph, Planning a Performance, The Power of Destiny, Closing & Credits


Carte À Travers Le Billet / Card Thru Borrowed Bill

Empruntez un billet de banque à l'un de vos spectacteurs et glissez-le dans un étui ajouré. 
Prenez maintenant une carte à jouer et passez-la à travers le billet, on peut la voir, mais aussi l’entendre déchirer le billet...
Et pourtant, après une passe magique, le billet est rendu intact à son propriétaire...

Effet visuel

Impact très fort sur le spectateur

Plus 3 effets Bonus vous sont expliqués en détail dont :

Crayon à travers le billet

Le billet tranchant

Les trombones enclavées

Livré : Carte à jouer avec une notice en anglais.


Magic Coin Mystery

Amaze and astound all your friends. You can actually perform a trick to make a pen or a pencil penetrate a metal coin! Also comes with secret instructions on how the trick is revealed.


Mystery Frame 

Magically Penetrates Glass Without Breaking It. Trick Revealed Inside Secret Instuctions.


Dice bomb

Une transformation des plus spectaculaires ! 
Un dé de taille normale est parfaitement visible à l'intérieur d'une boîte transparente magique. 
Lorsque vous lui en donnez l'ordre, il se transforme instantanément à vue en une cascade de petits dés qui peuvent donnés à examiner!
Livré complet.


Magic money printer

Avec "MONEY PRINTER", vous transformerez un simple billet blanc en un véritable billet de banque.

L'effet est simple et visuel : le magicien insère d'un côté de la machine un billet blanc. Il tourne la manivelle et c'est un véritable billet qui ressort de l'autre côté de la machine.

Bien sûr, c'est un véritable billet que vous avez positionné dans la machine auparavant qui ressort. Vous n'imprimez pas réellement un billet.


Pena Coin (La pièce à travers le Latex)

Faites traverser une pièce à vue dans un verre !

Vous déposez une pièce sur un morceau de latex tenu autour d'un verre par un élastique.

Vous demandez au spéctateur d'appuyer sur la pièce...

En se concentrant bien fort, la pièce va traverser le latex pour retomber au fond du verre.

Il n'y a aucun trou dans le latex, aucune ouverture !

C'est vraiment magique...

Vendu avec 3 feuilles de Latex


Two card Monte

Un best-seller!

You show two cards, then conceal one. The spectator can never guess which card remains. Here is an easy to do version of an old gambling trick.

No sleight of hand involved. Perform it nearly immediatel after opening the package!

Le tout pour 99 euros frais de port inclus






















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