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[Lecture] Mick Ayres - "In Plain Sight" et "Predict Abilities"


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Connaissez-vous "In Plain Sight" ou "Predict Abilities" ?

"In Plain Sight" is a showpiece presentation of Paul Curry's Open Prediction Challenge. This version is self-working and can be performed in intimate venues or on a grand stage. The presentation takes a very different approach that theatrical draws the audience in with a 'peek behind the curtain' into the world of conjurers.

'Predict-Abilities' is the second book in the Act-Series and offers a complete mentalism act that was successfully performed for years at the Disney Resort on Hilton Head Island in front of thousands of guests from around the world. Each effect in the act logically flows from one presentation to the next while building to a relevant finale. Each effect is fully scripted and the manuscript includes the transition scripts that keep the act flowing. Although the act is complete, many conjurers tell me they use the Act-Series books as working examples on how to create their own acts while cherry-picking effects from the book to use as separate pieces in their own shows.

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