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[CR] Mini MD de Promystic


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Bonjour à tous,

J'ai eu la chance d'acquérir ce petit bijou de technologie et pourtant si innocent ! Un CR (en anglais, je m'en excuse) est pour l'instant disponible, ça vous donne un peu un aperçu de ce que j'en pense mais j'y consacrerai un avis très vite.

En gros, c'est de la bombe. Une bombe un peu chère, mais de la bombe quand même !

"Hi guys,

I've been looking for a mentalism prop that won't be cards, coins, business cards or ropes. Recently the show TNT reviewed this little boy and it catch up my attention. How a so small and normal looking object could turn you into a real mind reader. (From the spectator's point of view)

I immediately contacted Craig on a Sunday and his answer was sent within the hour ! I'm like that too, to be very fast in my answer but Craig just took some time off his Sunday to take care of me. The mini MD was ready to go, he sent it on the Monday and I received it Wenesday ! 2 days from America to France.. Even french postal service is slower ! (Well, they are slower than everything but it's another question). I'm a very impatient guy, I sent them a lot of questions during those 2 days, again, they took the time needed to answer me. Couldn't be happier with the service they provided.

Then let's speak of the product in itself. I already have a routine in minds and it fits perfectly ! I started the day after performing it.. Wow. It's the only word that can describe the powerfullness (is it a word ?) of the effect. It looks like REAL magic. It's even too powerfull I think.. It all depends on how you will introduce this little rubiks cube. Let's digress a little bit, if you carry something in a trash bag, people won't want to touch it or even examine it. A contrario, if you carry it in a velvet bag and that the spectator see you are carring about it, they will immediately care about it too. I don't say you had to carry your mini MD in a garbage bag ! But Craig and his team has found the perfect motivation of having it on a keyring.

So small, so innocent but so devious and powerfull. Don't limit yourself of revealing the colors, use your imagination to come up with others routines and presentations. Stage, parlour, close up.. The places you can use it are endless. Also I thought the receiver was the size of a TV remote.. I was so wrong ! It's so small you can even finger palm it.

Ok, now come the bad things.. Well, for some, I must say, I don't find them to be cons but some people could. First, this is electronic. It means you depend of it, if it doesn't work, your routine is over. I agree that I've been using it only a few times but it works perfect ! The price is a step too.. But come on, look at the effect, I don't mind paying for a powerful effect, a first class quality prop and a wonderful customer service. Keep in mind you only pay the receiver once then you won't have to pay for it again if you want others effects from Promystic (which I'm sure you will). Another con is the packaging, the Promystic website is very classy, very elegant but the packaging in which I received my Mini MD doesn't reflect the elegantness (is this a word also ?) of the website and of the Promystic products. I know you don't pay for the package but I wish it was a little bit more elaborate. (Yes, I know I'm a little bit "pointilleux" as we say in France).

I don't buy a lot of effects and tricks these days but I know my next buy will be from Promystic. I prefer to have one effect per year that will fit a whole act and that is close to real magic than ten single trick DVD.

Hope my english was easy to understand and that my critique was helpful. If you still hesitate on wether you should buy this gem or not, just contact Craig and he will convince you ;)

I will post here my thoughts on this in a few monthes, after having used it more so I will give more thoughts about it.

Thanks Promystic, thanks Craig. I'm looking forward to your futur products !"

Merci à tous !

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