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[Matos] Glance de Steve Thompson

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Vanishing Inc. sort un 'magazine test'.



Un genre de 'Tru Test' mais au lieu de recevoir 100 'vous-savez-quoi' on reçoit 1 ou 2 magazine(s) complet(s) ? Intéressant.



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Pas de pub non magique pour les membres du Cercle VM. Clique ici pour en savoir plus !

"Glance: a book test with a Time magazine

You present the current issues of two popular magazines and allow a spectator to examine all of them and choose one. You turn away and instruct her to open her magazine to any page and think of any word. "But let's find a good word," you say, "Make it a difficult word." She thinks of any word, on any page. It could be buried in an ad or a word from a picture caption. It's all fair game. Once she has a word in her mind, she closes the magazine and you turn around. You look her in the eyes and tell her what word she is thinking of.

With the blessing of Ted Karmilovich (creator of Mother of All Book Tests), "Glance" allows you to perform one of the most impossible, memorable feats of mentalism with an object everyone has heard of and read before. And Steve Thompson (the creator of Glance) has created an ingenious new system where you don't even need to fish for any information about the word before revealing it."

Le(s) magazine(s) est (sont) vendu(s) avec, donc magazine(s) en anglais...

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