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[Matos] Logical Deck de Touson

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Logical Deck by Touson


We have finally reached the magician’s ideal.

Without touching and looking at the chosen card, even asking any questions, the magician can see which card has been chosen.

It’s not just happening in a dream; “Logical Deck” makes ultimate miracles in reality.

The Big secret of “Logical Deck” is the mark that is logically and cleverly constructed.

It’s no wonder it takes us to the next generation of Marked Deck.

In the past, we needed to look at the back of the marked card to read it, so it was impossible to read a card in the middle of the deck.

But the past is OVER. With “Logical Deck”, you can read the card even when the cards are stacked- AND without sliding the card to see the back.

You can read even the middle card in the deck instantly and easily.

There is NO need to stare at the card. Once you get used to reading it, you can read a couple cards at the same time instantly.

You can fool your spectators and even your magician friends.

You will receive special instructions that focus on 2 basic routines, and extra idea to combine with other items.

Simple, yet logically, cleverly, and cleanly a truly Mysterious effect!

Comment from Masuda:

“When I saw this trick the first time, I was totally fooled even though I already knew this trick is a revision of my trick…

This trick is based on one mathematic logic. However, the cards don’t have to be lined up in order. WOW! That means even the spectator can shuffle the deck!

You can see the card in the moment, as this cleverly gimmicked deck allows you to peek at the number and suit with natural, simple and easy handling.

He is a Super genius guy!” --- Masuda


A priori, ça sonne assez bien, comme ça, non ?

Quelqu'un a-t-il déjà essayé ce jeu ?

Le jeu peut-il être réellement mélangé par le spectateur (comme le précise Masuda) ou le jeu doit-il être mélangé par le spectateur au mélange Indou uniquement ?

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