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[Internet] Essential Magic Conference : grands noms du close up en conférence


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Voici l'EMC COnvention Guide, envoyé par David en MP (un souci pour poster)

Welcome to the Essential Magic Conference. Our dream is now a reality. And we thank you for joining us for this extraordinary event. This newsletter is a guide to the conference. It details how the conference works and how to enhance your viewing and interactive experience and how to claim your free ($30 value) download from If you have any questions, please contact us at [email protected]

live broadcasts now online

Since our live broadcast on July 12th we have been testing our streaming and live facilities. If you click on the red test banner that is now on the front page of the ECM website it will take you through to our test area. And if we are streaming video or making a live broadcast at the time, you will be able to watch it.

If you happened by our website on Tuesday evening, and many of you did, you would have seen Cyril Takayama, Max Maven, Barry & Stuart, Mike Caveney, Marco Tempest, Gaetan Bloom, Eric Eswin, Richard McDougall, Topas and Ponta the Smith who did a coin trick because you guys on chat requested it. Yes, chat is working while we are broadcasting.

the online schedule

You will find the programme of events on our website at:

The conference is divided into 9 Sessions. 3 Sessions per day. We are located in Portugal and are broadcasting between 3pm and 11.30pm (it varies from day to day) our local time. This is GMT+1.

The schedule on the website enables you to select which time zone you are in and change the schedule to your local time to your local time for each session.

You can download a pdf of the schedule from the website here. This pdf shows UK and Portuguese time only.

emc alerts

Built into our system is a special alert. If a pop up window appears it is from EMC, delivering some additional information or reminders. Clicking anywhere on the screen will cause the popup to disappear.

This is a live event. Changes are always possible. If they occur we will post the details on our website.

the sessions

Each Session is between 1 and 2 hours in length. The Sessions contain a mixture of lectures and performances. Some presentations are 20 minutes long. Some 5 minutes long. Our programme is designed to offer a variety whenever you choose to log in.

logging in to the conference

The front page of our website will change when the conference begins.

You will see a Broadcasting Live sign. Click on the sign to log in to the conference.

Please be sure that you have your details and password to hand. Test them now before the conference begins. If you can watch the Member Only videos on the Video page, you are logged in.

watching the presentations

All the presentations are broadcast through our EMC Media Player. You can play the video full screen by clicking on this button (INSERT GRAPHIC).

Press the ESC key on your keyboard to revert to the smaller size screen.

To the right of the player you will see which presentation is currently playing and what is coming up.

internet speed

We are broadcasting in three different streams: 0.5mb, 1mb and 2mb. If you are having problems with your connection we advise you to try a lower speed by clicking on the appropriate icon on the EMC Player.

chat facility

Below the player you will see our chat facility entitled Join The Discussion.

You can use the chat facility to type comments into the window (press Talk). If you hover your mouse over the name or icon of one of the members chatting you will learn more information about them.

The chat facility is monitored and is designed to encourage discussion on the various topics raised. Our Speakers will be given the opportunity to respond to your comments during the conference.

ask a questions

During or after a presentation you can ask a question by typing it into the Ask A Question window and clicking on the Ask button.

You can vote on any question you want to be asked by clicking on the Vote button.

The most popular questions will be put to the Speakers for their response.

You can alter the order of the questions, from most recent to most popular, by clicking on the buttons above them.

videos on demand

All the presentations at the conference will be posted on our website so that they can be viewed on-demand. Initially, entire sessions will be posted. But later we will edit the Sessions into individual presentations to make it easier for you to view them online. The final edition of the presentations will be posted in high quality video. As a member you will have access to the website archive until July 1st 2011.

free DVDs

Following the conference, all members will receive a set of DVDs containing all the conference presentations. They will take a month or two to digitise, edit and prepare but they will be mailed to you free of charge. Please make sure that your profile contains your correct and full mailing address.

online help

A Help Menu is available on the EMC Player page. Just click on Help at the top right of the page and a pop up will appear.

The Help Menu contains many of the topics mentioned in this newsletter and advice about your internet connection. If you have any difficulties during the conference please email us at: [email protected]

claim your free download

We thank our friends at for giving away a free download to everyone who has registered for the Essential Magic Conference.

To claim your free download first create an account at

Then select your free video from the page. You have 10 different videos to choose from:

When you check out enter the following coupon code: .......

The code is good for one purchase per EMC registrant. And the offer will close on July 16th. Many thanks to Brad Christian, Jason Brumbalow and for making this possible.

emc photo competition

Finally, we want to hear from you. We really do. This is the world’s first digital conference for magic and magicians. We want you to have the very best experience possible and welcome all emails and feedback. Not only that but we would love to have photos of you and your friends watching the conference. We want the world to know that it really did happen.

We’ll be posting the best of the photos and comments during the conference. And offering free passes to next year’s Essential Magic Conference for the best, funniest and most original photos. So send us your photos. Send us your comments. We want to know who our audience is. Send them to: [email protected]

Modifié par Roland Grall
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Pas de pub non magique pour les membres du Cercle VM. Clique ici pour en savoir plus !
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Membres les + Actifs

Problème résolu ce matin, leur équipe est vraiment super réactive !

C'est l'occasion de féliciter aussi l'équipe et les cameraman qui font un super boulot !!!

Content pour toi ;) Perso je rale un peu car ils ne m'ont pas répondu pour le code Ellusionist.

Celui que tu donnes plus haut doit être le même pour tout le monde, je vais tester avec. Par contre si c'est bon, c'est peut-être pas top de le donner à tout le monde y compris ceux qui ne sont pas enregistrés, non ?

Effectivement dans le doute j'ai préferé le retirer, evitons des soucis à VM et donc à Thomas. ;)

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