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[Vidéo] Laurel et Hardy magiciens

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ce post : Petitbonhomme et Petitzebulon

font leur première scène magique.

Mais c'eût été une vraie imposture.

Donc, et très rarement vu, ce court métrage :

Laurel et Hardy, magiciens !



Modifié par Thomas THIÉBAUT

Jean-Yves Loes (Petitbonhomme)

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A-Haunting We Will Go

Released by 20th Century Fox, 7 Aug 1942 - 67 minutes

Producer: Sol M. Wurtzel

Director: Alfred Werker

Cast: Stan Laurel, Oliver Hardy, Dante the Magician, Sheila Ryan, George Lynn, John Shelton, Don Costello, Elisha Cook Jr., Addison Richards

Abbott and Costello moved from service comedies to Hold That Ghost, so Stan and Ollie got stuck in their own lightweight "scary" comedy. This one centered around Dante the Magician, gangsters and a dead body, all forming a plot that seems needlessly grisly at times and doesn't completely make sense. There is also no "haunting" anywhere in the film. The best things that can be said for it are that it's short, that the boys have a nice rapport with Dante — who, given his reputation, is surprisingly uncharismatic — and that the movie wasn't quite as bad as Great Guns or most of what followed. At least, there's no secondary storyline about a young man and woman who can't get together until the final reel.

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