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[Magicien] Dean STERN


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Pas de pub non magique pour les membres du Cercle VM. Clique ici pour en savoir plus !

Bonjour Ellipse,

Pour qu'on puisse/veuille t'aider, dis-nous un peu ce que tu as déjà trouvé et pourquoi tu t'intéresses à lui !

Voici quelques pistes pour lancer le sujet :

Dai Vernon, "The Vernon Touch", Genii, vol. 52, n°12, juin 1989, p. 783 :

"Back to The Magic Castle, where week after week can be seen many performers. Some, of course, are better than others, but strangely some of the new comers like who show great, great talent as future stars. I must admit that in spite of my many years in magic I am often quite puzzled to discern how some of the effects are done. Larry Jennings, Bruce Cervon, Jim Lewis, Dean Stern, John Kennedy and John Carney, just to mention a few of my close friends. All do superlative effects and rank with the best in the country."

Dans la réédition des chroniques de Dai Vernon (The Vernon Touch, 2006, p. 473), on le voit dans une photo de groupe au Magic Castle le 29 août 1985 avec des inconnus : Nelson, Weber, Carney, Vernon, etc.

Tony Giorgio, "Magicana: A Sensory Deception by Dean Stern", Genii, vol. 58, n°3, février 1995, p. 263 :

"Hollywood's Magic Castle has attracted magicians from all over the world to Los Angeles and southern California. I've met most of them and seen them do their magic. Only a few of them impress me, and one of the most impressive is Dean Stern. A native of Maine, Dean started doing magic as a youngster and has performed all over the world. The space allotted me is totally inadequate for a listing of his credits and achievements. He has one of the most fertile minds in magic and is the originator of countless effects. Among his creations is the currently popular trick in which the magician covers his head with a paper bag and crushes it, creating the illusion of a disappearing head." S'ensuit la description illustrée de sa routine de pièces "A Sensory Deception".


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Merci Plick, c'est très sympa d'avoir pris le temps de m'écrire tout cela

Etudier régulièrement de nouveaux ou d'"anciens" magiciens me permet surtout d'observer les styles et d'apprécier différentes d'approches. Dean Stern a été évoqué au cours d'une conversation, au sujet du sleeving (il semble que Dean ait été un des plus fins sur cet art), avec un ami qui revenait récemment du Magic Castle. J'ai fait des recherches de mon côté, cependant à part le Magic Café, le post est d'ailleurs très court, je n'ai pas trouve plus d'infos que cela. Je me demandais s'il avait laissé un support écrit ou vidéo

Magicalement !

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Bonjour Ellipse,

Merci pour les détails. Je ne suis pas très au courant des publications récentes et encore moins des vidéos, mais il a au moins fait des notes de conférence en 2013, intitulées No Secrets et disponibles chez H&R Magic Books. En dehors du tour paru dans Genii mentionné plus haut, il a publié "Pendu" (tour de bague et ficelle) dans The New York Magic Symposium 5 (1986, p. 118).

S'ils passent par là, Philippe Billot et Pierre Guedin pourront sans doute nous en dire plus, en particulier sur d'autres tours qu'il aurait publiés dans des revues. Quant à sa personnalité, les magiciens du forum qui ont fréquenté le Magic Castle en tant qu'artistes ou spectateurs ont certainement des anecdotes à nous faire partager.

Voici quelques autres mentions - d'intérêt variable - de Deane Stern que j'ai relevées dans la littérature magique :

"The Santa Barbara Session" [encart publicitaire], Richard's Almanac, vol. 3, printemps 1985, p. 279 :

"An exclusive magical retreat featuring two of the world's finest magicians : David Roth and Johnny Thompson. Also in a rare appearance, one of the most creative people in magic, Alan Wakeling. Limited to a small group, you will be experiencing almost one-on-one sessions with Earl Nelson, David Gripenwaldt, Deane Stern and other surprise guests."

Stephen Minch, "The Finger-Clip Color Change (Edward Marlo)", in Daryl's Ambitious Card Omnibus, 1987, p. 67 [existe aussi en français] :

"Deane Stern graciously brought this application of a Marlo Color Change to our attention."

James Patton, "Intermission", Genii, vol. 54, n°6, avril 1991, p. 382 :

"Magic theme cruises still alive and well: Ron Wilson, magician and booking agent extraordinaire wishes me to inform my readers that, indeed, this popular cruising sujet continues to attract passengers who demand fine entertainment in their vacation activities. Ron has several cruises booked from May thru June. (...) Additionally, out of L.A., on board the Southward, May 31-June 7: Tomsoni, Rudy Coby, Chuck Fayne, Steve Valentine and Deane Stern."

Ernest Earick, "Apologia", in Stephen Minch, By Forces Unseen - The Innovative Card Magic of Ernest Earick, Seattle, Hermetic Press, 1993, p. vii.

In the summer of 1986 I was fortunate enough to visit the Magic Castle in the company of two of the very finest young magicians in the country, Ray Kosby and Bill Goodwin. As we entered the Castle, we were met by the talented professional magician Deane Stern. Dean instantly ushered me over to a corner table, not allowing me time to think or become nervous, and introduced me to Dai Vernon with some ridiculous request like "Show the Professor your finish for Triumph." Yeah, right. Once safely ensconced at that corner table, though, I didn't move. I made myself a nuisance there all night, subsequently meeting Larry Jennings and Michael Skinner, among many others.

William Goodwin, The Ancient Empty Street, s. l., William Goodwin, 1997 :

"Dedicated with respect to Ray Kosby, Deane Stern, Larry Jennings, Michael Skinner, Roger Klause, Jack Carpenter, my saviors."

Jules Lenier, "Knights at the Magic Castle", Genii, vol. 62, n°4, avril 1999, p. 15 :

"Deane Stern, who used to be a main member, is now a Maine member. It was good to see him back on the West Coast for awhile."

Hal Meyers, "Ricki Dunn...", Genii, vol. 62, n°7, juillet 1999, p. 27 :

"A good friend of mine and a relatively new friend of Ricki's, Deane Sterne, came up with a wonderful idea: As a tribute to Ricki, everyone should stand up and steal the portefeuille of the person to the right."

Paul Szauter, "No. 362 Bango, Maine - James William Elliott Ring", The Linking Ring, vol. 87, n°8, août 2007, p. 168 :

"The May Meeting was held at the Friars' Bakehouse in Bangor, Maine. The theme of the meeting was The Mind of Anneman. (...) Brother Don Paul gave a teaching table on mentalism. He began with an experiment in par optic vision. Deane Sterne selected three cards and put them in his pocket as Deane removed them on at a time. Brother Don, blindfolded, named the cards."

Et voici comment il se présente aujourd'hui sur LinkedIn : ici. :) En tapant son nom sur Google, on trouve un certain nombre de choses, notamment sur sa "success story" avec le "skyliner" (Boris Wild pourrait nous en dire plus, dans la mesure où il a popularisé la chose dans le milieu magique français avec son "Mind Scanner" ?).

Bonne journée,


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