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Jérôme LAVIGNE's Achievements


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Réputation sur la communauté

  1. Bonjour, Est ce que quelqu'un connait le nom équivalent du livre la Magie par les cartes (Hugard et Braué) en Anglais ? Ou mieux est ce que quelqu'un le vendrait-il en Français ? Est ce que quelqu'un connait ou possède la traduction du livre Expert Card Technique (Hugard et Braué) ? D'avance merci. Djayjay
  2. Merci pour les conseils. A+ Djayjay
  3. Bonjour, Est ce que quelqu'un pourrait me traduire (ou m'expliquer) la technique du Strip Out Addition de Vernon ? je ne comprends rien à la version anglaise qui suit : D'avance merci. Method: Spread the deck face up from back to face, using the right fingers to push the cards into the left hand. Get a pinkie break above the cards to be added. Without pausing, keep running through the cards and outjog another group of cards. This is usually a four of a kind. The second group of cards should be in different places of the deck, mixed with the other cards. Finish running through the deck. the deck should end squared in the left hand, with the second group of cards outjogged from various parts of the deck, and a pinkie break above the cards to be added. The left second finger and thumb grab the sides of the outjogged cards and the left index push the outjogged cards downwards as the first group of cards is squared under the outjogged group. The right hand pulls the rest of the deck towards you, so you end up with the deck in right hand palm down dealer's grip and a face up packet of card in left hand dealer's grip. Comments: Don not hesitate when you obtain the break. Besides that, make sure that the audience does not see the faces of the cards until the packet to be added is hidden by other cards.
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