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Dead lock - Michael Murray


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35€ fdpi


What is Dead Lock?:

Dead Lock was initially launched at the 2019 Blackpool convention and sold out immediately.  Since then, demand for this product has been so high that each subsequent delivery has sold out before it has even hit the shelves thus making it the singular most successful MindFX release ever!

Using the custom manufactured Dead Lock gimmick you will be able to give your participant the ability to intuit the specific four digit combination that opens the padlock (supplied).  Alternatively you can use this lock to correctly intuit your participants exact date of birth, having them open the lock by entering this date as a four digit combination.

Pushing things further, we have recently opened up a Facebook group for owners of this product which houses bonus routines and additional handling suggestions that are bound to delight those who purchase this item.

Note: A 35 page e-book for all owners (new or existing) is now available.  Please email [email protected] with your order number to gain access to this bonus material.

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