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[Matos] Finders Keypers PROMYSTIC

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Je cède ce produit en parfait état. Mais je ne l'utilise pas suffisamment pour le conserver.

Il a été acquis cette année : 549 $ soit environ 549€ en incluant le port et la douane

Il inclut : le PMR (Promystic Modular receiver - vendu environ 150€) et le Finders Keypers (vendu seul environ 399€)

Deux solutions s'offrent à vous :

- le Finders Keypers seul : 350€ FDPI

- le Lot Finders Keypers + PMR : 450€ FDPI

Description :

Finders Keypers is the cleanest and most natural ‘which hand’ effect available today. Ask yourself, have you ever lost your car keys? Who hasn’t! With ‘Finders Keypers’ you can always find your keys from up to 20 feet away! This is a brand new ‘which hand’ effect; easily the cleanest, most motivated, and most reliable ProMystic effect of its type available!

‘Finders Keypers’ is so versatile that it can also take the place of your favorite Kurotsuke effect. You can perform with this keychain using your own keys or any number of borrowed keys. Imagine… your key can open a lock on a box containing money, a prediction or anything you desire! The possibilities are endless! You can always find the right key and you can close the routine with a “double or nothing” effect by doing a series of “which hand” routines. You can also perform a heads or tails routine with ‘Finders Keypers’.


The latest ProMystic technology

ProMystic modular receiver compatible

‘Which Hand’ with your own or borrowed keys

Custom leather key chain

Performance from up to 20 feet away

Heads or Tails feature

Keyfob picture is customizable

Use any key



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