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[Vidéo] Siegfried & Roy Back On Stage


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Voila j'ai reussi a trouver quelques infos concernant mon ancien post que j'ai fait sur le thread de Chris Henriet





"Montélimar c'est le nougat, et Montcuq c'est du poulet ?"

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Pas de pub non magique pour les membres du Cercle VM. Clique ici pour en savoir plus !


L'humour de celle ci est douteuse :


Legendary illusionists Siegfried and Roy performed last weekend for the first time in more than five years, sharing the stage with the Bengal tiger that had ended their careers, for what they said was one last encore.

“They really wanted a final chance to get on the stage and say good night, goodbye, and thank you to all the fans who have supported them so devotedly,” says ABC News’ Elizabeth Vargas. “And they wanted to take this risk.”

On a special edition of the “20/20” newsmagazine, Vargas reports on their remarkable performance at Las Vegas’ Bellagio Hotel and Casino.

In the hourlong program (which was not available for preview), Vargas also visits with Roy Horn and Siegfried Fischbacher at home, and hears about the grueling five years endured by both of them since Montecore, a massive white tiger, brutally mauled Horn during a 2003 performance at The Mirage, where the duo had been booked for 13 years.

"Siegfried & Roy: The Magic Returns" airs Friday at 9 p.m. EST on ABC.

"Up to now, the focus, understandably, has been on Roy and the catastrophic injuries he suffered," says Vargas. Even after cheating death, "he was told by doctors he would never walk or talk again, and he's doing both.

"But an unreported part of the story was what Siegfried went through. He suffered from something we know as 'caregivers' syndrome' — when people who take care of others forget to take care of themselves.

"Roy, for all his improvements, is still terribly, terribly injured. But Siegfried has had struggles of his own. He really lived for the stage, and then it was taken away in one moment.

"He's honest in talking about how, after that, he suffered from severe depression."

Est ce que quelqu'un (ou Didier :) ) l'aurait enregistré ?



"Montélimar c'est le nougat, et Montcuq c'est du poulet ?"

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grace a WillQw

Je ne sais pas vous mais je trouve cette video tres emouvante...

Ca a du être une terrible epreuve pour Roy de se retrouver une nouvelle fois face à un tigre sur scene et certainement (d'apres ce qu'ils disent) a CE fameux Tigre..



"Montélimar c'est le nougat, et Montcuq c'est du poulet ?"

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  • 2 weeks plus tard...

voici un tres beau reportage à ce sujet :



et les adieux :





"Montélimar c'est le nougat, et Montcuq c'est du poulet ?"

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dur dur de voir ROY l'ayant très bien connu en pleine forme

ayant nos caravanes côte a côte pendant un mois au camping "Lou Pistou" de St Laurent du Var ils étaient au Maxim à Nice Place Masséna et moi au Cha Cha à Nice également (belle époque des cabarets !!!!!!!!!)

Modifié par Gérard MERCIER
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