amis bretons que la rigolade s'organise !!!!!
Thursday 17th February
9.00 am Registration Desk Opens
9.00 am Dealer Get In for Empress Ballroom, Empress Balcony and Arena
9.00 am Band Call (Rehearsal) for Stage Competitors in the Opera House
9.00 am Band Call (Rehearsal) for Close-Up Competition in the Pavilion Theatre
1.00 pm Mammoth Auction opens for viewing of goods in Spanish Hall
2.00 pm Mammoth Auction commences with Derek Lever and Mike Shepherd
6.00 pm Registration Desk closes
6.00 pm Band Call for Stage Competitors closes
Friday 18th February
8.30 am Registration Desk opens
9.00 am to Band Call (Rehearsal) for Stage Competitors in the Opera House continues
12.00 pm
9.00 am to Close-Up and Stage Jury Meeting with Cornelis Ros in the Princess Diana
9.30 am Suite which is located next to the Empress Ballroom/Ice Room
10.00 am to Dealers Super Showcase opens
8.00 pm
10.00 am to FISM European Close-Up Magical Championships in the Pavilion Theatre
12.30 pm
1.00 pm to Band Call (Rehearsal) for Saturday night and Sunday night Gala Show acts
6.00 pm
2.00 pm to FISM European Close-Up Magical Championships in the Pavilion Theatre
5.30 pm
7.00 pm to FISM European Stage Magical Championships in the Opera House
10.30 pm
8.00 pm to Wayne Dobson Lecture in the Pavilion Theatre
9.15 pm
10.00 pm Registration Desk closes
10.15 pm to Joe Mogar Lecture in the Pavilion Theatre
11.15 pm
Saturday 19th February
8.30 am Registration Desk opens
9.00 am Dealers Super showcase opens
9.00 am FISM European Stage Magical Championships in the Opera House
1.00 pm
9.30 am Salvano Jnr. Lecture in the Spanish Hall
to 10.30 am
10.00 am Jimmy Tamley as Jungle Jim in the Pavilion Theatre
to 11.00 am
11.00 am James Dimmare Lecture in the Spanish Hall
to 12.00 pm
1.00 pm Jay Sankey Lecture in the Spanish Hall
to 2.00 pm
2.00 pm FISM European Stage Magical Championships in the Opera House
to 5.30 pm
2.00 pm David Ginn Lecture in the Ice Room
to 3.00 pm
2.30 pm to Richard Sanders Lecture in the Spanish
hall 3.30 pm
4.00 pm Craig Dickson Lecture in the Spanish Hall
to 5.00 pm
5.30 pm Registration Desk closes
7.30 pm FISM European Magical Championships - Award Ceremony
plus Prize Winners Performances in the following categories: CARD
COMEDY MAGIC plus Guest Artistes including Richard Osterlind &
Tom Anders. Compere: George King
11.00 pm Andrew James and Magic Sam present the "Beat The Wand" Competition
in the Theatre Bar of the Winter Gardens
Sunday 20th February
8.30 am Registration Desk opens
9.00 am to Dealers Super Showcase opens
5.30 pm
9.00 am to Band Call (Rehearsal) for Sunday Gala Show acts in the Opera
House 5.00 pm
10.00 am Richard Osterlind Lecture in the Spanish Hall
10.30 am E.G.M. of FISM Europe in the Renaissance Room which is located upstairs.
Take the left hand stairway at the Bar entrance of the Foyer.
10.45 am Two "Kidz R Uz" Lectures in the Ice Room,
to 12.45 pm 1. Hank
Moorehouse 2. David
11.00 am International Close Up Show - in the Pavilion Theatre - First Session starring: -
1. Michel - Argentina
2. Jay Sankey - Canada
3. Michael Rubinstein - USA
4. Bernard Bilis - France
12.30 pm Michel Lecture in the Spanish Hall
2.00 pm Bernard Bilis Lecture in the Spanish Hall
3.00 pm International Close-Up Show - Pavilion Theatre - Second Session - starring:-
1. Craig Dickson - USA
2. Richard Osterlind - USA
3. Jupiter - Hungary
4. Richard Sanders - Canada
3.30 pm Michael Rubinstein Lecture in the Spanish Hall
5.00 pm Registration Desk closes
5.30 pm Dealers Super Showcase closes
7.00 pm International Gala Show in the Opera House
Comperes: Clive Webb & Danny Adams
10.45 pm After Gala Show Parry in the Spanish Hall
1. Jupiter - Hungary
2. Andrei & Ruslan Fomenko - Russia
3. Andy Eastwood - United Kingdom
Compere: Karl K
l K