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Trilogie Uri Geller

Grégory LCMBL

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Tout est dans le titre, l'ensemble est neuf, fourni bien sûr avec la cuiller dédicacée! (voir photo ci-dessous)

95€ fdpi


"This is a complete sell-out from the distributor. We were lucky to receive a few of this Limited Edition, signed copies from Uri Geller. Don’t miss this great opportunity to learn from one of the greatest mentalists ever!

Discover the unique, uncensored presentations of the world’s most well-known, investigated and celebrated mentalist of our generation.

The Uri Geller Trilogy is an extraordinary LIMITED EDITION signed DVD collection.For the FIRST TIME ever, you will get answers and revelations about his most personal and closely held thoughts.Five hours of insight, advice and incredible stories by one of the most fascinating geniuses of the last one hundred years. Uri even gives advice on what to do if things go wrong…

The Uri Geller Trilogy is an unbelievable journey! Filled with mystery and controversy to get a deeper insight into Uri Geller’s unique mind-bending abilities.

BONUS! A special gift for those who will act fast enough to purchase this very limited edition of DVDs.

You will receive a special spoon, personally bent and signed by Uri Geller along with another original autograph on the DVD’s cover.

In this exclusive trilogy you will find:

DVD 1 – Uri Geller’s exclusive lecture exposing his most secret, private and inner thoughts.

DVD 2 – The very private interview between Uri and his dear friend, the magic super star Franz Harary.

DVD 3 – Uri Geller’s biography; the REAL, uncensored story of his life. Forget what you thought you knew about this legend… this biography is raw, intense and unfiltered!

“You know, I like Uri Geller. He is a good guy. I think he made many things (happen) with his abilities. I think some of the things he shows are illusion. But I cannot claim for sure, that this applies to everything.” – David Copperfield (from a German TV interview)

“I had a most amazing experience at a private party in London a few weeks ago. Uri Geller asked if I had ever seen him bend a spoon and I said only on television. He picked up a large spoon form the table and asked me to join him at the bar. He placed the spoon down and began to stroke it. A small bend appeared. He held it up for me to see and then placed it down again. I looked at it closely and the bend was more pronounced. I was astonished since this happened without any misdirection. He asked if I would like the spoon as a souvenir and I said ‘sure’. He took out a felt tipped pen and signed it. As I walked back to the room I was really taken by surprise. The spoon was now bent at a 75-degree angle. When I tried to bend the spoon, it was too strong for me to move in my bare hands. The bend was not at the weak spot near the spoon but a few inches up from that spot. Uri is fifty-four and looks thirty-five. He is clearly a man apart…” – Barrie Richardson (Professor of management and Dean of The Frost School of Business at Centenary College, USA)

“If… he genuinely does what he claims to by the methods he claims to use, then he is the only person in the world who can do it. If on the other hand he is a magician or a trickster or a con-man, he is also phenomenal – the best there has ever been. So, whichever way you want to look at him, we must respect him as one or the other.” – David Berglas (Great Britain’s leading magical entertainer, President of the Magic Circle and holder of numerous international honors – England."




Modifié par XyGreg
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    • Oui faudrait pas qu'un coup de vent frontal retourne ton foulard 🙃 Pour le Gypsy Balloon, tu peux faire la version d'origine, le fil hindou ou Gypsy Thr3ad. Là pas de risque de vent 🙂
    • Merci beaucoup !! Oui c’est un choix à faire un peu à la dernière minute le jour J… et le vent peut se lever d’un coup… J’essayerai aussi la boule zombie.. mais là c’est pareil il ne faut pas beaucoup de vent…  
    • Hello Paul, Pour progresser il y a des tonnes, des mégas tonnes, des gigas tonnes de ressources à disposition 😃 Plus pratiques et moins chères que des cours à mon sens... Surtout si tu as une vie déjà bien remplie qui ne te laisse pas beaucoup d'espace pour suivre des cours. Il faut que tu identifies ce que tu aimes, dans quel(s) domaine(s) tu veux progresser. Si t'as envie de t'investir dans les balles mousse, Daryl à développé 4 DvD qui à eux-seuls permettent d'aller très très loin. Si ton truc c'est plutôt les élastiques, Psychoband et Banderaction de @Cyril THOMAS  sont des pépites extraordinaires et très complètes (Cyril, quand est-ce que tu reviens avec une nouvelle bombe ? 🤗) sans compter les innombrables et précieuses ressources de Joe Rindfleisch et Dan Harlan. Le travail des chouchous pareil, @Christian GIRARD a sorti 2 DvD qui regroupent 230 effets et techniques sur seulement 2 DvD ! Selon les domaines tu as forcément un livre, un DvD ou un cheminement pour t'aider 😉 🙂 Encore faut-il avoir de bons ouvrages à étudier mais le forum de Virtual Magie est une vraie mine d'or pour ce genre d'information. Je ne sais pas quels domaines t'intéressent mais sur les exemples que j'ai cités (balles mousse, élastiques et chouchous) ce sont probablement les meilleurs vidéos pour apprendre. Et il y a des vidéos ou des livres d'apprentissage bien foutus pour presque tout de nos jours. Au début des années 90 (pour ma part) c'était très compliqué d'accéder à de bonnes ressources. En 2024 on n'a que l’embarras du choix 😃
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