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Grégory LCMBL

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Tout ce qui a été publié par Grégory LCMBL

  1. Bonjour à tous, tout est dans le titre, le jeu est comme neuf et fourni avec son dvd. Non je n'en suis pas mécontent, les possibilités sont vraiment intéressantes, mais je ne trouve pas de place pour bien utiliser cela dans mon set actuel. La dure loi du tri! Autant qu'il serve donc à un éventuel amateur 30€ fdpi, paiement par paypal.
  2. Bonjour à tous, Tout est dans le titre, MP pour vos offres si vous décidez de vous séparer de celui-là Merci!
  3. Et bien je ne pense pas et j'en ai encore eu la preuve le week-end dernier Figure-toi que je présente Marty, l'effet est très bon. Ensuite je fais un (A)caan un peu "perso" sur un couple, sur le thème de la connexion entre les deux personnes, etc. Deux jeux que je ne touche jamais (enfin un des deux juste un peu, mais aux yeux du public non), un nombre jamais cité avant la révélation de ce nombre de la part du spectateur aux autres spectateurs (de nouveau, point de vue public), et un super effet de coïncidence improbable au final avec, du coup, le couple qui se sent "connecté". Et bien croyez-le ou non mais une spectatrice a alors dit : "la photo sur fb c'était fort mais là c'est encore plus fort!!" Par curiosité j'ai demandé pourquoi, elle a répondu "il y a plus de paramètres, deux jeux, trois personnes, un nombre, etc." Comme quoi je pense qu'il est faux de dire que l'acaan n'est qu'un effet pour magicien. Comme le dit Munky, il faut bien sûr trouver un angle pour le rendre intéressant... mais cela est valable pour beaucoup de tours ^^
  4. Bonjour à tous, tout est dans le titre, le livre est à l'état neuf. 52€ fdpi. (paypal) La Magie de Mickaël Stutzinger Tome 1 rassemble en un seul volume les livres trèfle et coeur, parus il y a quelques années agrémenté de nombreux bonus. Les livres Trèfle et Coeur ont marqué la communauté magique lors de leur sortie il y a quelques années. Le livre trèfle victime de son succès a d’ailleurs été épuisé très rapidement et n’a jamais été réédité depuis. Venez découvrir ou redécouvrir la magie pure et visuelle de Mickaël Stutzinger. Cette nouvelle édition soignée réunit les vingt-six routines des deux livres originaux et plus d’une trentaine de pages bonus regroupant cinq nouvelles routines…
  5. L'effet du "spectateur mentaliste", l'effet qui consiste à pouvoir deviner le thème général évoqué par la première ligne de la page, l'effet de mémoire... CUBT est excellent aussi mais Abyss propose totu simplement d'autres effets. Perso, j'ai les deux et je les garde bien
  6. Merci J'espère qu'il n'y aura pas trop de galère quand même En tout cas c'est d'autant plus motivant de partager ça, suite au prochain épisode et d'ailleursréunion ce vendredi pour la conception du projet
  7. Bonjour, Tout est dans le titre, je vends ce book test différent : ce n'est pas un book test classique dans le sens ou vous devinerez un mot pensé par le spectateur. Vous emmènerez plutôt celui-ci dans une mystérieuse histoire de meurtre, le livre (à l'aspect vieilli et hyper réaliste) contenant alors d'étranges particularités par rapport à cette histoire que votre public découvrira petit à petit. De quoi créer une ambiance frissonnante! Fourni avec l'histoire, un aticle de journal et les explications en PDF (comme ce que l'on reçoit à l'achat via outlaw), en anglais donc, mais le livre est majoritairement constitué d'images et de peu de texte. -> Facilement adaptable en français. Photos possibles sur demande. Le livre est en "parfait état" (dans l'état vieilli comme fourni par Outlaw, c'est normal évidemment :D). C'est une édition limitée à 150 exemplaires, il est fourni avec son petit certificat (numéroté) d'authenticité Outlaw. 95€ fdpi. (paypal) Texas, 1955 The weather had been hot for weeks. Still spring though. Didn't seem to matter to Mother Nature. She turned on the heat that May and didn't want to let go of the switch. Suddenly, in the middle of all that heat, a storm blew in; cold one at that. Down right chill in the air. Some just thought it was quick relief from the sweltering heat that was surely a sign of a torrid summer to come. Some thought it was a sign of something worse, an omen of sorts. Texas is strange that way... Some were right. The storm passed quickly and quietly... but something happened in Texas that night back in 1955 and it was not quiet. No, not quiet at all. She was the senior class president. She was a beauty, friendly and smart too. She was on the debate team and she was a member of the chess club. Sadly, she was also on someones mind; someone close; someone that just could not stop thinking about her. They say that jealousy can overpower the soul. Make seemingly normal upstanding people do, well lets just say, things out of nature for them. This was more than that of course, much much more. People forget, people move away and time moves on, but here in this town there are some things you just can't get away from. The ghosts remain. Its all still there. The whole sad story for anyone to see. Right there between the pages of that odd old yearbook. We created Yearbook because of the fantastic juxtaposition between an innocent object we all know, that is not only part of our culture, but a very memorable part of our lives. Now take that "innocent" yearbook and give it a little "twist". "Something is not quite right. It looks like a yearbook inside, but there is something "off" about it. Yes, it is a mis-print and does look a little odd, but there is much more that is rather strange?. This yearbook was never distributed to the students. The first run came off the printer and they were stamped "Mis-Print Not for distribution". A somewhat seemingly normal yearbook, yet if you know the truth, you know that somehow this "Mis-Printed" book, has clues to a murder that happened at Garfield High that year, and a murder that occurred five years after the book was printed. Considering that old yearbooks in general are kind of creepy, we created Yearbook to be one of the strangest bizarre/seance artifacts ever. A conduit to the spirit world... There is a "booktest" built into YB. It will lead the spec to a very big clue. Each book comes with an old newspaper article that is actually "The Key" to solving the mystery of the book. The book, printed in black and white, is "old school" big—10.5 x 8.5—aged to reflect the seven decades that have passed since its appearance. The embossed cover—which bears the school’s nickname, “The Guardians” and its symbol, an archangel holding a sword—is distressed and looks wicked creepy. There is no violence depicted in the yearbook. The pictures are yearbook photos from the 50's, just, not like what you're used to seeing. They tell her story, Wanda's story. The story of who killed her and why. There are easter eggs. Wanda came back and she brought things with her. All Yearbook info, werks and ideas are on the private forum Yearbook is a fictitious work. Limited to 150 numbered units only In stock and shipping now! ************ Magic Cafe critique #1: At 10:31 I opened a package and found madness. Not a trick. Not trickery. But an artifact that questions one's very sanity. To my knowledge, nothing like this book has been offered to the bizarre community. It is not a book test. It is not an effect. It is more like proof. Proof of life after death. Proof of vengeance from the grave. I literally had goosebumps as I leafed through the pages, as Roth held his cards close to his chest regarding the details, and no one knew what to expect. Let's just say that if you were given no preamble and simply picked this book up off a table - and you would, as it is a fascinating and curious looking object - you'd leaf through the first several pages of the book, and find nothing unusual. And you'd be somewhat right, until you kept looking. Then you'd realize things were wrong. Very, very wrong. And the more you'd turn the pages, the more disorienting the contents would become. You'd begin to question what you were seeing, and even though you saw the stamp on the inside cover that read, "Mis-Print - Not for distribution," you'd wonder how a book like this ever came into being at all. But aside from the book's disturbing content, Outlaw has provided a story that explains everything. Well, almost everything. You can choose whether the story is told first, before you present the yearbook, and the book becomes proof of what should be unprovable. Or, present the story after the book has been examined as an explanation of what should be unexplainable. Either way, the combination of the why and the what, or the what and the why, are a chilling gestalt. Don't worry. Or maybe do worry. There is also a bit of trickery afoot with some built-in secrets that can add some heavenly frosting to this hellish cake. I don't think they drive this piece of theater, but they certainly can add to it. With this book, Outlaw has meticulously landscaped the perfect garden path to be led down. A path full of murky memories, reoccurring nightmares, wasted lives, lost souls, and found retribution. A dimly lit path, that leads to a very dark place. Carefully look. ************ Magic Cafe critique #2: I received my yearbook just a few days ago from Rick. I must say, kudos for a wonderful piece of preternatural history. I am drooling at presentational concepts centering on someone finding this book on my coffee table and asking me who I know from Garwald, Texas from 1955. Rick really has created a possible object that was stored away for 60 years and then shown the light of day. (Did I say a possible object? The object, yes. The contents of that object? Let's just say there's a serious flaw in the printer's machine, and a very curious choice of photos. They don't seem very random, especially if you know anything of the "event" that happened one summer night in 1955.) I cannot say enough about Rick's, Vic's, Rick Poppe and Gary's imagination and attention to minute details. This book passed the casual inspection of my significant other, and she know my predilection for magical props. I also love the fact that any internet snoops will find corroborating evidence at least on the killers executions and of Garfield Texas. With Paul Prator's forthcoming contribution, all I can say is, " I am ready to become immersed into the world of Garfield Texas in 1955 via Yearbook!" Thanks Rick. ************ Magic Cafe critique #3: I also received my pre-order of Yearbook last week. My dad has a yearbook from the early 50's and it looks just like this. I showed it to my wife and it passed the wife test with flying colors, and I have many many bizarre props. What Outlaw has created here with yearbook, is a contemporary bizarre relic. An instantly recognizable object with a very dark secret for us to exploit. The magic of yearbook is in the storytelling. Outlaw has taken the storytelling and "jazzing" aspects of Luna and given us a self contained modern vehicle by which to captivate our audience with. The second in their "coffee table" line after Ash. and it keeps getting better. Yearbook will allow you to present, mystery, intrigue, murder, and the paranormal in your presentation. Great job guys!
  8. Dreda a tout dit! Pour avoir eu la chance de découvrir ce travail en avant-première, rarement un principe mathematique ne m'aura paru aussi intéressant au niveau de son rapport adaptabilité (close up comme scène, avec un kurotsuke vraiment génial en effet) - clareté - impact! Pour le "une chance sur trois", Dreda a tout dit aussi ^^ Bref, à acheter sans hésiter, bravo à Pierre et Yves pour leur excellent travail! On sent que non contents d'avoir trouvé une "suite" au principe de Bob Hummer, ils ont cherché loin les applications possibles et chaque routine du pdf apporte vraiment un plus qui augmente chaque fois l'amplitude de ces applications, tout en ne tombant jamais dans le top much. Tout cela donne envie de continuer à chercher des idées autour du principe d'ailleurs, ce côté malléable est stimulant
  9. Faudra que je réessaye alors ^^ je me souviens du conseil mais j'y arrivais pas, j'ai peut-être buggé
  10. J'aime bien l'idée de "the core" mais le reset me semble fort galère
  11. Bonjour, Tout est dans le titre. Le livre est en excellent état (comme neuf) et je recherche donc le Compendium en excellent état également, avec ses deux photos et la la feuille imprimée Psychic Gambler Association. Le Compendium valant un peu plus que le Stutzinger, je peux ajouter une petite compensation paypal pour que l'échange soit équitable Si intéressé(s), à vos MP!
  12. Hop hop again, ce sont les soldes -> 70€ fdpi! + en cadeau la version 1 de PI de Vincent Hedan (mnemonica) + Seven girls de Christian Chelman
  13. Bonjour, Vous cherchez un effet de cartes différent, faisable en impromptu, avec un accessoire intriguant (qui fait presque tout le travail pour vous) qui amusera vos spectateurs? Voici donc Tiny Plunger Fourni avec les gimmick et le dvd présentant plusieurs routines. 29€ fdpi (PayPal) Démo et critique en vidéo:
  14. Bonjour, Tout est dans le titre! l'ensemble en excellent état, comme neuf. 30€ fdpi. psychic trainer: Seven Girls:
  15. Bonjour à tous, Je vends donc ce dvd désormais épuisé, qui était sorti en quantité limitée et uniquement disponible via le site de Richard Osterlind. Dans ce dvd, Osterlind présente des effets de mentalisme en close-up dans les rue de Paris! 35€ fdpi.
  16. Grégory LCMBL

    Trilogie Uri Geller

    Bonjour, Tout est dans le titre, l'ensemble est neuf, fourni bien sûr avec la cuiller dédicacée! (voir photo ci-dessous) 95€ fdpi "This is a complete sell-out from the distributor. We were lucky to receive a few of this Limited Edition, signed copies from Uri Geller. Don’t miss this great opportunity to learn from one of the greatest mentalists ever! Discover the unique, uncensored presentations of the world’s most well-known, investigated and celebrated mentalist of our generation. The Uri Geller Trilogy is an extraordinary LIMITED EDITION signed DVD collection.For the FIRST TIME ever, you will get answers and revelations about his most personal and closely held thoughts.Five hours of insight, advice and incredible stories by one of the most fascinating geniuses of the last one hundred years. Uri even gives advice on what to do if things go wrong… The Uri Geller Trilogy is an unbelievable journey! Filled with mystery and controversy to get a deeper insight into Uri Geller’s unique mind-bending abilities. BONUS! A special gift for those who will act fast enough to purchase this very limited edition of DVDs. You will receive a special spoon, personally bent and signed by Uri Geller along with another original autograph on the DVD’s cover. In this exclusive trilogy you will find: DVD 1 – Uri Geller’s exclusive lecture exposing his most secret, private and inner thoughts. DVD 2 – The very private interview between Uri and his dear friend, the magic super star Franz Harary. DVD 3 – Uri Geller’s biography; the REAL, uncensored story of his life. Forget what you thought you knew about this legend… this biography is raw, intense and unfiltered! “You know, I like Uri Geller. He is a good guy. I think he made many things (happen) with his abilities. I think some of the things he shows are illusion. But I cannot claim for sure, that this applies to everything.” – David Copperfield (from a German TV interview) “I had a most amazing experience at a private party in London a few weeks ago. Uri Geller asked if I had ever seen him bend a spoon and I said only on television. He picked up a large spoon form the table and asked me to join him at the bar. He placed the spoon down and began to stroke it. A small bend appeared. He held it up for me to see and then placed it down again. I looked at it closely and the bend was more pronounced. I was astonished since this happened without any misdirection. He asked if I would like the spoon as a souvenir and I said ‘sure’. He took out a felt tipped pen and signed it. As I walked back to the room I was really taken by surprise. The spoon was now bent at a 75-degree angle. When I tried to bend the spoon, it was too strong for me to move in my bare hands. The bend was not at the weak spot near the spoon but a few inches up from that spot. Uri is fifty-four and looks thirty-five. He is clearly a man apart…” – Barrie Richardson (Professor of management and Dean of The Frost School of Business at Centenary College, USA) “If… he genuinely does what he claims to by the methods he claims to use, then he is the only person in the world who can do it. If on the other hand he is a magician or a trickster or a con-man, he is also phenomenal – the best there has ever been. So, whichever way you want to look at him, we must respect him as one or the other.” – David Berglas (Great Britain’s leading magical entertainer, President of the Magic Circle and holder of numerous international honors – England."
  17. Hop hop, baisse ultime de fin d'année, 76€ fdpi pour le lot! Articles également disponibles séparément, me contacter en MP si intéressé
  18. Hop, c'est bientôt noël, baisse à 70€ fdpi!
  19. Ah désolé je n'avais pas vu, je vais régler ce problème, et de toute façon désolé ils sont vendus
  20. Bonjour à tous, Oyé oyé, avis aux amateurs de mentalisme pratique, intelligent et efficace: je vends la "trilogie complète" des Conspiration(s) de Julien Losa, limitée à 220 exemplaires. En très bon état, fourni avec le matériel nécessaire à l'excellente routine "Vegas Parano". 76€ fdpi. (paiement par paypal ou virement bancaire, préférence pour paypal). Description: Retours: • VM : Conspirations 1 : Conspirations 2 : Conspirations 3 : • Magie test : Conspirations 1 : Conspirations 2 : • Le magigazine : [video:youtube]
  21. Et moi j'ai zero euro, je pense d'ailleurs t'avoir envoyé un mail à ce sujet mais je ne sais pas si tu l'as bien reçu
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